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75 phrases of encouragement to support a loved one

It is not unusual that at certain times we have emotional relapses, where negative feelings invade our minds and paralyze our body, leaving us almost unable to move on and even to make our life in a regular. Leaving us unmotivated to continue what we do, questioning where our future is heading, drowning in deep insecurities and sometimes with a emotional void that leaves us lost.

It is natural that we have these feelings as we said before, but what we must avoid at all costs is to get stuck in them. That is why it is important to surround ourselves with positive people who encourage us to overcome our problems or If we meet someone who is having a bad time, try to encourage them and help them get up.

  • It may interest you: "70 famous phrases about happiness to live with more joy"

Thus, we bring in this article the best phrases of encouragement and encouragement so you can support that person who needs it most.

Encouragement phrases to give encouragement to a loved one

With these phrases you can help your loved ones to overcome difficult moments

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While they may seem like mere words, they are sometimes what is most needed in troubled times.

1. You don't have to despair if you've missed an opportunity or failed, you just have to remember that life starts over every five minutes.

Just because we have missed an opportunity does not mean that we do not have new opportunities to emerge.

2. Do not worry about what is to come, worry about recovering and resting.

To be successful we need to be at peace with ourselves.

3. When forces fail, spirits falter. Only you are able to find your breath in the undergrowth (Juan Armando Corbin)

It is normal for you to feel bad when you have lost something, but it is your decision if that stops you from moving forward.

4. My feet are my only vehicle, I have to keep pushing myself forward, but while I'm leaving, I want to tell you: Everything will be fine. (Bob Marley)

You need to have a positive attitude to successfully face all of life's trials.

5. Don't worry, only the one who is standing falls. The ones that have never fallen, it's because they've probably crawled their entire lives.

Mistakes should be seen as a lesson that we cannot avoid, but from which we can learn a lot.

6. Life is 10% what happens to us, and 90% how we react to it. (Charles Swindoll)

The way we perceive the experiences of our lives can determine the way we live it.

7. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. (Arthur Ashe)

You need to be confident in your abilities and abilities to learn so that you can be successful in the future.

8. The key is to see each of the walls that you come across as steps leading to your goal.

How do you deal with obstacles?

9. The tears shed by a situation like this are totally worthy.

Never underestimate or minimize your feelings in a circumstance, but do not let yourself be overwhelmed by them.

10. Your circumstances may not be to your liking, but they should not remain the same if you conceive an ideal and strive to achieve it. (James Allen)

The only one who has the power to change your situation and improve it, is yourself.

11. Failure is not falling, failure is refusing to get up.

You are not a failure because you made a mistake or because something did not go well for you. You are when you refuse to learn from them and improve.

12. Don't let failure remain failure; turn it into a lesson.

A mantra that we should all practice.

13. Everything you need to achieve your goals is already in you.

Never underestimate what you can become capable of, all you need to do is learn how to do it.

14. I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. (Jimmy Dean)

If the environment doesn't suit you, try to adapt to it until you can change it.

15. Taking strength again helps us to take up the challenges.

Every time we fall and get up, we bring with us a little more value that accumulates over time to make us indestructible.

16. Don't look back and ask: Why? Look ahead and ask yourself: Why not? (Alberto Mur)

If you want to try something, do it! Regret will weigh more in the future.

17. If you have to cry today cry, because one day you will laugh at the problems you have now.

That which distresses you today will become a fun memory tomorrow.

18. My biggest illusion is to continue to have illusions. (José Narosky)

Never stop dreaming, because that keeps your mind active.

19. It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop.

Life is not about a race, it is about successfully reaching your goal.

20. Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to think, not to wonder, not to imagine, not to obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out.

To find an ideal solution, you need to shut down the noisy storm in your mind, so you can see more clearly.

21. If you think you can, you're already halfway there. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Half the job to get to the top is believing that you can get there.

22. Walking away to regain strength is not a sin.

You don't need to stay strong all the time, it's good that sometimes you admit that you need help.

23. Twenty years from now you will regret the things you did not do, so let go of the ropes and sail out of your comfort zone, look for the wind in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. (Mark Twain)

A phrase that is self explanatory.

24. Fight for your dreams, for your ideals. The roads are seldom full of roses, most of them are full of thorns.

Your goals should always come first.

25. I'll go anywhere, as long as it is forward. (Dr. Livingstone)

Looking back is just a waste of time and effort.

26. Even the darkest nights end with sunrise. (Victor Hugo)

These problems that you are going through now will sooner or later end.

27. You are not going to dominate the rest of your life in one day. Just relax. Rule the day. So keep doing that every day.

If thinking about the future stresses you, then make each day a different goal to achieve.

28. A successful man is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks that others have thrown at him. (David Brinkley)

Use the criticism of others to strengthen yourself.

29. At certain times it is better to leave things to rest.

Rest brings healing to the turmoil that our body and mind are subjected to on a daily basis.

30. Life is an opportunity, take advantage of it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, reach for it. Life is a challenge, face it, Life is a game, play it. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Life brings many changes because it is in constant dynamism, so do not fight against it, just go with the flow.

31. The success of life is not in always winning, but in never giving up.

Fall down, cry, regret, but never stop getting up again.

32. Courage is not the absence of fear, but fear together with the will to continue. (Feliciano Franco de Urdinarrain)

Fear will always be present, so we must have the courage to face it.

33. The dream of those who are awake is hope. (Charlemagne)

Hope is what motivates us to dream of a better future and do what we can to achieve it.

34. Sometimes when you are in a dark place, you think you have been buried, but you have actually been planted.

Having a bad time is not synonymous with the fact that your dreams have come to an end.

