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The 90 best authenticity phrases

Authenticity is synonymous with originality and expressing your own personality without complexes. It is through this quality that we can show ourselves as we really are, rather than pretending to be idealized or wearing a mask.

Here we will review several very interesting and inspiring authenticity phrases, ideal for understanding all the nuances of this virtue.

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The most memorable phrases of authenticity

In these lines you will find quotes and reflections on authenticity that invite you to think about this psychological trait.

1. Authenticity begins in the heart. (Brian D’Angelo)

What allows you to shape our way of being authentic comes from ourselves.

2. The authentic being is the soul made visible. (Sarah Ban Breathnach)

We are only real if we show ourselves as we are without assuming that we must conform to expectations.

3. Each individual has the potential to be original. (Yogi Bhajan)

We can all work on our confidence to free ourselves from unnecessary bondage.

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4. We are facilitators of our own creative evolution. (Bill Hicks)

Each one has the responsibility of enhancing his abilities and talents.

5. The most devastating lies for our self-esteem are not so much the ones we tell as the ones we live. (Nathaniel Branden)

If you tell yourself a lie for a long time, you end up believing it.

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6. Whoever is authentic takes responsibility for being what he is and recognizes himself free to be what he is. (Jean Paul Sartre)

Take on who you are with pride.

7. If you can't laugh frequently and authentically, you don't have a soul. (Idries Shah)

If you can't be who you want to be, you won't be happy.

8. In the classic way, to learn I used a model: myself. It was not easy: as much as one is the most obvious issue, it is also the most difficult. (Frida Kahlo)

Accepting ourselves is not easy, but over time self-esteem can increase.

9. You look like no one since I love you. (Pablo Neruda)

Nobody looks like who we love.

10. If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. (Sir Ken Robinson)

On the way to find us, we can make mistakes.

11. Better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. (Herman Melville)

When you imitate another, you find yourself lost.

12. To be original is in a way to be showing the mediocrity of others. (Ernesto Sábato)

Originality shouldn't go hand in hand with arrogance.

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13. I am just myself. I think being genuine is succeeding. (Freddie Mercury)

Being able to be yourself is a great triumph.

14. Hard times spark an instinctive desire for authenticity. (Coco Chanel)

Authenticity can emerge in a time of crisis.

15. Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity. (Janet Louise Stephenson)

In order to be who we are, we need to face our fears.

Reflections of authenticity

16. Let the world know how you are, not how you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are acting, you will forget. And where will you be? (Fanny Brice)

Why want to hide from everyone and pretend to be someone else?

17. Try to be who you are, whether they love you or not. (Fernando Pessoa)

Keep in mind that, not everyone will like you. But that is not an impediment to show you.

18. I find more evidence of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane story. (Isaac Newton)

A sample of the physicist's faith.

19. The moment you feel that you can't bear to see yourself anymore, she understands that the image in front of her is not herself. (Frida Kahlo)

When you feel bad about yourself, there is something you need to work on to improve.

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20. You only know men and women who have seen them in times like this. Only that one knows himself. (Irène Némirovsky)

They are in the darkest moments, where we see the real faces of those around us.

21. What makes us different are the imperfections. (Robin Williams)

Nobody is perfect, because this is a subjective day.

22. The mediocre aspires to be confused in those around him; the original tends to differ from them. (José Ingenieros)

Look for the path of originality.

23. The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality. (Conan O'Brien)

The beauty is in accepting ourselves.

24. All of us born originals and die copies. (Carl Gustav Jung)

An interesting reflection of the humanistic psychologist.

25. Only in the distance is true love born for what you want and miss. (Anonymous)

The distance puts a lot of tests, for better or for worse.

26. You attract the right things when you have an idea of ​​who you are. (Amy Poehler)

Your destiny is manufactured according to your perspective on the world.

27. The greatest danger of deceiving others is that one inevitably ends up deceiving oneself. (Eleonora Doset)

Worse than lying to someone. is doing it yourself.

28. Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of what we think we should be and embracing who we really are instead. (Brené Brown)

Do not cling to your beliefs, dare to explore new ideas.

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29. If you can be yourself, then you have to be original because there is no one like you. (Marc Newson)

Be true to how you like to be.

30. People need to think things fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things. (R. Buckminster Fuller)

Having original ideas can take you far.

31. A poor original is better than a good imitation. (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

No one can replace you if you don't allow it.

32. But we do not know how to be original or even to be wrong. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

There is always a latent fear of discovering who we really are.

33. Destiny is fulfilled when the path is truly yours. Find the courage and forge your own path. (Jesslyn Wolf)

You are the one who decides what to do and what not to do.

34. An original is worth more than a copy. (Suzy Kassem)

Don't doubt your worth.

35. Start by doing whatever it takes; then do what is possible; and suddenly you're doing the impossible. (Francisco de Asis)

Big goals are accomplished with small goals.

36. Most people imitate others. You must be original and whatever you do, do it well. (Paramahansa Yogananda)

Whoever you are, don't do something to hurt others.

37. Never go down the path laid out, because it leads where others have already gone. (Alexandre Graham Bell)

You don't need to follow a traditional path if you don't feel good about it.

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38. He was smart enough to know himself, brave enough to be himself, and foolish enough to change himself while still remaining authentic. (Patrick Rothfuss)

Knowing ourselves is not an impediment to continue evolving.

39. Originality does not consist in saying what no one has said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself. (James Stephens)

Don't be afraid to express your opinions, even if they are different.

40. Do your homework. Find your voice. Be authentic. And then dive in with a purpose. (Julie Foudy)

Work on yourself and you will see the great reward.

41. Aspire to be authentic. (Yann Martel)

There is no greater goal.

42. The merit of originality is not novelty; it is sincerity. (Thomas Carlyle)

It's not about being eccentric, but about being honest.

43. What may seem audacious, for God is authenticity. (Rick Warren)

Turn a deaf ear to all malicious criticism.

44. The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are. (Carl Gustav Jung)

Not for granted that privilege.

45. If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. (Sir Ken Robinson)

Mistakes are to learn, not to stagnate.

46. Originality is about trying to be like everyone else and failing. (Raymond Radiguet)

It is never pleasant to imitate another for so long.

47. Originality is really important. (Jim Carrey)

Originality is what defines us.

48. When you are authentic, sometimes you don't see the millions of people who accept you for how different you are. (Jodi Picoult)

When you fall into arrogance, you lose appreciation for those who truly love you.

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49. There is always something authentic hidden in any forgery. (Sylvia Hoeks)

We cannot completely hide who we are.

50. When you are authentic, you create a certain energy, people want to be close to you because you are unique. (Andie MacDowell)

Always project a positive and pleasant energy.

51. My big mistake, the one for which I cannot forgive myself, is the day I gave up my stubborn search for my individuality. (Oscar Wilde)

At every moment we can reinvent ourselves.

52. I think my authenticity, what you see is what you get, no more, no less. (Badr Hari)

If you accept yourself, the others will have no choice but to do so as well.

53. To be authentic we need a thirst for freedom. (Don Mateo Sol)

Be curious and never stop looking for new things.

54. When you're content to just be yourself and don't compare or compete with anyone, everyone will respect you. (Lao Tzu)

Recognition comes when you stand out and do something different.

55. Originality is the best form of rebellion. (Mike Sasso)

The only rebellion that you must support at all times.

56. Originality is nothing more than a judicious imitation. (Haruki Murakami)

To be original, we can seek inspiration from others.

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57. In art, it truly original repugnant to the masses. (Enrique Jardiel Poncela)

In art, success is achieved by those who follow trends.

58. True originality does not consist in a new form but in a new vision. (Edith Wharton)

Think different, look for what makes you happy.

59. Originality is the only thing whose usefulness vulgar spirits cannot understand. (John Stuart Mill)

Those who criticize you have a closed mind.

