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The 80 best phrases of the Joker

The Joker is recognized in the world of comics and cinema for being one of the greatest villains in the Batman universe.. He is characterized by having the appearance of a somewhat twisted clown, as he has extremely white skin, wide red lips, and green hair.

Remaining not only his disfigured appearance, but also his damaged mind, he shows no mercy when it comes to committing his misdeeds and, although he does not possess extraordinary superpowers, he has enormous brainpower and ingenuity that allow him to develop dangerous weapons, as well as blackmail his victims with success.

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Great quotes and reflections of the Joker

To learn more about this character, we bring a compilation with the best phrases of the Joker to enjoy the madness of this villain.

1. If the police expect to play the Joker, they had better prepare to be dealt from the bottom of the deck.

The Joker never ran out of ideas to get his way.

2. When people are about to die, they show themselves as they are.

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An undeniable truth.

3. Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push.

We can all fall into madness sooner or later.

4. The only thing on my mind are negative ideas.

A character that is characterized by being very negative.

5. If I wasn't crazy, I'd like to be.

Embracing his psychotic state from the start.

6. The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.

An anarchist par excellence.

7. You hear horrible cries of pain. I hear sweet melodies of freedom.

A strange way of relating suffering to real freedom.

8. If life seems so bad to you, don't rebel. Just go crazy!

Promoting difference and things out of order.

9. Smile, because it confuses people. Smile, because it's easier than explaining what's killing you inside.

A character who uses his smile as a means of escape and terror.

10. A candle flickered into life, a symbol of hope for millions of people. A single tiny candle, glowing in the ugly dark. I laughed and ruined it.

Believing all along that he has an innate ability to screw things up.

11. Do you want to know what the plans are for? They are useless, that's why I let life surprise me.

Sometimes the loaves do not turn out as expected and we must improvise.

12. To them you're just a freak, like me.

Trying to make Batman see that they're not that different.

13. I can't wait to show you my toys.

A psychopath proud of his work and the pain he inflicts on others.

14.... And how is Boy Wonder? Is he already old enough to shave?

Speaking disparagingly about Robin, to whom he caused a lot of damage.

15. April candy is coming, let the fools party begin!

An unmissable date for the Joker.

16. We stopped looking for monsters under our bed, when we realized that they were inside us.

We all have the potential to become villains.

17. Clown not, Joker.

An important clarification.

18. You have a lot of principles and you think they will save you.

Sometimes you need to take action to create real change.

19. My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. She told me that she had a purpose: to bring laughter and joy to the world.

The purpose of the Joker played by Joaquin Phoenix.

20. You got what you fucking deserve.

Looking for a kind of twisted justice.

21. Wait till he gets a dose of me.

The dangerous thing about the Joker is his insatiable desire to punish others.

22. The real joke is your stubborn and deep conviction that somehow, somewhere, this all makes sense! That's what makes me laugh every time!

Making fun of the sense of justice that heroes have.

23. It establishes a small anarchy, alters the established order and chaos will begin to reign. And do you know what chaos has? What is fair.

There are times when society suffocates you to the point of causing a revolution.

24. I've spent my whole life not knowing if it really existed. But I exist. And people are beginning to notice.

There are people who do evil, seeking to attract the attention of others.

25. Give a man a mask and his true personality will come out.

Without identity, nobody has anything to lose.

26. Behind every great madness, there is a great truth.

Many fall into madness for some reason that they justify.

27. When the fries drop, these civilized people will eat each other.

A premonition about people's greed.

28. The world can be amazing when you're a little weird.

If there's one thing he's right about, it's that sometimes we have to think outside the box.

29. Do you feel lucky today? Let's play my favorite game, Russian roulette. If you blow your head… You win!

Showing off their twisted games.

30. Madness is the emergency exit. You can go out and close the door on all those horrible things that happened. You can lock them... forever.

A way to hide the traumas so as not to face them.

31. There are people who are like coins, not because they are valuable, but because they are double-sided.

A very interesting reflection.

32. I'm not mad at all! I'm just different sane!!

For the Joker there is no difference between madness and reality.

33. You can not live without me? Truth?

On the relationship of rivals with Batman.

34. They laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh then because they are all the same.

It is the differences that make us stand out from the rest.

35. Now comes the part where I release you little ones from the burden of your failed and worthless lives. But, as my plastic surgeon always said: if you have to leave, do it with a smile.

Believing that death was a form of liberation for all.

36. That ugly head of yours has a brain!

Surprised by the way others think.

37. This city deserves a classier criminal…and I'm going to give it to them.

A goal he lives for.