35. The more difficult the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. (Thomas Paine)

When you achieve your goals, you will see the importance of having crossed all those obstacles.

36. Suffering always teaches us something, it is never in vain.

Never underestimate the lessons you will learn from each failure.

37. Hope is the ability to see that there is light despite all the darkness (Desmond Tutu)

When you feel overwhelmed by your problems, have a small part of your mind attentive that can focus on a solution.

38. The kite rises higher against the wind, not with it. (Winston Churchill)

Simple things are never profitable in the future.

39. Accepting what has happened is the first step in overcoming the consequences of any misfortune. (William James)

Don't fight what happened, come to terms with it and then get over it to move on.

40. If you choose hope, everything will be possible.

When we choose to remain positive, it will be easier to cope with what awaits us.

41. The people whose life is going well are the people who go in search of the circumstances they want and, if not, find them. (George Bernard Shaw)

There are opportunities that come, but there are some that we must look for on our own.

42. Always keep in mind that: "He who limps, still walks."

Just because you've made a mistake doesn't mean you can't do it right next time.

43. Some call reasoning to find arguments to continue believing what they believe. (Anonymous)

The most important thing to keep in mind is to believe in yourself and not look for excuses for your circumstances.

44. You are like a diamond, it is impossible to break!

Remember that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So with each failure, you become more expert.

45. There is something in you that the world needs.

Remember that you have something special to offer, so dedicate yourself to find out.

46. If I persist long enough, I will win. (Og Mandino)

Keep insisting on what you want to do and you can enjoy the glory.

47. Life has a dark side and another that is bright, and it is up to us to choose the one we like the most (Samuel Smiles)

Our whole life is filled with both difficult and joyous moments, but we are the ones who decide to focus.

48. Surrendering to adversity is showing yourself on their side. (Diego de Saavedra Fajardo)

When you decide to pay extra attention to your mistakes, you are only approaching failure.

49. Only in our darkest hours can we discover the true strength of the bright light within us that cannot be dimmed. (Doe Zantamata)

The strength to overcome every difficulty is within us.

50. When something bad happens to you you have 3 options: let it mark you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.

Which option would you decide?

51. Life is what happens by your side while you make other plans (John Lennon)

You need to have a life plan to stick to, but don't make the mistake of making it strict, but flexible.

52. We do not understand the value of moments until they have become memories. So do what you want to do, before it becomes what you wish you had done.

It is better to do something that you may not be able to continue, than to be left with the doubt of knowing what would have happened when you tried.

53. Doors may close, but you can open windows.

Do not hold on to something that happened, look for that opportunity you need for your future.

54. Here's a piece of advice I once heard from a young man: "Always do what you fear to do." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Conquering our fears, doing something we want to do despite our doubts, is the greatest victory of all.

55. In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning: your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room. Your mind is incredibly cool. You are so much more than enough. And you are doing an amazing job in life.

A mantra that we should all repeat ourselves daily.

56. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

When you reach your goal, do your best to stay on top.

57. Do not make a draft of your life, you may not have time to clean it up.

Whatever you do, make it your primary action plan and if you have a secondary one, make it something that makes you feel satisfied.

58. The first step is to say that you can (Will Smith)

Do not close yourself off from the unknown, because you can always learn to do new things.

59. There is nothing more admirable and heroic than to draw courage from the very bosom of misfortunes, and to relive with each blow that should kill us. (Louis-Antoine Caraccioli)

When you get up after every fall or apply the knowledge gained from a mistake, celebrate it.

60. Only through the night does one arrive at the morning. (JRR Tolkien)

It is impossible to live happiness without experiencing a degree of sadness.

61. Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; They are there to help you discover who you are. (Bernice Johnson Reagon)

Many tend to mistakenly think that when an obstacle arises it is because something bad has been done, when in reality it is a challenge to assess capabilities.

62. Always remember that you are braver than you think, stronger than you look, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you imagine.

Always remember that you are much, much more than you think.

63. When you stop chasing the wrong things, the right one comes and catches you (Juan Huarte de San Juan)

Once you put aside that which is holding you back, you can clearly see what benefits you.

64. If you can't stop thinking about something, don't stop working to get it.

Do you have something that you want and for which you should strive?

65. In the middle of the difficulty is where you will find the opportunity. (Albert Einstein)

It is when we are in really tough times that our strength emerges.

66. Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakup to have undeniable breakthrough.

The things that cause us the most pain can then bring us a lot of peace.

67. Most great people have achieved their greatest success, just one step beyond their greatest failure. (Napoleon Hill)

If you want to find motivation, then read the work of great personalities, you will see that they too came out of nowhere.

68. Hard times never last long, but tough people do (Robert H. Schuller)

If something has to be tough, it's you.

69. A problem ceases to be a problem if it has no solution. (Eduardo Mendoza)

If you can't find a known exit, then find a new course.

70. A hero is an ordinary person who finds the strength to endure and persevere despite overwhelming obstacles. (Christopher Reeve)

Every person who finds his motivation despite the disadvantageous circumstances, are worthy of admiration.

71. Why do you care? If you have done the best you can, worrying will not be able to solve it.

There are things that, no matter how much effort you put into something, we cannot solve. That is because they have come to an end.

72. The only part where "success" appears before "work" is in the dictionary (Vidal Sassoon)

You will achieve nothing if you do not work towards it.

73. Good things happen to those who wait for them. The best to those who go for them ...

You may have your chance in time, but if you put your best into finding your moment, you will have better results.

74. It is impossible to beat someone who never gives up.

Whoever does not give up, always has the courage to move on.

75. Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. (Robert H. Schuller)

Do not stop in front of an inconvenience, study it, analyze it and find a way to overcome it.

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