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The 90 best phrases and reflections of Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Douglas Johnson, better known in the art world as "The Rock", is an American actor who stood out for many years as a WWE wrestler before trying his luck in Hollywood. He has won ten world championships between WWE and WCW and among his most outstanding works as an actor are 'The Scorpion King', 'Fast and Furious' and 'Jungle Cruise'.

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Famous Dwayne Johnson Quotes

To know a little more about his career and personal life, we have brought a compilation with the best phrases of Dwayne Johnson from his life and his films that you cannot miss.

1. I like to use the tough times of the past to motivate me today.

It is good to see the past from time to time to learn a little about it.

2. They always ask me: "What is the secret of success?" But there are no secrets. Be humble. Be hungry And always be the one who works the most.

Never believe yourself more than others, just keep your past in mind and thus work hard to have a better future.

3. One of the most important things you can achieve is to be yourself.

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Do not seek to look like others, always be yourself.

4. If something stands between you and success, move it. May they never deny you something.

Don't let anything interfere with the pursuit of your dreams.

5. Success isn't always about greatness. It's all about consistency.

At all times, perseverance is applied to reach the goal.

6. 1995. With only $ 7 in my pocket. I knew two things: I am completely broke and one day I won't be anymore.

It is important to visualize what you want to achieve and thus arrive safely.

7. Attitude and enthusiasm play a very important role in my life.

Do not lose your joy or your way of being, this will take you very far.

8. Do you know why addiction rhymes with brown? Because your whole life turns into fucking shit.

Addictions do not lead to anything good.

9. With action movies, it's great if it's not just driven by action, but by a good story and interesting characters, too. However, there is nothing like kicking butt!

Everything that is done must be done with passion.

10. If I'm going to be the king of something, let it be in the movies.

For Dwayne Johnson, making movies is his passion.

11. Don't be afraid to be ambitious in your goals. The hard work never stops. Neither are your dreams.

It is good to be ambitious if this comes hand in hand with hard work and perseverance.

12. It is essential: go to work, surpass everyone and trust my own hands to get the job done.

Do not depend on anyone, achieve everything with your own efforts.

13. When you walk towards the door of opportunity, don't knock on the door, break it, smile and introduce yourself.

Do not miss any opportunity that comes your way, then it may be too late.

14. I found that with depression, one of the most important things you could realize is that you are not alone.

In difficult moments, there is always someone who shakes our hand.

15. Let your actions speak for you.

Act correctly as that will be your cover letter.

16. Play the game or the game will play with you.

Adjust to difficulties, only then will you go far.

17. The basics: Show up, work harder than everyone else, and rely on your own two hands to achieve your goals.

Focus on standing out in everything you do for yourself.

18. I would never win an award for not loving pizza.

There are things in life that we love with our hearts.

19. I love the 3D revolution. I love today's technology that continues to push the envelope, continues to break new ground, and continues to raise the bar.

Technology has its positive side.

20. The goal for me is always to have the opportunity to work in different genres.

The successful person stands out in whatever it is.

21. I am aware that no matter how good your performance is, when you shoot a scene with a dog it is the dog that takes center stage.

You won't always be the center of attention.

22. The first step to achieving your goal is to take a moment to respect your goal. Know what it means to you to achieve it.

Take a moment every day to think about your goals and how you are going to achieve them.

23. If you do today what others do not do, tomorrow you will achieve what others cannot.

Do not follow others, find your own way.

24. Check your ego at the door. The ego can be the great inhibitor of success. It can kill opportunities, and it can kill success.

Don't let your ego rule you.

25. I will never, never be full. I will always be hungry. Obviously, I am not talking about food. Growing up, I had nothing for so long.

Never stop growing, that is the secret of success.

26. You have to be a beast, that's the only way to be respected.

Try to be strong enough to get ahead.

27. Be the type of person that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil says, hell, he's already woken up.

Prepare and study so that others will fear you.

