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The 80 best phrases about Water

Water is one of the most valuable elements we have on our planet, since it not only gives life to plants, but is also a vital source for ourselves. Life is not possible without water.

At the end of the day, we must drink 8 glasses of water a day and bathe. Can you imagine that you couldn't do this? Or that you did it in a limited way? This is exactly what can happen if we do not take better care of the water on our planet and give it the importance it needs.

  • We recommend you read: "How to save water at home (with 12 efficient tricks)"

Best phrases about water

To remind us of its value and help to be aware of its use, we bring in this article the best phrases about water.

1. If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. (Loran Eisely)

Water has the wonderful power to keep us alive.

2. Water is the driving force of all nature. (Leonardo da Vinci)

All living things need water to stay strong and healthy.

3. Water, air and cleaning are the main products of my pharmacy. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

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For this French military man, health is achieved by drinking water, breathing pure air and having a clean and orderly environment.

4. All the water in the rivers would not be enough to wash the bloody hand of a murderer. (Aeschylus of Eleusis)

The Greek philosopher considered that the conservation of every source of water is essential to keep us alive.

5. Water is critical for sustainable development, including the integrity of the environment and the alleviation of poverty and hunger, and is essential for human health and well-being. (United Nations)

In the world there are regions that lack drinking water and cannot enjoy the benefits offered by this vital liquid.

6. What beautifies the desert is that somewhere it hides a well of water. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

In every corner of the world there is a source of water.

7. Thousands have lived without love and not one without water. (W.H. Auden)

The human being is capable of living without company, but not without water.

8. Water is the only drink of the wise man. (Henry David Thoreau)

This writer explains, through this phrase, that even when there are endless drinks, the only one that helps maintain health and life is, without a doubt, water.

9. The children of a culture are born in an environment rich in water. We have never really learned how important water is to us. We understand it, but we don't respect it. (William Ashworth)

There are communities in the world that lack the vital liquid and even when it is public knowledge, most people do nothing to solve the situation.

10. The value of the water is not appreciated until the well dries up. (English proverb)

This proverb warns that we have to take care of the water tributaries to avoid their destruction.

11. The cure for everything is always salty water: sweat, tears or the sea. (Isak Dinesen)

The sea represents, for many people, an oasis where sorrows are released.

12. Water and land, the two essential fluids on which life depends, have become global garbage cans. (Jacques-Yves Cousteau)

Pollution has been the cause of the serious deterioration suffered by rivers, seas, oceans and soils around the world.

13. We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one and the same. (Jacques-Yves Cousteau)

Without life there is no water and without water there is no life.

14. Because without you I would not have discovered the ancient mine of my poetry like a jug of water in the desert. (Pablo de Rokha)

The Chilean poet, through poetry, makes us understand the importance of water as a source of life.

15. Of all the activities on our planet, no force is as great as the hydrological cycle. (Richard Bangs and Christian Kallen)

Water is always in constant motion and any alteration in its cycle causes problems in the different habitats of the planet.

16. A little water is a sea to an ant. (Afghan proverb)

We must not waste even a drop of water.

17. The water wears the stone. (Book of Job, XIV, 9)

This biblical quote makes us reflect on the importance of water in our life and for the planet.

18. Water was something he loved, something he respected. He understood the beauty and dangers of water. He spoke of swimming as if it were a way of life. (Benjamin Alire Sáenz)

The vital liquid demands respect, consideration and protection in order to survive.

19. I don't drink water, fish fornicate in it. (William Claude Fields)

This controversial comedian makes it clear that water is also a source of life for other species besides humans.

20. There is no life without water. (Albert Szent-Gyorgyi)

There is nothing clearer than this phrase.

21. All the water there will ever be, we have it right now. (National Geographic)

The water reservoirs we currently have may not exist tomorrow if the necessary measures are not taken.

22. Water is the best of all things. (Pindar)

This Greek poet explains, in a few words, that water is one of the most precious things that human beings have.

23. You can lead a horse into the water, but you cannot force it to drink. (John Maynard Keynes)

We can do awareness campaigns for water prevention, but we cannot guarantee that they are carried out.

24. Although we sink sadness into our fists and we close each wound with kisses, love overflows in our heads like a fatal, inflamed water. (Jorge Debravo)

The Costa Rican poet remarks that water is so important that sometimes we ignore it.

