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The 110 best welcome phrases

To welcome a person is to let them know that they are received as if they were in their home. It is a way of telling them that their presence is something very precious for the hosts, so it is a pleasant way to cheer up and increase the confidence of someone you love.

In this sense, we will now review the best welcome phrases that you can use both when you have guests and when a loved one or someone special to you arrives in your city or country.

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The warmest and most inspiring welcome phrases

These are several welcome phrases that you can use at any time to receive someone special, whether in your private life or in the professional field.

1. Waking up each day to live life is a gift to be cherished.

Every day is a new opportunity.

2. The power of the welcome is such that it is the only thing capable of causing a soldier to collapse on his return from combat.

When we welcome someone, we recognize them as part of the home.

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3. If you don't greet the day with as much enthusiasm as a rooster does when he crows, you're doing it wrong. Repeat after me: Welcome to today!

How you receive your morning will depend on the rest of your day.

Phrases to welcome a loved one

4. In life there are moments that are special in themselves, but it is always better if you can share it with the people you love. That's why I thank you for being here today. Welcome!

Sharing is also a way of giving a welcome.

5. It is happier than a welcome and sadder than a sigh. (Don Blanding)

The sad thing about a welcome is saying goodbye.

6. An old acquaintance welcomed me, the cat looking at me with his usual disdain. I wish to be a dobermann. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

Cats are the most difficult hosts.

7. Do not despise death, welcome it, it is the will of nature like everything else. (Marcus Aurelius)

Death is part of the nature of life itself.

8. You must welcome change as a rule, but not as your rule. (Denis Waitley)

When you resist change, things get stuck.

9. Welcome your dreams, because thanks to them great things will happen.

Every great goal began as a simple dream.

10. Smiling is the universal way to say: Welcome!

When you smile at someone, you are welcoming them.

11. Welcome to my abode. Enter freely, of your own free will, and leave some of the happiness it brings. (Bram Stokers)

Whoever you welcome into your home becomes part of your family.

12. Welcome to the biggest misinformation in Colombia and the world. (Jaime Garzon)

The world is wrapped in a cloak of misinformation.

13. There are moments in life that are special on their own, but sharing them with the people you love most makes them unforgettable moments.

When we share our joy, it is magnified.

14. Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, it is learning to dance in the rain.

Welcoming bad times allows us to find a better solution to any problem.

15. News must always be welcome.

It is the novelties that allow us to move forward.

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16. The only universal way to welcome is a smile.

When you are nice to someone, they inevitably feel welcome.

17. Welcome each morning with a smile. See each new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity. (Og Mandino)

The way we should see each new day.

18. The stories we love the most live in us forever. So when you turn back, either through the pages or on the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home. (J. K. Rowling)

A paragraph that explains the magic of welcome.

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19. Advice is seldom welcome, and those who need it most want it least. (Earl of Chesterfield)

Not all people want to hear advice, even if they need it.

20. Novelty is always welcome, but images speak. They are just a passing fad. (Irving Thalberg)

That's why you can't get carried away by fashions.

21. They said goodbye and in the goodbye was already the welcome.

When something ends, a new thing begins.

22. Welcome back, you see you can't get rid of me.

As the saying goes: 'bad grass never dies'.

23. Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then it doesn't matter how devout you have been, but they will welcome you based on the virtues they have lived by. (Marcus Aurelius)

Live your life the way you want to live it and don't worry about what you can't control.

24. And this is my life, welcome to the Eminem show. (Eminem)

A welcome to the full life of the artist.

25. With sun or rain every day is a blessing. Welcome a new day!

The weather does not affect the opportunity that we can start again.

26. When you are sad look at the sky and you will realize that the sun is also alone, but it continues to shine.

Space teaches us valuable things, as long as we want to listen to them.

27. You can express your good wishes with many words, but one of the most important is welcome!

A welcome is also a good wish.

28. Welcome events and unwanted people, take care of those who need you, learn to appreciate your enemies and always act with the best intentions.

Even the people who hurt us leave us with valuable lessons for our future.

29. If you can learn to accept, and even welcome, the endings of your life, you may find that the feeling of emptiness, which initially seemed uncomfortable to you, turns into a feeling of inner space that is deeply peaceful. (Eckhart Tolle)

Loneliness is not a moment of despair, but of encounter with ourselves.

30. Welcome to the palace of doubt, to the house of fear. How the tiles of the neighborhood missed your footsteps. (Luis Albert of Cuenca)

Curiosity welcomes us at any time.

31. The most beautiful words in the world are those that do not translate concepts but emotions, one of the most beautiful is Welcome.

Actions are needed to reinforce the meaning of our words.

32. Welcome, enjoy new beginnings.

Take new beginnings to do something you love.

33. We want to make history and if you want to make history you are welcome. (Hugo Sanchez)

Don't close off the opportunity to create or accept the changes.

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34. You are welcome to occupy the position that your duty indicates to you. (Leander Aleman)

When you assume a position, you must ensure that you fulfill all your responsibilities.

