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The 90 best phrases of sacrifice

The term "sacrifice" can be interpreted as an act of courage to move towards a better future through effort.

On the other hand, the ability to sacrifice can be a determining ability to achieve long-term goals by investing motivation, energy and resources in the present. Thus, it is often related to patience and discipline.

In the following lines you will find a selection of the best sacrificial phrases, which can serve as inspiration or as an invitation to reflect on this phenomenon.

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The most memorable sacrifice phrases

These are several quotes and reflections on sacrifice, briefly commented, ideal for understanding this aspect of life.

1. For the woman, love is always self-sacrifice, the sacrifice of identity, will and bodily integrity, in order to fulfill and redeem the masculinity of her lover. (Andrea Dworkin)

Talking about the gender implications behind the concept of sacrifice.

2. If you look at my success, look also at my sacrifice. (Bernardo Stamateas)

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Behind every success there are countless obstacles overcome, but the latter do not usually receive as much attention.

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3. Follow your passion, prepare to work hard and sacrifice and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams. (Donovan Bailey)

If you follow your passion, you should try to fully commit to it.

4. Continuous, tireless and persistent effort will win. (James Whitcomb Riley)

Effort maximizes our chances of reaching our goals, and therefore it is a fundamental element for progress.

5. A great achievement is usually born out of a great sacrifice, and it is never the result of selfishness. (Napoleon Hill)

Therefore, you should be proud of all your triumphs without feeling guilt.

6. Sacrificing yourself is not synonymous with suffering. It is synonymous with the fact that we persevere and bet on what we really want.

The positive way of looking at the capacity for sacrifice.

7. Good luck is a sham. True success requires sacrifice. (Rick Riordan)

We make luck according to our actions.

8. We gave real forms to a ghost, of the ridiculous invention of the mind, and already made the idol, we sacrificed our love on its altar. (Gustavo Adolfo Béquer)

Talking about blind worship.

9. The value of a feeling is measured by the amount of sacrifice you are prepared to make for it. (John Galsworthy)

A relationship should be made up of two people who support each other.

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10. A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood. (George Patton)

It is better to make a sacrifice today for a reward than to regret it in the future.

11. Freedom requires sacrifice: it is a duty before being a right. And freedom should not be confused with debauchery; if you do that, you lose it. (Oriana Fallaci)

Freedom is being responsible for our actions.

12. There is only one effectively redemptive sacrifice, the sacrifice of one's own will to make room for the knowledge of God. (Aldous Huxley)

Faith is a great motivator for many.

13. That is the sacrifice my father made. The gift he had for me. (Giorgio Cantarini)

Parents always make great sacrifices for the welfare of their children.

14. Great success requires a greater sacrifice. (Sachin Prabhu)

Sacrifice is everything you put aside to move forward.

15. Learn to manage your states, you can be the most talented of all, but if you let yourself be overcome emotionally, you will achieve nothing. (Jordan Belfort)

A phrase to remind us of the importance of taking care of our mental health.

Reflections on sacrifice

16. Success is not an accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, study, sacrifice and above all, love for what you are doing or learning to do. (Pele)

The result of your work is equivalent to the effort you put into it.

17. It doesn't matter how many times you fail. If you persevere and put your focus on the motivation for your sacrifice, the time will come when you will achieve it.

Perseverance is essential to achieve any goal.

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18. There is no triumph without sacrifices, nor obstacles that last a hundred years except that of the politician.

All success requires various sacrifices.

19. All pain, sacrifice, work or joy has a single reason that sustains them: The Love of God. (Jerónimo usera)

God as an absolute guide.

20. Freedom is the only objective worthy of the sacrifice of the lives of men. (Simon Bolivar)

A goal that must always be pursued.

21. The money devoted to charity has no merit if it does not represent a sacrifice, a deprivation. (Cesare Cantú)

Helping others must have great significance.

22. Before sacrificing yourself for him, think one thing: Would he do the same for you? (Khaled Hosseini)

A relationship must be equitable in terms of sacrifices.

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23. The law of sacrifice is uniform throughout the world. To be effective, it requires the sacrifice of the bravest and the most flawless. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Very few people can make it to the top without making any sacrifices.

24. A wise man once said: you can have whatever you want if you sacrifice everything else. What he really wanted to say is that there is nothing that does not have a price, so before you fight you better think about what you want to lose.

Everything you want has a price, dedication.

25. There is no victory without sacrifice…

Every achievement has a history of overcoming behind it.