38. I guess I'm going to teach you a lesson so you can follow in his footsteps. Nah, I'm gonna keep hitting you.

Preferring the 'simple' solutions.

39. You and I are doomed to continue like this for life.

Talking about the fate that awaits him with Batman.

40. The pen is truly mightier than the sword!

Cunning is our best weapon.

41. You can't trust anyone these days, you have to do everything yourself, right?

The truth is that we can only count on ourselves.

42. You have to keep pretending that life has meaning, that all this fighting has some result.

Talking about giving up in the search for justice and surrendering to chaos.

43. I will always love your life next to mine, because only in your eyes I see my actions reflected.

Words to Harley Quinn, the only one who understood him. Even if their relationship was toxic.

44. You're just a kid in a suit, crying for mom and dad. It would be funny if you weren't so pathetic. What the hell, I'm going to laugh anyway.

Categorizing Batman as a lost child who never grew up.

45. Your first mistake was thinking that he would let you live long enough to make another one.

The Joker never shows mercy.

46. I don't know why everyone is so rude, I don't know why you are; I do not want anything from you. Maybe a little warmth, maybe a hug.

Many villains have a bitter heart for all the love and understanding they didn't get.

47. And I won't kill you because you're too funny.

Which is why he never went any further with Batman.

48. You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with your full strength.

The Joker always showing self-confidence.

49. A man with nothing to fear is a man with nothing to love.

Interesting reflection. Love is also something we can lose.

50. A joke came to mind.

No matter the moment, there is always time for a joke.

51. You die a hero or you live long enough to become a villain.

For the Joker, it makes more sense to be a villain.

52. True love means finding someone whose demons play nice with yours.

Do you agree with this romantic side of the Joker?

53. It's a funny world we live in. Speaking of which, do you know how I got these scars?

He never missed an opportunity to tell his story.

54. Have you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?

Laughter morphs into something very different in the Joker's mind.

55. No one panics when things go “according to plan”. Although the plan is horrible!

Plans don't always work. Sometimes you also have to go with the flow.

56. I learned to treat how they treat me, that's all.

That is why it is important to treat people well. Your actions can have a negative impact on them.

57. I know very well that the universe has no meaning.

Showing his negative side towards life.

58. kill you? I do not want to kill you! What would I do without you? Return to the mafia merchants? No, no, you…complete me.

Explaining to Batman why he didn't end his life.

59. I use a knife because weapons are too fast. Otherwise, you can not taste all emotions. You really know people in their final moments.

Enjoying causing as much suffering as possible.

60. Why be a disfigured outcast when I can be a notorious God of Crime? Why be an orphan boy when you can be a superhero?

The destinies that unite Batman and the Joker as hero and villain.

61. This city needs an enema.

Determined to end the city.

62. Does that get you down, knowing how lonely you really are?

Playing on Batman's vulnerability.

63. I hope my death has more meaning than my life.

Since he doesn't appreciate the meaning of life, he doesn't appreciate his own either.

64. Only I know how I feel, you only think you know.

No one can fully understand us. That is why we must express our feelings.

65. Introduce a bit of anarchy. It upsets the established order, and everything turns into chaos. I am an agent of chaos...

The purpose of his life according to him.

66. If you're good at something, never do it for free.

A tip that we can put to the test.

67. They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll kick you out like a leper.

There are people who only look for you out of interest.

68. I am not God to forgive you, and you are not the one to ask for your forgiveness.

Without believing in the power or benefit of forgiveness.

69. All it takes is one bad day to turn the sanest man in the world into a lunatic.

A very true statement. When we are fed up, nothing is worth it anymore.

70. When I said I was going to be funny as a child, everyone laughed at me. Well, now no one laughs.

A stormy past.

71. Remembering is dangerous. I find the past a haunting and anxious place.

Looking to leave his bad times behind and forget about them.

72. If he wasn't crazy: He couldn't be so bright!

Do you think this is the secret behind the Joker's genius?

73. Do I look like the kind of clown that would start a movement?

Well yes, he did.

74. Before people loved life, now they only fear death.

We live in a world where the fear of death is the rule.

75. Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face!

Determined to put on a bloody smile.

76. I just want to thank you... Your hate was what gave me strength.

Gaining a destructive force.

77. Have you ever danced with the devil under the pale moonlight?

A peculiar invitation.

78. I used to think that my life is a tragedy, but now I realize that it is a comedy.

An interesting way to see your reality. Although it does not do it to improve.

79. Is it me, or is the world getting crazier every day?

A perceptual alteration or reality?

80. What doesn't kill you makes you different.

Use the bad times to grow and be a better version of you.

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