35. The simple fact of waking up to live a new day is already a miracle, accept it with humility and rejoice. Welcome!

Every time you wake up it's a new miracle.

36. Difficult problems to solve should be welcomed, as they are an opportunity to evolve and learn something you didn't know.

It is the problems that show us what we are capable of doing.

37. A person who knows how to listen is not only welcome everywhere, but after a while she learned something... (Lisel Mueller)

Knowing how to listen is the most appreciated ability of all.

38. We must welcome the future, remembering that it will soon be past, and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible. (George Santayan)

The future always causes anxiety, but it is a time that sooner or later will come.

39. If you have just arrived, welcome, if you are leaving, come back soon.

If you are a good visitor, the doors will always be open.

40. Welcome and welcome, what a joy it is to know that you are here.

We welcome someone loved that we expect.

41. A man absent for a long time, who returns safely, receives the best welcome from his relatives and friends. (Gautama Buddha)

There is nothing more exciting than welcoming someone who has been away for a long time.

42. You have changed a lot in the time you were away, but you are still that same person that I never stopped missing.

We all change over time, but love can be the same.

43. If you are one of those who say "good morning" when you wake up even if there is no one there, welcome to the club of those who think and live positively!

Having positive practices helps you face the day better.

44. That a person welcomes you in his house is the greatest of gifts, because he is receiving you in the most intimate space of himself and giving you a place in it.

It is a gift that you should cherish with your heart.

45. The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why it's called the present. Receive this gift with much love.

Where you should concentrate in living is in the present, not in what has already happened or in what will come.

46. I don't know how long you'll be here, but whatever it is, I want you to know that I'm happy to be able to share that time with you. Welcome!

It doesn't matter if it's a short time or a long time, being with someone you love is always appreciated.

47. Always keep your soul open to give a warm welcome to each day.

Having an open mind is what allows us to accept changes.

48. I want to say a very sincere thank you for welcoming me home - it's a wonderful welcome home. (MichaelD. Higgins)

At all times it is pleasant to feel welcome at home.

49. We welcome you wholeheartedly.

A good welcome is one that is given from the heart.

50. Let's welcome the season of love.

Never close yourself to love, it can surprise you.

51. When a person welcomes you to his home, it is his greatest sign that he appreciates you, trusts you and sees you as a member of his family.

Which means that someone welcomes you into their home.

52. A new friend is always welcome, as it is a new heartbeat.

Friends are the family we can choose.

53. I welcome the Democrats' ideas on Social Security. I think bipartisan reform is very important. (Jack Kingstone)

Any favorable change is welcome for a nation.

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54. You can, if you think you can, welcome!

Embrace your potential and take it to the next level.

55. Waking up next to you every morning is my greatest reason to welcome each new day with the best of my smiles.

Welcome your love every day.

56. Welcome every morning with a smile. See the new day as another special gift from the creator.

Every morning is the fervent sign that you are alive.

57. And if you have to start again then you start, welcome week.

If you need to start over, do it.

58. Welcome this new week and get ready for all the good things that it has prepared for you.

The way you start your week can determine what you will achieve in this one.

59. If you are not selfish, you will welcome the opportunity to learn more. (John Templeton)

Selfish people never manage to have an open mind.

60. It is not meant to be something in human nature that prefers to think badly, that gives a willing and ready ear welcome to slander, a kind of jealousy, of goodness and greatness and things of good reputation. (Richard LeGallienne)

Human nature is predisposed to social scandals.

61. There is only one person in the world capable of saying welcome to you in 1,000 different ways despite only speaking one language: your mother.

Mothers have their particular way of showing love.

62. Welcome it, because changes must always be received with joy.

When changes are accepted positively, we can use them to our advantage.

63. Your flaws don't matter, at the end of the day what really interests me is that you're here again.

Do not be ashamed of your shortcomings, because you can always have the opportunity to improve.

64. Home is the center, the beginning and the end of most of our lives.

That is why being welcome at home has a very powerful meaning.

65. One is always welcome in the places where he began to love.

Love is one of the greatest and most special welcomes.

66. Welcome to my little home, now relax and be happy.

A home is a relaxation space.

67. Thank you for never giving up, for making a difference and for always trying again in the work team. You are always welcome!

Find a place where your abilities are appreciated.

68. Overcome the fear of death and welcome to the death of fear. (g. Gordon Liddy)

When the fear of death is overcome, we can enjoy life better.

69. A simple hug softens our hearts; it welcomes us and makes life more bearable… (Jackselins Arteaga)

Hugs are small welcomes.

70. Effort, tears and fatigue due to work, but you are welcome!

Every setback and every struggle is welcome to succeed.

71. Goodbye intrinsically carries a welcome, as it means leaving the past behind to receive something new.

When you let go of something, you are opening a space to receive something new.

72. We are happy to have you with us again, so we want to give you our most sincere welcome.

Always show gratitude for having a special person by your side.

