91 creative phrases to let your imagination run wild
Throughout the centuries, creative phrases and original reflections Those that have been recorded have been accumulating, evidencing our ability to be ingenious and witty when thinking about the most varied topics.
These creative thoughts and phrases are not only entertaining to read, they are also inviting to reflection and can become something that inspires us to become more creative ourselves themselves.
After all, knowing interesting points of view and that are expressed in an original way through short sentences gives us the opportunity to review our preconceptions and see that there are concepts that are more related to each other than we believed in a beginning.
The best original and creative phrases
The selection of short sentences that you have below can help you develop your own ideas from the reflections that may arise from their reading. However, it is also worth remembering that while many of these short quotes can be shocking and provocative, to develop a philosophy of your own life it is also necessary to dialogue, debate and read texts and books more extensive.
By the way, if you are interested in seeing more interesting phrases, you can always stop by the Instagram account of Psychology and Mind or see these other compilations of selected phrases:
- 125 short positive phrases to live your day to day with optimism
- 101 motivational phrases to focus on success
- 75 philosophical phrases spoken by great thinkers
- 50 phrases of heartbreak and complicated romantic relationships
Below you can see the selection of creative phrases. Let us begin!

1. Miracles are born from difficulties
Jean de la Brùyere talk about the resilience and our ability to overcome adversity.
2. Believe that you can do it and you will be halfway
One of the reflections of Theodore Roosevelt about the ability to believe in oneself.
3. We are facilitators of our own creative evolution
Bill hicks, in another inspirational phrase related to personal development.
4. To draw, you must close your eyes and sing
The Spanish painter Pablo Picasso he uses this allegory to refer to how he understands inspiration.
5. Life is the flower of which love is the honey
Victor hugo captures the relationship between life and love in this poetic way.
6. Be yourself, everyone else is already ordered
As in almost all the witty phrases of Oscar Wilde, ingenuity and a sense of irony are mixed here.
7. Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly disjointed
A reflection on the creativity of William Plomer.
8. Originality is nothing but judicious imitation
Voltaire Thinking out loud.
9. An idea that is not dangerous is not worth calling an idea
Another of the creative thoughts of Oscar Wilde.
10. Everything you can imagine is real
Pablo Picasso, about the scope of our imagination.
11. A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea endures
John F. Kennedy reflect on the imprint left by ideas.
12. Life is the art of drawing without an eraser
A creative thought about life, from John W. Gardner.
13. To define is to limit
Oscar Wilde in one of the popular phrases that are used the most today.
14. Shut up or say something better than silence
The Greek Philosopher Pythagoras, in a somewhat harsh but necessary phrase.
15. The secret to creativity is learning to hide your sources
Albert Einstein ironic about talent and plagiarism.
16. Not being dead is not the same as being alive
AND. AND. Cummings, raises an apparent paradox.
17. Love them all, trust some, harm none
William Shakespeare in one of his phrases most related to morality.
18. Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens
The mythical Jimi Hendrix popularized this phrase that seems to belong rather to a book of Asian philosophy.
19. The greatest enemy of creativity is common sense
Another of the phrases of the renowned painter Pablo Picasso, about creativity and the elements that can undermine it.
20. No artist tolerates reality
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche he talks about the nature of art.
21. Some people feel the rain, others just get wet
One of the best known phrases of Bob marley.
22. Go where there is silence and say something
A very original phrase, from the journalist Amy goodman.
23. A life lived in fear has only been lived half
A well-known proverb.
24. The whole universe has a rhythm, everything dances
The artist Maya angelou talks about the musicality of the situations we experience in our day to day.
25. Life is like jazz... better if it is improvised
A reflection of George gershwin.
26. Life is trying things to see if they work
The writer Ray Bradbury talks about the essence of life.
27. True creativity begins where language ends
Arthur Koestler, about the limits of language.
28. You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche he left some very poetic phrases. This is an example of it.
29. When one educates, two learn
One of the most used quotes when talking about education, authored by Robert Heinlein.
30. Creativity is contagious, pass it on.
Albert Einstein In addition to being a physicist who changed the course of history, he left a good number of creative and inspiring phrases like this.
31. Time is a good healer but a bad beautician
A reflection with a humorous touch, of Lucille S. Harper.
32. Art is not a thing, it is a path
Elbert hubbart reflect on art.
33. To live a creative life we have to overcome the fear of being wrong
Joseph Chilton Pearce, on the factors that limit our creative potential.
34. Without freedom there is no creation
The famous Hindu thinker Jiddu Krishnamurti talks about the nature of freedom.
35. To be brave is to be free
Seneca, in one of the most motivating reflections of him.
36. Sometimes silence is the worst lie
Miguel de Unamuno talks about the serious implications that silence has in some contexts.
37. Beauty, such as pain, causes suffering
Thomas mann, on the double edge of beauty.
38. Flatterers resemble friends as wolves resemble dogs
A very inspired comparison, idea of George Chapman.
39. How banal it is to sit down to write when we have not stood up to live
The Thinker Henry David Thoreau record his vitality in this sentence.
40. Where words fail music speaks
Hans Christian Andersen, about music and its power.
41. Can't shake hands with clenched fists
Indira gandhi, one of the great defenders of pacifism, talks about the need for dialogue.