25. High-quality water is more than a conservationist's dream, more than a political slogan; High-quality water, in its proper quantity and location, is essential for health, recreation, and economic growth. (Edmund S. Muskie)

The water reservoirs must be protected to guarantee the cordial development of human activities.

26. The only way to become aware of the importance of water is to go thirsty.

When thirst invades us and we can satisfy it, we understand what it really means to take care of water.

27. The cure for everything is always salty water: sweat, tears or the sea. (Karen Blixen)

Just as man dies when blood is lacking, the planet dies when water is not present.

28. What does the fish know about the water where it swims all its life? (Albert Einstein)

When we have an abundance of something, we never think of scarcity.

29. Water is sensitive chaos. (Novalis)

If we don't have water, chaos takes hold of us.

30. Water = Life. Conservation = Future. (Anonymous)

Without conservation there is no water. And without water there is no future.

31. When we protect our oceans we protect our future. (Bill Clinton)

For former President Clinton, ocean pollution puts the future of the earth at risk.

32. Water has become a very valuable resource. There are some places where a barrel of water costs more than a barrel of oil. (Lloyd Axworthy)

In many parts of the world, there are people who do not enjoy clean water.

33. Water that you should not drink, let it run. (Spanish saying)

If you don't need water, save it. Don't waste it.

34. When my thoughts are anxious, restless and bad, I go to the seashore, and the sea drowns them and sends them away with its great broad sounds, it purifies it with its noise, and imposes a rhythm on everything that is disoriented and disoriented in Me. confused. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

There is nothing more pleasant than listening to the sound of the sea.

35. Something will have the water when they bless it. (Proverb)

Water is the most vital thing we can have along with air.

36. We will never recognize the value of water until the well is dry. (Thomas Fuller)

Only when we no longer have water, will we recognize its value.

37. When the well is dry we know the value of water. (Benjamin Franklin)

Again we are reminded, in this sentence, of the value we place on things when we lose them.

38. In some rivers it is a crime to take fish; in others, it is a miracle. (Richardson)

The pollution of the rivers is so great that it is almost impossible that there is any trace of life there.

39. I see that we have done a lot of damage to Mother Earth. I see that we are drawing water from streams in areas that belong to the animals. (Winona LaDuke)

This American environmentalist makes us see that the bad practices of man are contributing to alter life on the planet.

40. The most basic human rights are at risk when the health of the oceans is not respected. (Pope Francisco)

The Holy Father draws our attention with this phrase and leads us to preserve the marine environment of the oceans.

41. If man does not learn to treat the oceans and forest rain with respect, he will become extinct. (Peter Benchlev)

Man, with his bad behavior towards nature, will end with his destruction.

42. Dirty water cannot be washed. (West African proverb)

Sometimes it is useless to compensate the negative effects of pollution in the seas.

43. Light north, dark south,... downpour for sure. (Chilean saying)

When a dangerous situation arises, it is most likely that it cannot be controlled.

44. In the world there is nothing more submissive and weak than water. However, to attack what is hard and strong nothing can overcome it. (Lao Tzu)

Water may seem somewhat gentle, but at times it turns into a monster.

45. The most dangerous drink is water, it kills you if you don't drink it. (The Perich)

Water is so significant that our lives depend on it.

46. The basic rights of a human being are access to school, food, medical care and clean water. (Gelila Bekele)

Having drinking water at our disposal is as important a right as food and medicine.

47. My books are like water, those of great geniuses are like wine. Luckily everyone drinks water. (Mark Twain)

Even when we have many types of drinks on hand, none can substitute for water.

48. With the May water hair grows like the mane of a horse. (Spanish saying)

Water is not only essential to keep us hydrated. It also helps us keep our exterior clean.

49. If the water is shallow it cannot hold a boat; but water from a bowl poured into a small hole can make a boat out of a single blade of grass. (Zhuangzi)

The immensity of the water is relative.

50. Water is the mother soul of life and the womb, there is no life without water. (Albert Szent Gyorgi)

In this sentence it is shown that water is the source of life.

51. Rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams all have different names but they all contain water. This is how religions are: they all contain truths. (Muhammad Ali)

Since the beginning of time, the vitality of water has been kept in mind.

52. It is a curious situation that the ocean, from which life first emerged, is now threatened by the activities of a life form. But the ocean, even if it changes in a sinister way, will continue to exist. The threat is rather to life itself. (Rachel Carson)

Within the oceans there are countless marine lives that are at risk due to the pollution that prevails in them.