26. Success is a simple measure of commitment, sacrifice and pain one endures to achieve a dream.

Success is a succession of learned failures.

27. Bad things happen in life, it's true. But the key is to see things as they are and not worse than they really are. (Jordan Belfort)

Focus on finding solutions, rather than magnifying problems.

28. You have to fight to achieve your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard to achieve it. (Lionel Messi)

You can only make your dreams come true if you work hard for it.

29. Having a purpose is the first step in learning to sacrifice, innovate and progress.

Have a plan for your future and you will have a horizon to cover.

30. Pray often, because prayer is a shield for the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a blow to Satan. (John Bunyan)

One way to view sentences.

31. Love is sacrifice, it is only possible when it emerges from itself to live in the other. (Søren Kierkegaard)

The sacrifice that is presented in love.

32. Let's all make the sacrifice of our lives, if this sacrifice is useful, but let's not be cowards. (Lord Byron)

All sacrifice must have a beneficial purpose.

33. Those who sacrifice completely are praised and admired, this is the quality of character that we like to find in others.

Those who manage to overcome adversity become great examples of success.

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34. There has to be something in the books, things we cannot imagine to make a woman stay in a burning house. There must be something there. You don't sacrifice for anything. (Ray Bradbury)

Books have a special magic behind them.

35. You cannot achieve paradise without sacrifices. (Julia Navarro)

To get high, you have to learn from your mistakes.

36. It is only logical that where there is sacrifice, there is no one to collect the sacrificial offerings. Where there is service, there is someone to serve you. (Ayn Rand)

Thank all those who offer a service that you enjoy.

37. All the sacrifices that poverty demanded, they fulfilled with resignation. (Franz Kafka)

In poverty, there are not many options for people.

38. Your success is determined by what you are willing to sacrifice for it. (Anonymous)

So your success only depends on you.

39. The desire that is born in your heart to do something good is the proof that God sends you that it is already yours. (Denzel Washington)

Trust your abilities.

40. Let's sacrifice our present so that our children can have a better tomorrow. (Abdul Kalam)

Everything you do today will affect your tomorrow.

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41. Before saying that something is impossible, first reflect and think if it really is.

Most of our limitations are in our mind.

42. Who among us lives without making certain sacrifices? (Elizabeth Gilbert)

It is almost impossible not to make some sacrifice throughout our life.

43. Love rejoices in self-denial and sacrifice. (François-René de Chateaubriand)

Love must have a balance between commitment and passion.

44. In this world nothing useful or great is achieved without effort or sacrifice. (Adolf Kolping)

All great dreams are achieved with hard work.

45. The man who tells you about sacrifices is talking about slaves and masters, and he is trying to be the master. (Ayn Rand)

The dark side of sacrifice, when using others.

46. Success is behind work and sacrifice and then there is talent. (Antonio Banderas)

Talent helps, but it isn't everything.

47. Suffering ceases to be suffering in a certain way the moment it finds meaning, as sacrifice can be. (Viktor Frankl)

When you find a reason for your effort, it becomes only part of the way.

48. The commitment to remember that their sacrifice has not been in vain in a free society that demands justice and reparation. (Juan Carlos I King of Spain)

No sacrifice, large or small, should be ignored.

49. Take action instead of begging. Sacrifice yourself with no hope of glory or reward! If you want to know the miracles, do them before. Only in this way can your peculiar destiny be fulfilled. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Don't wait for anyone, take the first step you need.

50. The only question to ask yourself is how much are you willing to sacrifice to achieve success. (Larry Flint)

What are you willing to lose to get what you want?

51. Understand the gift that you have been given, fight for that gift, develop it, use it, do not abuse it. So you will be that person you want to be so much. (Denzel Washington)

Work on your talents and you will see how you can achieve any goal you want.

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52. Every wish, every dream, every idea is born only through blood, sweat and sacrifice. (Ivan Moody)

Very few things are achieved without sacrifice.

53. Even if you lose, persevere to achieve it regardless of your circumstances.

A loss does not imply that you should give up on reaching your goals.

54. Love is dedication and sacrifice, whoever truly loves is capable of renouncing himself... (Ana Maria Castillo Ave)

When we love, we must be willing to change for the better.

55. The best spirit of sacrifice is perseverance in the work begun: when it is done with enthusiasm, and when it is uphill. (Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer)

Remember that the important thing is not the goal but the path.

