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The 75 best phrases about commitment

Commitment is an indispensable attitude that we all need in order to be more successful in our personal and work lives.

Thanks to our commitment, we will be able to be much more effective in our work, in order to achieve all the work goals that we set for ourselves. Encouraging commitment in the lives of our children is something that, as parents, we should certainly all do.

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Great quotes about commitment

Following you will find the 75 best phrases about commitment, which can inspire us in our daily lives or they can serve as a source of inspiration for our children or dearest family members.

1. Once you have commitment, it takes discipline and hard work to get there. (Haile Gebrselassie)

In this appointment we can find three great qualities that we must all possess to be more successful.

2. There is no lasting success without compromise. (Tony Robbins)

To be able to enjoy great successes throughout life, commitment is absolutely essential.

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3. Without commitment, there can be no depth in anything, be it a relationship, a business, or a hobby. (Neil Strauss)

Commitment is an attitude that has the power to teach others who we really are.

4. Commitment is what makes a promise come true. (Abraham Lincoln)

With the strength of our commitment, we will achieve great goals throughout our lives.

5. The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. (Tony Robbins)

With enough imagination and a great commitment on our part, we will be able to do everything we set out to do.

6. It is always too early to quit. (Norman Vincent Peale)

We must never give up in the pursuit of our personal goals, with time and patience we will achieve it.

7. Commitment in the face of conflict produces character.

Our commitment during the most difficult situations, defines us in a great way as people.

8. You always have two options: your commitment, versus your fear. (Sammy Davis, Jr)

Fear is something that should never dominate our lives, if we are not afraid everything can be possible.

9. You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. (Margaret Thatcher)

Great successes are never achieved the first time, reaching them may take us perhaps more than a hundred attempts, but in the end, we will undoubtedly achieve it.

10. Love, above all things, is a commitment to your choice. (Rob Liano)

Love is something that can lead to a great commitment in our life, we must be fully consistent with it.

11. We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence. (Cornel West)

In this quote, we see a series of great qualities without which effectively no type of relationship could be built.

12. Big changes don't happen right away, but with effort even difficult can be made easy. (Bill Blackman)

Our daily effort will be the key that will allow us to achieve all our objectives.

13. We promise according to our hopes and we act according to our fears. (François de la Rochefoucauld)

The words that we transmit, many times are not reflected with our own actions, the human being must change this negative way of acting as soon as possible.

14. Freedom is not the absence of compromise, but the ability to choose, and commit myself to what is best for me. (Paulo Coelho)

The commitments that we have are those that we ourselves impose on ourselves. There can be no real commitment on our part that is forced by a third person.

15. When you are surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible. (Howard Schultz)

The strength of our commitment, added to that of the commitment of others, creates what we can call a great common cause.

16. The successful person makes a habit of what the unsuccessful person does not like to do. (Thomas Edison)

Work, dedication and commitment are the three qualities that all great geniuses have always possessed.

17. There is no true complaint without a commitment to transformation, or a commitment without action. (Paulo Freire)

Our actions must always be consistent with our own commitment, in this way we will achieve our personal goals.

18. Individual commitment to group effort, that's what makes a team, a company, or a civilization work. (Vince Lombardi)

The commitment of a certain number of people can start a great change in society.

19. A relationship takes a lot of work and commitment. (Greta Scacchi)

Every relationship represents a great commitment on our part. We must know how to see in which relationship is worth getting involved and in which it is not.

20. Large organizations demand a high level of commitment from the people involved. (Bill gates)

The largest organizations in the world rely heavily on the people who work for them.

21. The difference between participation and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is engaged. (Martina Navratilova)

In this curious way, we can see the difference in nuance that exists between being involved or committed.

22. Desire is the key to motivation, but it is determination and a commitment to excellence that will enable you to achieve success. (Mario Andretti)

When we really want something, we must put all our commitment and determination to achieve it.

23. Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts; that's what girls are made of. (Bethany Hamilton)

Women must throughout their lives evolve and improve as a person, something that, without a doubt, we must know how to appreciate in all of them.

24. Leadership contains certain elements of good management, but it needs you to inspire, create a true and lasting trust, a commitment deeper than the drafting of any contract of job. (Stanley A. McChrystal)

Every good leader must know how to encourage commitment in his companions, being able to do this is what differentiates a great leader from a nefarious one.