28. If I were to describe an alien myself, I would say that I am bigger than the average human, that I like to enjoy a drink or two with a good meal and that my head is bigger than most.

We are not the same as others, we are unique.

29. For me it was about the material. It was so well written and it brought the opportunity to work with great actors.

It is good to surround yourself with people who are better and smarter than us.

30. I love making people laugh and feel good, and that's amazing and special for me to be able to do that, but there's really nothing like kicking ass either on a larger scale, or in more ways than one. dramatic.

It is good to do different things, but the fundamental thing is to do what we like.

31. Tattoos are a way of writing the spirit. Symbolically they are stories that are thousands of years old and it is a good idea to illustrate our life.

Tattoos are ways of expressing who we are.

32. When life puts you in tricky situations, don't say "Why me?" Just say "Try me."

Keep going at all times, don't stop.

33. If I can't earn it, then I don't want it.

Earn everything you want to have, success lies there.

34. With the union and a little talent, you can move mountains. I know. Already did.

Cultivate your talents to be able to break down doors.

35. Sometimes you find success and sometimes you don't, but my satisfaction is knowing that I will always control my effort with my own hands.

Effort does not always give the expected result, but there is still the joy of having made an effort.

36. I've learned never to say never.

There is nothing impossible to achieve, if you work hard.

37. Soccer changed my life and gave me a platform to bring out my aggressiveness and gave me a sense of worth.

Sport is a way to drain what makes us feel bad.

38. Sports are important to me, because they played a vital role in my life. They took me off the street when I was getting in trouble and getting arrested.

It is good to practice sports activities.

39. I grew up in a family of musicians; most of my growth was in Hawaii. It is what we do. You sing, you dance, you play the ukulele and you drink.

Music and dance are activities that make life beautiful.

40. My job, my goal, my life, is like a treadmill. There is no stop button on my treadmill. Once I go up, I move on.

The continuous work bears good results.

41. I have always seen lifeguards as unsung heroes and very special people because when everyone else is fleeing danger, they meet him.

In the world there are people who love their work very much and give their best.

42. Training for me is a metaphor for life.

You have to cultivate both the body and the mind.

43. I grew up where, when a door was closed, a window did not open. All it had were cracks. I'd do anything to get past those cracks: scratch, claw, bite, push, bleed.

Life is not that simple, you just have to not give up.

44. Life is anything but predictable.

You always have to fight for what you want.

45. I am not The Rock. I am Dwayne Johnson.

Do not allow yourself to be cataloged, fight to be recognized for who you are, not for what you do.

46. I've been known to have a good couple of steps. I'm half Samoa, you know, and part of our culture is singing and dancing every day.

We must not put aside our roots and where we come from.

47. I am very grateful that I have had many opportunities. I know how important it is that people believe in you even when you don't.

Don't refuse to follow the opportunities that are presented to you.

48. I am very discreet. I don't really mix, so it's hard to go out in public.

Even famous people are somewhat shy.

49. I am convinced that there is potential in all children and I try to help them discover it. So I do everything I can.

Childhood is a stage of dreams that you have to know how to take advantage of.

50. As we all know, the aftermath can be tricky.

Every act has consequences.

51. Now the opportunity is here. The door is wide open, and it's as big as a garage

The time is today, so take advantage of it.

52. Dedication, determination, desire, work ethic, great successes and great failures, I carry all of this into my life.

We have all had successes and failures, that's life.

53. Every time I am on the screen I am realistic because I do not get my shots or anything like that.

You always have to be yourself, even when everything is against you.

54. This life is a fight you have against yourself.

Your closest competitor is yourself.

55. The men I idolized built their bodies and became someone - like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger - and I thought, 'That could be me.' So I started exercising. The funny thing is, I didn't realize at the time that I was having a defining moment.

Look to model people who are really worth it.

56. Sports taught me commitment and sacrifice, they taught me teamwork.

Teamwork is essential for success.

