Education, study and knowledge

60 Trivia Questions (and Their Answers)

Trivial Pursuit is one of the most classic board games out there. By answering the questions correctly we can win over the adversaries, which are generally our friends or family. We've all had a great time playing Trivial Pursuit!

As we like this game so much, we have prepared 60 typical Trivial Pursuit questions so that you can enjoy with your friends. We know that it is not always possible to carry questions with you, so we have compiled a good selection of them so that you can use them informally with whoever you want.

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60 Trivia questions by categories with their answers

Trivia is a general culture game in which knowledge is the key to winning There are 6 categories of knowledge in the game:

  • Geography (blue)
  • Art and Literature (brown in the old editions, purple in the new)
  • History (yellow)
  • Entertainment (pink)
  • Science and Nature (green)
  • Sports and Hobbies (orange)

Next we are going to present our compilation of 60 questions of the Trivia game.

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We have divided the article according to the 6 categories of knowledge, appearing 10 questions of each topic.

The questions in each category will appear one after the other, and after them you can find the answers. We believe that this way it will be better not to see the answer so easily once a question has been read.

Is everyone ready?

Geography (blue)

  • 1. What is the deepest part of the earth's crust?
  • 2. What is the capital of Morocco?
  • 3. In which country is the river Po located?
  • 4. What is the most visited country in the world?
  • 5. In which countries is Quechua official the national official language?
  • 6. In which country is the Yucatan peninsula located?
  • 7. What is the ocean that bathes the waters of Sri Lanka?
  • 8. What is the highest mountain in the world?
  • 9. What is the name of an Argentine cowboy?
  • 10. To which two continents does voodoo exist?


1. The Mariana Trench. 2. Rabat. 3. In Italy. 4. France. 5. Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. 6. Mexico. 7. The Indian. 8. Everest. 9. Gaucho. 10. To Africa and America

  • Article of interest: "Unanswered Questions: 20 Hard-to-Solve Questions".

Art and Literature (brown / purple)

  • 11. Who was the Spanish author of the fable of "the Ant and the Cicada"?
  • 12. What pseudonym did the English writer Eric Arthur Blair use?
  • 13. What is the name of Ray Bradbury's book in which books are burned?
  • 14. In what artistic manifestation are molds taken?
  • 15. Who wrote "Poet in New York"?
  • 16. In what city did Phileas Fogg begin and end his journey around the world?
  • 17. Who was the hunchbacked bell ringer of Notre Dame?
  • 18. With what name did Vincent Van Gogh sign his paintings?
  • 19. What type of instrument does the citara belong to?
  • 20. In which Spanish city is “La casa de las conchas” located?


11. Felix Maria Samaniego. 12. George Orwell. 13. Fahrenheit 451. 14. In sculpture. 15. Federico García Lorca. 16. London. 17. Quasimodo. 18. Vincent. 19. To the rope ones. 20. Salamanca

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History (yellow)

  • 21. Of which European country was Mozambique a colony?
  • 22. What is the name by which the translator and interpreter of Hernán Cortés was known in Aztec lands?
  • 23. In what year did Constantinople fall to the Turks, marking the end of the Byzantine Empire?
  • 24. From which country did Slovenia become independent?
  • 25. What currency was used in Spain before the arrival of the euro?
  • 26. With what name did the world economic crisis that occurred in 1929 go down in history?
  • 27. How was World War I known before the second began?
  • 28. What well-known sea battle took place in the year 1805?
  • 29. What was Marco Polo's home city?
  • 30. Why is the month of July called Roman like that?


21. Portugal. 22. Malinche. 23. 1453. 24. Yugoslavia. 25. Peseta. 26. Crack of 29. 27. The Great War. 28. Battle of Trafalgar. 29. Venice. 30. Julius Caesar

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Entertainment (pink)

  • 31. Who starred in "Pretty Woman"?
  • 32. What Canadian company has revolutionized the circus world in recent years?
  • 33. In what city did the Wizard of Oz live?
  • 34. At what age did the great dancer Carmen Amaya die?
  • 35. Which actor was Agent 007 who fought Dr. No?
  • 36. At what great annual festival are there great parades led by samba schools?
  • 37. What is the nationality of Ben Kingsley, winner of the Oscar for "Gandhi"?
  • 38. What movie created the magic word "supercalifragilisticoespialidoso"?
  • 39. Who directed and starred in "Citizen Kane"?
  • 40. Which Spanish actor played Manolo Escobar in a movie co-starring with Penélope Cruz?


31. Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. 32. Cirque du Soleil. 33. The Emerald City. 34. At 50 years old. 35. Sean Connery. 36. Carnival of Brazil. 37. British. 38. Mary Poppins. 39. Orson Welles. 40. Javier Bardem

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Science and Nature (green)

  • 41. What is a person who suffers from claustrophobia afraid of?
  • 42. On which side of the body is the liver?
  • 43. What is the only month that can have fewer than four moon phases?
  • 44. What was the dog Laika famous for?
  • 45. What does the abbreviation a.m. after an hour?
  • 46. What are nerve cells called?
  • 47. Who Invented the Reflecting Telescope?
  • 48. What is usually fixed a tooth with cavities?
  • 49. What are the lines that join the points of equal temperature called?
  • 50. What element do all the organic components contain?


41. To closed spaces. 42. In the right. 43. February. 44. He was the first dog in space. 45. Before the Meridian. 46. Neurons 47. Isaac Newton. 48. With a filling. 49. Isobars. 50. Carbon

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Sports and Hobbies (orange)

  • 51. Which soccer team won the 2014 World Cup in Brazil?
  • 52. Who is the best Norwegian chess player in history?
  • 53. How many rounds are there in an Olympic boxing match?
  • 54. Who was the MotoGP world champion in 2017?
  • 55. In which NBA team did Argentine Manu Ginobili play from 2002 to 2018?
  • 56. In which country is darts played the most?
  • 57. What are the colors of the five Olympic rings?
  • 58. In which Catalan city is the football stadium known as Camp Nou located?
  • 59. How many colored cubes are in the "Magic Rubik's Cube?"
  • 60. What is the name of the sport in which your practitioners lift weights?


51. Germany. 52. Magnus Carlsen. 53. Three. 54. Marc Márquez. 55. San Antonio Spurs. 56. In Great Britain. 57. Yellow, blue, black, red and green. 58. Barcelona. 59. 54. 60. Weightlifting

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