25. Years of experience have taught humanity that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and serve each other promotes the well-being of children and the stability of society. (Jack Kingston)

Parents are the first, in any family, who must do their part so that it can come to fruition.

26. I believe that being a leader is getting others to accept a vision, initiative or assignment in a way that they feel it has a purpose, an ownership, a personal commitment and a common cause. (Melanne Verveer)

As leaders we must know how to connect with our followers, understand them and encourage them to progress.

27. Tolerance does not mean that there is a lack of commitment to one's beliefs. Tolerance means condemning the oppression or persecution of others. (John F. Kennedy)

Tolerating the ideas of others does not in any way show a lack of commitment to our own ideas.

28. The future belongs to us, because we have taken care of it. We have the commitment, we have the resources, and we have the strength to share the African-wide dream of clean water for all. (Johnson Sirleaf)

For Africa to get out of the poverty in which it is immersed, there must be a great commitment on the part of its entire population.

29. There is a higher form of happiness in commitment. (Claire Forlani)

Our future depends largely on our daily actions, with them and with our emotions we will be able to find the so elusive happiness.

30. Many people do not focus enough. If you commit to doing something, you need to follow through with that commitment. (Kenneth Chenault)

With our steadfast determination, we will be able to show our commitment to any cause.

31. Passion is the fastest to develop, and the one that fades the fastest. Intimacy develops more slowly, and commitment is even more gradual. (Robert Sternberg)

A relationship is not fully established, until both parties demonstrate their full commitment to it.

32. Achieving a goal that you have been committed to for a long time is one of life's great joys.

Being able to achieve our goals is something we all dream of every day.

33. A compromise without performance has the same value as a bicycle without wheels; leads nowhere.

Our daily actions show others if something really matters to us or if it is not the case.

34. Never commit to something that you are not going to fulfill, much less if there is a person in between.

We must not commit ourselves in vain, if something does not really interest us we must make it clear from the beginning.

35. No matter how many obstacles there are and which arise, a commitment has the strength to overcome them all.

We are capable of achieving everything that we propose, we must learn to be more positive and courageous.

36. Being 100% committed is 50% of success.

Our firm decision will give us the opportunity to be able to achieve success.

37. It can all be achieved with a real and lasting commitment.

As this phrase tells us very well, we are capable of making all our dreams come true.

38. Commitment does not mean failure or giving up.

The word "surrender" should not exist in our dictionary, not surrender will be what allows us to achieve victory.

39. Committing to something you want is to get on the road to get it and never get out of it.

With our actions on a day-to-day basis, we will be a little closer to what we want so much.

40. If you don't commit because you think you can't achieve something, change that belief and then make the commitment.

Our mind is capable of propelling or immobilizing us, we must know how to control and understand our thoughts.

41. A true commitment can never be broken. Either you fulfill it or you die trying to fulfill it.

Suffering a defeat does not necessarily mean having failed, because only from defeats do you really learn.

42. Committing to a goal is the first big step toward achieving a goal. The second is to work persistently until you get there.

A great and inspiring quote, which we should all know how to value and later apply in our own lives.

43. Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, to others, to this country and to this world. (Sharon Salzberg)

The right to vote represents the decision-making power that we as individuals possess within our society.

44. I believe that what it takes to be successful remains the same. You must have the commitment to work hard and never give up. (Nancy Greene)

Without a doubt, being able to achieve success always depends on the same factors: hard work and perseverance.

45. Mature love is a celebration of commitment, companionship, and trust. (Jackson Brown)

Love, with the passing of the years, becomes an almost impossible bond to break.

46. If I made a commitment, I stand firm in that commitment and try to make it happen. Because when you become a leader, the most important thing you have is your word, your confidence. That's where respect comes from. (Michelle Obama)

Our daily actions teach others who we really are, we must always act accordingly with our ideas.

47. Where there is no human connection, there is no compassion. Without compassion, then community, commitment, kindness, human understanding, and peace wither away. (Susan Vreeland)

Any society must always be based on great principles, to be able to demand the same from its citizens.

48. A quick thank you or kiss can help reaffirm your relationship and your commitment. (Michael Ian Black)

The smallest acts can represent a lot to us.