57. I would love to do a musical. I've been known to have a good couple of steps. I'm half Samoa, you know, and part of our culture is singing and dancing every day.

It's good that sometimes we do something different.

58. I do all my stunt scenes. I'm kidding.

There are situations that are complicated, but it is good to know how to face them.

59. Think 5 years ago. Think about where you are today. Think about the next 5 years and what you want to achieve. Be unstoppable.

It is good to look to the past to know where we come from and to look to the future to know what we want and focus on the present to achieve it.

60. I have never been wrong to trust my instincts.

Don't despise your hunches.

61. The path to success and greatness is built with hard work. Outperform your competitors, be authentic, and most of all, pursue your greatness.

Continuous work, perseverance and being yourself is what makes the goal achievable.

62. When you approach the door of opportunity, don't call her... kick that door, smile and introduce yourself.

When the opportunity arrives, do not miss it, fight for it with all your might.

63. My tattoos tell the story of my life.

Tattoos are open books where you can meet their owner.

64. Being physical and taking care of business in the old-fashioned way is something I love to do.

Doing things the traditional way also has its charm.

65. I would also say that I am actually very handsome - especially if it were an alien.

We must believe that we are handsome, even when we think otherwise.

66. Don't focus on the pain. Focus on progress.

Do not focus on suffering, but on how to get out of it.

67. Someone told me a long time ago, and I've never forgotten, 'Once you've been really, really hungry, then you will never, ever be full.'

When something is missing, you will always think about how to recover it.

68. Remember… when you are good at something, you will tell everyone about it. When you are excellent at it, they will tell you.

Do things in such a way that others will highlight them.

69. Wall! Your success is on the other side. You cannot jump or go around it. You already know what to do

Along the way you will find obstacles to knock down.

70. I knew I wanted to become a good actor so I gave up my boxing career. I hoped to make roles that worked and were entertaining.

Fight for what you want.

71. This is a great and exciting part of my career, where I can have the opportunity to work in different genres, And it also recognizes that there are not a lot of actors who have the opportunity and I am grateful for that.

Being grateful for the work you have is a way to attract prosperity to your life.

72. Come on, you can't name a truck after a girl.

There are many ways to court a person.

73. Success in anything always comes down to this: focus and effort. And we control both.

To make dreams come true, you have to focus on the goal and make an effort to achieve it.

74. It is you against yourself.

If you are going to compete, let it be against yourself.

75. You don't need directions, just point to the top and go!

Find a dream and don't stop until you achieve it.

76. If I love you, I show you that I love you every day. Little things, big things.

Love is demonstrated daily.

77. He who wakes up with determination, goes to bed with satisfaction.

Make each day a goal to achieve.

78. The most powerful thing I can do is be myself.

Don't lose your individuality.

79. Grind hard, shine hard.

What is achieved with effort is what gives satisfaction.

80. Not only do I have to be kind and caring easy, but being kind, in my opinion, is important.

Kindness opens many doors.

81. At 23 years old, I failed to achieve the biggest dream of my life. They kicked my butt and I was down, but not out. I refused to give up, got up and moved on.

Despite the defeats, keep going.

82. The sins of London has followed us home.

There are situations that will always have a place in our lives.

83. I get excited about the things that inspire me. I also believe in laughing and having a good time.

Seek to always have a smile on your face, even if problems are present.

84. I like to use the tough times of the past as a means of motivation today.

Learn from the past to find the best path in the present.

85. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come by itself.

Work hard and you will see the rewards.

86. Keep calm and close your mouth.

Complaints are of no use.

87. Blood, sweat, and respect. The first two days. The latter you earn.

May your behavior lead you to earn the respect of others.

88. All success begins with self-discipline. It starts with you.

Discipline helps to achieve dreams.

89. There is no substitute for hard work. Always be humble, but hungry for success.

Practice humility, but work for success.

90. I like to do quiet things, be it a dinner at my house or a restaurant, or a movie night at home.

Family reunions are always fun.

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