56. There is no love, but tests of love, and the test of love for the one we love is to let him live freely. (Anonymous)

An interesting way to see love.

57. When you are surrounded by people you adore, giving your arm to twist, resign yourself or give up is not perceived as a sacrifice. There are people I would give my life for without thinking twice. (Kiera Cass)

When you love someone, making a sacrifice is not a bad thing.

58. If you have to choose between sacrificing the economy or democracy, you have to sacrifice democracy. (Carlos Fernández Liria)

A radical thought in politics.

59. Here there is no progress or achievement without sacrifice. (Idowu Koyenikan)

Progress means drawing valuable lessons from failure.

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60. I never quit until after I secured my next job, so I know that opportunities look like hard work. (Ashton Kutcher)

Secure your new plan before leaving your old one.

61. You cannot achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice. (Shakira)

Many phrases agree with this premise.

62. Suffering should be used as an opportunity to get up and learn.

A very positive way of dealing with suffering.

63. Life is a struggle and torment, disappointment, love and sacrifice, black gold sunsets and storms. (Sir Laurence Olivier)

Life is full of good and bad things.

64. When I broke my guitar it was like a sacrifice, because you sacrifice what you love the most. (Jimi Hendrix)

The real goal behind the iconic Hendrix act.

65. Love and do what you want. If you keep quiet, you will keep quiet with love; if you scream, you will scream with love; If you correct, you will correct with love, if you forgive, you will forgive with love. (Tacit)

Whatever you do, do it with love and enthusiasm.

66. Sacrifice allows us to sacrifice other people without blushing. (George Bernard Shaw)

Sacrifice is a commitment to others.

67. She gave herself to him thinking that she was doing it on the stone of sacrifices. (José Agustín)

Sometimes we give ourselves to a person without thinking it through.

68. Too long the same sacrifice can make the heart a stone. When will be enough time? (William Butler Yeats)

A sacrifice should bring good results, not be a burden.

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69. Make your sacrifice an act of honor. (Morgan Freeman)

Any improvement is an act of courage.

70. To give less than the best is to sacrifice the gift. (Steve Prefontaine)

If you don't give your best, you won't get the best of what you seek.

71. A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopelessly failure can turn into glorious success. (Elbert Hubbard)

Always have the idea to give a little more.

72. True love is selfless. He is willing to sacrifice himself. (Sadhu Vaswani)

The essence of true love.

73. Even from failures you can always create new achievements.

Failures can give you a new opportunity to improve.

74. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day. (Robert Collier)

Success is not achieved overnight, but in small steps.

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75. The Christian faith is the sacrifice of all freedom, of all pride. (Friederich Nietzsche)

Religion has brought many misfortunes, by people who use it as an excuse to do wrong.

76. An effort made for the happiness of others rises above ourselves. (Lydia M. Child)

All your effort should bring you happiness.

77. You are a magician, not a genius, you have to get your hands dirty in order to achieve the impossible. (Sir Michael Caine)

Do not take refuge only in talent, you also need effort.

78. What is not started today is never finished tomorrow. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Getting started is always difficult, but it is necessary to move forward.

79. The results you get will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply. (Denis Waitley)

So what you get will depend on how hard you work.

80. Happiness is an option that requires effort at times. (Aeschylus)

Happiness sometimes takes work.

81. Soccer is like life, it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority. (Vince Lombardi)

An interesting sample of the world of soccer.

82. Fight alone pleases us, not victory. (Blaise Pascal)

It is on the road that we learn valuable lessons, rather than in triumph.

83. Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

You only enjoy what you do, if it is what you really like to do.

84. The most important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice who we are for what we could become. (Charles Dubois)

A sacrifice that many fear to make.

85. Sacrificing yourself is trying a thousand times without knowing if you will succeed.

Do not expect great things, so you will not have great regrets.

86. Things may come to those who wait, but only things left behind by those who hurry. (Abraham Lincoln)

Be patient, but don't waste your time.

87. The most important decision about your goals is not what you are willing to do to achieve them, but what you are willing to give up. (Dave Ramsey)

Sometimes we need to leave things behind, to achieve that future we want.

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88. Winning is not everything, but the effort to win is. (Zig Ziglar)

Therefore, celebrate all your achievements.

89. We all have dreams. But turning dreams into reality takes a great deal of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. (Jesse Owens)

Dreams don't come true out of nowhere.

90. Talent will be of absolutely no use if we do not accompany it with effort and perseverance throughout the journey.

Talent is lost if you don't work on it.

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