49. When you learn something about a person or culture, you accept it as a gift, and you must commit to preserving and building on it for the rest of your life. (Yo-Yo-Ma)

Learning from the personal experiences of others can help us live a much more successful life.

50. Don't give me a piece of paper, I can get the same lawyer who gave it to you to tear it up. But if you shake my hand, that's for life. (Jerry Lewis)

We must never break a sincere promise, our word can become the only thing we truly have.

51. What could be more important than your commitment? (Tina Desai)

When we make a promise to do a job, we must deliver it without hesitation.

52. The beauty of a strong and lasting commitment is often best understood by men incapable of it. (Murray Kempton)

The different situations and moments that we live can incite us to fail in our commitment, but our will power must always be stronger than temptation.

53. Encourage your people to commit to a project rather than just participating in it. (Richard Pratt)

We can also inspire others to get involved in our personal project.

54. The irony of commitment is that it is deeply liberating at work, at play, and in love. (Anne Morriss)

When we immerse ourselves in the work of what motivates us the most, time and space can seem to stop.

55. Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, smart planning, and focused effort. (Paul J. Meyer)

When we are efficient in any job, this effectiveness is always the direct consequence of our perseverance and dedication.

56. Commitment is the brave response of those who do not want to waste their lives, but rather want to be protagonists of personal and social history. (John Paul II)

It depends on us and our daily actions, that the society in which we live improves substantially.

57. A life without compromise is not worth living. (Marshall Fishwick)

We must live our life to the fullest and always be consistent with our principles.

58. Adversity is the crossroads of two roads where a person has to choose one of the two: character or commitment. (John C. Maxwell)

Adversities are great opportunities that allow us to improve in our own life, we must take advantage of them and learn from them.

59. The quality of life of a person is directly proportional to her commitment to excellence, regardless of her field of activity. (Vince Lombardi)

The way we lead our life will largely determine what we are able to do during it.

60. Happiness will never come if it is a goal in itself, happiness is a by-product of a commitment to noble causes. (Norman Vincent Peale)

Happiness is a really elusive emotion, because throughout our lives we will only feel completely happy on rare occasions.

61. You have to make a commitment, and once you do, life will give you some answers. (Les Brown)

Our attitude and actions may or may not allow us to achieve the life we ​​always want.

62. It takes a deep commitment to change and an even deeper commitment to grow. (Ralph Ellison)

To be able to evolve as individuals, a great commitment on our part is necessary, because otherwise we will never be able to leave behind the person we are today.

63. Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is more difficult than living up to them day after day. (Arthur Gordon)

Our words rarely truly represent who we really are.

64. A total commitment is of the utmost importance to achieve maximum performance. (Tom Flores)

If we put all our commitment and enthusiasm into it, we can make our dreams come true.

65. Never promise more than you can deliver. (Publilius Syrus)

We should not make promises that we will not keep later, doing that would denote a great lack of commitment on our part.

66. To increase your effectiveness, make your emotions subordinate to your commitments. (Brian Koslow)

Being able to control our own emotions can be a crucial aspect in our life.

67. The slowest to make a promise is the most faithful to keep it. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Promises are something we must always respect, we must not take them as a joke.

68. Stay committed to your decisions, but be flexible in your approach. (Tony Robbins)

In order to achieve a certain objective, there may be different paths that lead us to it.

69. Character gets us out of bed, commitment moves us to action, and discipline allows us to continue. (Zig Ziglar)

With these three qualities on our part, it will be possible to really go far in life.

70. Where there is no commitment, there is no success. (Scottie Somers)

Success comes when we really deserve it.

71. Unless a commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but there are no plans. (Peter F. Drucker)

With our day to day we demonstrate the real commitment we have towards something.

72. The achievement of your goal is assured, the moment you commit to it. (Mack R. Douglas)

The fact that we can achieve our goals depends only on us. Are you prepared to give the maximum for them?

73. Commitment is an act, not a word. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

Acts are what really define our life.

74. There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances allow. When you are committed to something, you do not accept excuses only results. (Art Turock)

If we put all our efforts, the results will not be long in coming.

75. There are only two options when it comes to commitment: you are in or you are out. There is no life in between. (Pat Riley)

Being able to achieve what we want so much can entail a great sacrifice on our part.

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