- More phrases from Gandhi in this article
45. If you've never failed, you've never lived
A very powerful anonymous phrase.
46. We know what we are, but not what we can be
William Shakespeare, in one of his witty phrases about the potential of the human being.
47. Life expands and contracts in proportion to one's bravery
Anaïs Nin she uses a very powerful image to talk about what life is and its relationship to courage.
48. A lie told many times becomes true
Lenin, about the possibility of making a lie an unquestionable idea.
49. It's not your job that you like me, it's mine
A phrase from Byron katie.
50. If you can dream it you can do it
Walt disney, about the possibilities that the simple fact of imagining situations offers us.
51. The satisfied do not love, they fall asleep in habit
Another of the phrases of Miguel de Unamuno, in this case about love and relationships.
52. Music is the poetry of the air
Jean paul richter in a very poetic phrase about music.
53. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet
Jean-Jacques Rousseau refers to the world of flavors to explain in a short sentence one of the facets of patience.
54. Doubt is one of the names of intelligence
The writer Jorge Luis Borges talks about intelligence as something that amounts to managing constant doubts.
55. The best way to fulfill your dreams is by waking up
Paul Valery reflect on the conditions that must be met to achieve the goals.
56. If you are not making mistakes, then you are not making decisions
Catherine Cook, about the courage to assume the possibility of error.
57. We must harden without ever losing tenderness
The Revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara talks about an apparent contrast.
58. There is someone so smart that he learns from the experience of others
Voltaire, in one of his creative and witty quotes about intelligence.
59. Violence is the fear of the ideals of others
Mahatma Gandhi, about violence and what's behind it.
60. A good traveler has no plans
The philosopher Lao Tzu, about one of the qualities of the traveler.
61. We are so limited that we always believe we are right
Goethe, about the illusions that lead us to believe that we can grasp the absolute truth.
62. If you want to learn, teach
The prayer Cicero, in a maxim that has survived more than two thousand years.
63. Adventure may be crazy, but the adventurer must be sane
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, about one of the necessary requirements to embark on an adventure.
64. A good life is inspired by love and guided by the intellect
The philosopher Bertrand Russell, about what he understood as a good life.
65. Silence is the only friend that does not betray
Confucius he expresses here to what extent he valued respect and prudence based on fidelity to traditions.
66. Television is a double-edged sword with which even the viewer can commit suicide
Virginia Vilanova, on the risks of television and the information it transmits.
67. The world is nothing more than a canvas for your imagination
An imaginative phrase from the great writer Henry David Thoreau.
68. Virtue can only flourish among equals
Mary Wollstonecraft, in a reflection on equality.
69. Every moment is gold for those who know how to see it as such
Henry miller, on the importance of valuing the good moments that life offers us.
70. Intelligence, without ambition, is a bird without wings
Salvador Dali, the famous Catalan painter, in a phrase that overflows creativity.
71. Good artists know what to leave out
Charles de Lint, on the need to select only what is good and necessary.
72. Life is a long lesson in humility
James M. Barrie, in a reflection aloud.
73. We admire things for reasons but love them for no reason
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, in a phrase that will leave you thinking. Certainly, love does not usually come from rational channels.
74. The urgent tends to undermine the necessary
Mao Tse Tung, the mythical Chinese communist leader, in a phrase that can be interpreted in many ways.
75. In art, the obvious is a sin
Edward Dmytryk reveals his vision of artistic creation.
76. It is useless to go back to what has already been and has already ceased to be
The pianist Frédéric Chopin on the ephemerality of human existence.
77. We live in a rainbow of chaos
Paul cezanne, the magnificent painter, in a sublime metaphor.
78. A starving dog just has faith in meat
Anton Chekhov he left us many creative thoughts, like for example this one. How do you interpret it?
79. Man hates those who make him suffer his own inferiority
A phrase that can awaken our creative side, from Earl of Chesterfield.
80. The less routine, the more life
Amos Bronson Alcott, a plea to get out of our comfort zone.
81. Take some time to pick a friend, but it takes even longer to change it
Benjamin Franklin, about friendship and the processes of change.
82. The supreme art of the teacher is to awaken joy from creative expression
One of Albert Einstein's phrases about creativity.
83. The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe in
This reflection of Gustave Flaubert emphasizes the process of self-knowledge that occurs when writing an original work.
84. Creativity is allowing yourself the luxury of making mistakes
Scott adams offers us one of the creative phrases that value the freedom we have when producing new things.
85. Having a vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others
Jonathan Swift talks about the power that gives us to see beyond the apparent to the point of detecting potentialities.
86. Our actions flow from three essential sources: desire, emotion and knowledge.
A theoretical proposal of Plato aimed at explaining human behavior.
87. Personality is everything in art and poetry
A reflection of Goethe about the passions and motivations that guide the creation of art.
88. Hate is blind, just like love
The great passions are able to cloud our rationality. A phrase from Oscar Wilde.
89. I have discovered that if you love life, it will reciprocate
This inspiring reflection is from Arthur Rubinstein.
90. Art is the only way to run away without leaving home
This reflection on the use of art as escapism is of Twyla tharp.
91. Stay true to the dreams of your youth
A recommendation from Friedrich Schiller.