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73. Little moments make life bigger. Welcome them!

It's the little moments that build our happiness.

74. The word Welcome has so much power, that it is the only one capable of making a soldier collapse with happiness upon arrival at the airport.

Don't underestimate the power of beautiful words.

75. There is no greater gift than the gift of life. You are welcome!

Life can be hard, but it's our only way of being who we are.

76. Look you in the eye and say welcome. (Ricardo Arjona)

Who would you like to welcome back?

77. You are welcome to take part in this true political and social revolution. (Leander Aleman)

All people looking for a positive change should be welcome.

78. Your poisons are not welcome here, do not let them fill me with fatal remedies. (John Petrucci)

Stay away from people who do not bring positive things in your life.

79. Among the most beautiful things in life, is getting home and someone is waiting for you.

One of the things we appreciate the most, even if we don't mention it.

80. My favorite part of welcomes is the hugs, smiles, and tears of joy.

The ultimate expression of love and appreciation.

81. Another night more, I perceive it; and between whispers I say, hello! Welcome!…me! here, alone again, as I always am!!! (Jacksons Arteaga)

The desire to have the one you love, in the middle of lonely nights.

82. To deserve life is to stand upright beyond evil, beyond falls. It is the same as welcoming the truth and our own freedom. (Eladia Blazquez)

Own your life, don't let anyone control it for you.

83. From the sadness of your absence to the joy of your arrival. Welcome!

A simple word that brings a powerful effect of joy.

84. Welcome to this place, where you belong and where we welcome you with open arms.

When you are welcomed to a place, you can always return there.

85. If you already know that you are going straight home, the trip will never be too complicated.

When we return home, the path is a path of peace.

86. Swagata, Namaste, Dobrodosli, Yôkoso, Benvenuti, Willkommen, Welcome, Welcome!

Different languages, with the same meaning.

87. Any criticism inspired by scientific judgment is welcome. ( Karl Marx)

All criticism should be seen as recommendations for improvement.

88. Welcome. It occurs to me that you are going to arrive differently. (Mario Benedetti)

You can't expect people to be the same all the time, as we are all in constant motion.

89. Kindness is always in fashion and on any occasion it is welcomed by everyone.

The only fashion that can be repeated over the years.

90. A birth is a joy for life. Welcome, little one.

A birth is the greatest of welcomes.

91. Smile at life and good things will come by themselves, welcome.

The secret of having a successful life.

92. People are always going to be tempted to wipe their feet on anything with "Welcome" written on it. (Andy Partridge)

Will this be a good thing or a bad thing?

93. Like a welcome summer rain, humor can instantly cleanse and cool the earth, the air, and you. (Langston Hughes)

Humor has the ability to brighten our day.

94. To everyone who has welcomed Speak Now into their lives, you are the reason we celebrate today. (Taylor Swift)

He uses bad reviews as fuel to go far.

95. A man absent for a long time, who returns safely, receives the best welcome from his relatives and friends. (Buddha)

No matter how long you are away, the people who love you will welcome you with open arms.

96. I crossed the line and became a free person, but I understood that it was strange because no one welcomed me.

In order to grow, there are people we must leave behind.

97. Be able to do something whose consequences are forever.

Dare to bring what you dream to reality.

98. Say goodbye to fear, welcome to life.

When we put fear aside, we manage to acquire a courage that makes us unstoppable.

99. After packing your bags with affection, love and commitment, give yourself the opportunity to experience this new welcome!

Each new adventure is an opportunity that you cannot miss.

100. Never be afraid to start over, there is always a new opportunity to be welcome and to rebuild what you want.

Changes are scary because of the unknown, but if you think positively, they will bring you very good things.

101. Welcome be the pain if it is cause for repentance! (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel)

When you regret something, you can't shut up all your emotions.

102. Saying welcome to someone is the best way to express that you have decided to believe in them.

When we support a person, they gain confidence to make their dreams come true.

103. It doesn't matter how long we have left to live together. I welcome each of our moments together.

Enjoy every moment, because you don't know when it will be the last.

104. An old friend is always welcome back.

Friends are people who are in a very special place in our hearts.

105. Human beings are atheists one and all, yet God will welcome them with all his heart. (Giovanni Papini)

Religions are also welcome.

106. Moment by moment, the winter of life turned into a rose, leaving a reflection: we moved from a goodbye to a welcome.

In life we ​​must welcome the good times and the bad times.

107. People who are sincere are always welcome, wherever they go.

Sincere people earn the trust of those around them.

108. Do not be afraid to dare to do amazing things, remember that you are always welcome when you need help.

Ask for help when you think you need it, there is nothing wrong with that.

109. Even though you haven't been here for a long time, there isn't a day that I don't think of you. Come back whenever you want, because you will always be welcome.

Distance is not an impediment to love.

110. The soul must always be open, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. (Emily Dickinson)

When your soul is open, so is your ability to look at the world in a positive way.

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