60. One is more authentic the more it resembles what she has dreamed of herself. (Antonia San Juan)

Evolve to improve yourself.

61. I don't hide behind excuses, I never run away or back down from anything or anyone. I think people like that. (Badr Hari)

Keep your head up and don't be afraid to act.

62. I choose to be authentic in everything I do. (Anne Lee)

A choice that we can take as an example.

63. Each of us is on Earth to discover his own path and we will never be happy if we follow someone else's. (James Van Praagh)

Happiness is in doing what we like.

64. Fashion always begins and ends with the two things she hates the most: uniqueness and vulgarity. (William Hazlitt)

Fashion always needs to reinvent itself.

65. An original thought is worth a thousand insignificant quotes. (Diogenes the Cynic)

Original thoughts turn into innovative things.

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66. To be ordinary, be normal; be original, be different; be valuable, be unique; To be invaluable, be yourself. (Matshona Dhliwayo)

Why be equal to the rest of the people?

67. There is no possession of greater price than a true friend. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

True friends are the ones that last.

68. When I started loving myself. I found that emotional distress and suffering are just warning signs that I was living my own truth. Today I know that this is authenticity. (Charlie Chaplin)

Loving yourself involves accepting your strengths and weaknesses.

69. You have to be unique and different, and shine in your own way. (Lady Gaga)

Find your own charm.

70. If you are trying to do something different, you cannot ask anyone for help, because they will not want to do anything different. (Josh Homme)

Seek the help you need to achieve your goals.

71. Almost all of our originality comes from the stamp that time stamps on our sensitivity. (Charles Baudelaire)

Our originality comes from the way we perceive life.

72. If you are not willing to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. (Ken Robinson)

You can't avoid mistakes, but you can learn from them.

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73. Being is dark without appearance; appearance is inconsistent without being. (Gorgias)

Appearance is important to maintain.

74. Being sincere and true to yourself defines your authenticity. (Arsenio V Manalo Jr.)

Change, to be better.

75. You are different. Sooner or later the different scares people. (Robert C. Treveiler)

Different causes confusion, but brings rewards.

76. You were born an original. Don't die being a copy. (John Mason)

Seek to be yourself.

77. The most authentic expression of a people is in their dances and their music. The bodies never lie. (Agnes George de Mille)

Culture is the unique expression of each nation.

78. The easiest thing to be in the world is you. the hardest thing about being is what someone else wants you to be. (Leo Buscaglia)

Wanting to be someone else prevents you from enjoying life.

79. I had no idea that being authentic could make me as rich as I have become. If I had known, I would have done it much earlier. (Oprah Winfrey)

When you can use your authenticity on something great.

80. If being different is a crime, I'll put the chains on myself. (Oscar Wilde)

Take the risk to do what you love.

81. Originality exists in each individual because each of us is different from the others. We are all primary numbers divisible only by ourselves. (Jean Guitton)

We all have the talent to be unique.

82. The true friend is the one who knows everything about you and remains your friend. (Kurt Cobain)

Friends are the ones who dare to face you without losing their love for you.

83. Authenticity is about being true to who you are. (Michael Jordan)

The way we acquire our authenticity.

84. To be irreplaceable must to always try to be diferent. (Coco Chanel)

The difference is what lasts over time.

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85. Originality is the art of hiding your sources. (Benjamin Franklin)

Seek inspiration to be yourself.

86. Being what we are and becoming what we are capable of becoming is the only end in life. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

A goal that we should all set.

87. Originality is highly overrated. To do, you need to take. All great artists do. (Darby Bannard)

Originality is about yourself, not becoming arrogant.

88. Something we really like: being real, authentic, being yourself, not letting this lifestyle change you. (Y.G.)

You don't need to follow trends to stand out.

89. Originality means being brave enough to go beyond accepted norms. (Anthony Storr)

Traditions sometimes limit us.

90. Just be yourself because there is nothing more beautiful than that. (Carol Leifer)

Do you need another reason?

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