53. A woman is like a tea bag, we don't know our true strength until we are in hot water. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

It is in difficult situations that we know the magnitude of our courage.

54. It's raining. And the water falls without relief on the stones, hungry for rain. Here in my heart, how it stirs; here in my heart, how it rains. (Julia Prilutzky)

Water is the only thing that quenches the most intense thirst.

55. Between the earth and the atmosphere, the amount of water remains constant; there is never one more drop or one less drop. It is a story of circular infinity, of a planet giving life to itself. (Linda Hogan)

The only way we can prevent the water from running out is to take care of it now.

56. All the water you waste today is what you will need tomorrow.

This phrase captures how important it is to save water.

57. When you protect water, you protect life.

Remember that human, animal and plant life revolves around water.

58. Drop by drop the water runs out.

Every wasted drop is an end to future water reserves.

59. Water is the gaze of the earth, her apparatus to contemplate time. (Paul Claudel)

The land without water is like a nest without birds.

60. I want to go back to girls' lands; take me to a soft country of waters. In great pastures grow old and make the river fable and fable. (Gabriela Mistral)

With this poetry, Gabriela Mistral pays tribute to water.

61. It is the worst of times but also the best because we still have a chance. (Sylvia Earle)

Even when the levels of pollution are high, we can fight to restore the health of the planet.

62. I never drink water because of the nasty things fish do in it. (WC Fields)

Another irreverent phrase about the home of the fish and what they do in it.

63. Water is the element and principle of things. (Thales of Miletus)

Water represents life and everything revolves around it.

64. The water walks barefoot through the wet streets. (Pablo Neruda)

This famous writer teaches us that the waste of drinking water has its consequences.

65. Only we humans produce garbage that nature cannot digest. (Charles Moore)

Man is solely responsible for the pollution prevailing on the planet and its consequences.

66. You must be a lotus flower, unfolding its petals to the sky when the sun rises, without being affected by the mud in which it is born, or even the water that supports it. (Sai Baba)

Plants and animals also need clean water to live.

67. The air is so charged with humidity that you only have to close your eyes to give yourself the illusion that you are at the edge of a stream, whose calm waters run silently. (Élisée Reclus)

Water, even when it is present in the environment in the form of dew and humidity and refreshes us, does not contribute to increasing the amount of drinking water.

68. A drop of water is worth more than a bag of gold to a thirsty man. (A stranger)

When we are thirsty, we usually only think about drinking a glass of fresh water.

69. There may be water everywhere and not a drop to drink. (Samuel Coleridge)

By not taking care of drinking water tanks, even when water is found in the sea, human life is in danger.

70. Water has a perfect memory and is always trying to get back to where it was. (Toni Morrison)

By modifying the riverbeds, you run the risk of causing a bigger problem.

71. Sun, water and exercise perfectly preserve the health of people who enjoy perfect health. (Noel Clarasó)

Having a good exercise and hydration routine is a great way to stay healthy.

72. Glory is like a circle of water that never ends widening, until by dilation it is lost in nothingness. (William Shakespeare)

This writer, with his magic pen, calls our attention to conserve water.

73. All communities have the right to clean water. (John Salazar)

Water should not be a luxury, but a basic and accessible good for everyone.

74. Water equals time and makes beauty double. (Joseph Brodsky)

Water is beneficial for both indoor and outdoor health.

75. Wealth is like seawater; the more we drink, the thirstier we feel. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Here we have a very explicit comparison of how important it is to keep a balance between things.

76. Our survival is intimately linked to the food we eat, the water we drink, and the places where we live. For this reason, we must promote responsibility and conservation of natural resources. (Mark Udall)

By protecting nature we are contributing to the survival of human beings.

77. In this pure water the rich cool off and so do the bears. (Shiki Masaoka)

Not only people depend on the freshness of the water, but also the animals that live in the wild.

78. I wash my feet. The water comes out of the bucket like spring! (Yosa Buson)

Water is not only to quench thirst. We also use it to cleanse our body.

79. If you could make clean water for the world tomorrow morning, you would have done the best you can to improve human health and environmental quality. (William C. Clark)

You contribute with small gestures to maintain and take care of the environment.

80. Even the smallest waterfall resounds, fresh is its water. (Kobayashi Issa)

Nature is so wise that, despite the attacks of man, it always has surprises.

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