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The 70 best phrases of Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts is one of the established actresses in Hollywood, her work has gone through plots of romance, drama and comedy, making her the winner of an Oscar and three Golden Globes. Among her most outstanding works are: 'Pretty Woman', 'Erin Brockovich', 'My Best Friend's Wedding', 'Notting Hill' and 'Steel Magnolias'.

If you are interested in knowing her philosophy of life, keep reading; Here you will find a collection of Julia Roberts best quotes.

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The most memorable Julia Roberts phrases

Below we bring a compilation of quotes and reflections from Julia Roberts, the so-called 'Hollywood girlfriend'.

1. Life is so precious. Please, please, let's love each other, let's live each day, let's get closer to each other, let's be kind to each other.

Carrying a message of empathy and collaboration between all of us.

2. True love doesn't come to you, it has to be inside of you.

You cannot love another person without first loving yourself.

3. Republican comes in the dictionary right after reptilian and just above disgusting.

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A critique of the Republicans.

4. There's a lightness to my life now, a light quality of not taking things too seriously. That is called happiness.

Happiness is not having everything, but being at peace in our lives.

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5. When you are in love, fidelity is easy.

Fidelity is a commitment that we all make when we love someone.

6. I am very self-sufficient.

Being independent guarantees us to conquer any goal.

7. I haven't changed much. It has changed my life, but not me.

Assuring that she is the same woman as always.

8. I don't think it's smart to spend a lot of time trying to understand other people's perception.

Everyone has their own opinion, whether right or wrong.

9. I don't judge what people may think of me, and the truth is that I don't care much either.

The only opinion that should matter to you is your own.

10. I am lucky that when I feel a creative impulse that calls me away from home, I find cinematographic opportunities that I do not want to miss out on.

Harnessing her creative instincts.

Julia Roberts Quotes

11. I don't think physical beauty makes a person attractive.

Beauty can be blinding, but what remains is someone's personality.

12. I would like to be a girl again, because bare knees are easier to heal than a broken heart.

Everything was easier in childhood.

13. I wouldn't make nude movies. Personally, for me, going out with your clothes on is acting, acting without clothes is a documentary.

Talking about being naked for a movie.

14. The fear of aging that they tell us about is an invention, I'm tired of being asked about the same thing.

Aging is a natural process that, when we embrace it, can be lived to the fullest.

15. You know it's love when all you want is for that person to be happy, even if you're not part of that happiness.

When you love someone, all you want is their happiness.

16. Loving what you do is the secret of everything.

Doing what we like allows us to enjoy life.

17. We've all been broken at some point.

No one is free to live heartbreaking challenges and experiences that change us.

18. I just want to point out that it's not just the great teachers that sometimes shape your life.

Anyone can leave us valuable life lessons.

19. Fever is an expression of inner rage.

Many of our internal sufferings are expressed as diseases.

20. I'm just an ordinary person who has an extraordinary job.

What you do should not change the way you are.

21. What changes with fame is perceptions of the individual rather than the individual.

Fame doesn't change people, it exposes their true selves.

22. It's amazing what can happen if you just put your arm around someone.

When you show support to someone, you gain their trust, because differences don't exist.

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23. Show me a person who doesn't like to laugh and I'll show you a person with a toe tag.

Laughter is synonymous with vitality.

24. I just have a great life.

We have nothing but one life to live.

25. I certainly take work as a joyous responsibility.

Responsibilities should not be a heavy burden.

26. I think I'm fundamentally the same relatively simple person that I've always been.

It's okay to change course, but always to improve.

27. I like hats. And when you have dirty hair, that's a good accessory.

An excellent beauty recommendation.

28. Love is not love, without a goat that plays the violin.

About the element of madness and fantasy that surrounds being in love.

29. I could have been a dentist with nothing wrong with me about the press, but that's not what I've chosen for my life.

An example of how we must face the consequences of our choices.

30. It's funny when people say, 'I don't think Julia likes me.' Honey, if I don't like you, you'll know.

It's not like her to keep quiet when she doesn't like a person.

31. I don't get angry very often. I rarely lose my temper. And when I do, there's always a legitimate cause.

Calm people are the most terrifying when they get angry.

32. I think less is more when it comes to kissing in movies.

Moving away from showing such explicit acts on the screen.

33. I guess when all is said and done, if there is one last comment about me, I would like it to be said that I participated in my life. I was a complete participant.

No one should guide your life more than yourself. Because no one else will live it for you.

34. I would just like to say this about all the married people who worked together on the set: it was just a joy.

Grateful to all her screen partners and on the recording set.

35. Normally I have a great lightness of being. I take things in a very happy, fun way.

Sometimes we have to take things gracefully, so things affect us less.

36. I can run breakfasts, lunches and dinners. I take pride in my cooking, but I'm not going to direct a movie.

Preferring to be an actress rather than a director.

37. My life at home gives me supreme bliss.

A homebody who enjoys being in the peace of her home.

38. When you do end up happily married, even failed relationships have worked wonderfully to get you there.

When we reach a goal, that's when we know that everything we went through has been worth it.

39. I don't think enough can be said about what you can discover through literature. So I think that was probably my most valued feature as a teenager.

Literature is a great tool in our lives, as it helps us grow.

40. How lucky we are that we love each other so much that we burst into three pieces.

Love multiplies, it can never be used to divide.

41. You know when people are stupid, it frustrates me.

Ignorant people seek to annoy others.

42. I have grown in my tenderness.

Spreading love helps us to have a better relationship with other people.

43. I know great people. I've had great relationships, all kinds of different relationships.

Each of our relationships has its own charm that will stay with us forever.

44. People don't come up to me very often. Everyone is always so incredulous that I can go to the market.

It is very common to believe that artists are a bit elusive with others.

45. Your face tells a story and it shouldn't be a story about your way to the doctor's office.

Encouraging us to accept our natural beauty.

46. I'm better for all the things that have happened to me, the good and the bad.

We are who we are now, thanks to the experiences we have lived.

47. Show me a mall, and I'm happy.

We all have a place that makes us happy.

48. Sometimes it's the absence of great teachers that shapes your life and being ignored can be just as good for a person as being praised.

Rejection helps us to know which people are the most valuable to stay in our life.

49. The key to beauty is to always be looking at someone who truly loves you.

In the eyes of the lover, her partner is the most beautiful there is.

50. Forgiving ourselves or another person helps us move on.

Forgiveness is the way we release sorrows.

51. I'd rather have 30 wonderful minutes than a lifetime of nothing special.

Happiness does not have to be eternal, but small fragments that come together to bring joy.

52. I had botox once and was amazed at its effects for a couple of months. It was an artificial look. My feeling is that I have three children who should know the emotion that I am feeling.

A not so pleasant experience that has not been repeated.

53. If we knew the future we wouldn't get out of bed.

You cannot reach your goal by staying in your comfort zone.

54. It may be true that your character is everything you want, but you have to go home with yourself.

It is never good to bring work into your home, as it can consume your home life.

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55. The older you get, the more fragile you see life.

Being aware of what lies ahead motivates us to live to the fullest.

56. More than talking about men and women, we should talk about jobs. Someone is paid for what he does and how he does it. Spot.

The important thing to be in a computer job is your ability to do it, not other things.

57. Sometimes I think what am I doing here. In fact, I take more and more time between movies. As I think about it more.

A disorientation that we all experience at some point.

58. I am more interested in knowing what is happening in the space that I occupy in my daily life instead of trying to understand those things that actually exceed me.

We cannot control everything, except the opinion of others. Focus on what makes you happy.

59. I am the same actress, and I am motivated by the same things as the day I shot the first scene of Mystic Pizza.

Maintaining your goals from the beginning.

60. The situation of women has undergone great changes, which has plunged men into a certain degree of disorientation.

All people should have the right to pursue their dreams.

61. A sense of humor is the key to beauty.

Beauty is different for each person.

62. Before I got married, I found it difficult to remain faithful to one person.

There are those who believe that fidelity is not natural to the human being.

63. I believe wit is the key to anyone's heart, because who doesn't like to laugh?

We all want to be surrounded by people who make our lives happy.

64. I am so lucky to be on the little golden path that led me to all of this.

Things happen for a reason, even if we don't understand it right now.

65. God dwells within me. Like me.

Faith has to come from within people.

66. Everyone who has children knows that once you start the day, you only have hours to take care of them.

About the busy schedule that mothers have every day.

67. My children know who I am. In the clearest, most perfect and appropriate way.

It is important to teach the little ones to be humble even if they have more benefits than others.

68. Young actresses, from my point of view, face a much more difficult career than we do, because before there was a gradual progression of learning, and now everything goes much faster.

Talking about the difficulty that exists within the industry for women.

69. I believe that two people are connected at heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are, or where you live.

Do you think there are couples that are meant to be together?

70. When you look at those who have wronged you, you see a set of values ​​that encourage you to be the very opposite of them.

Bad experiences teach us to work to avoid those situations and people.

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