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How to recognize the symptoms of depression?

Major depression is a mood disorder that globally affects each and every one of the vital aspects of the person who suffers from it: either cognitively, emotionally or physical.

It is one of the most common psychological disorders in our population; However, it can also become a very silent psychopathology, since due to its characteristics, it does not call the attention (it is based on the "off state" of those who develop it) and it is even frequent that people who suffer it hide.

In order to learn to identify it correctly and go to a mental health specialist as soon as possible, it is important to recognize the most common symptoms of depression, and then we will give you the key ideas to achieve it. Of course, remember that the diagnosis can only be made by mental health professionals.

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Keys to Recognizing the Symptoms of Major Depression

Broadly speaking, it can be said that major depression is characterized by a pattern of appearance of emotions associated with apathy and hopelessness

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, and not exclusively to sadness. In fact, many people are surprised to learn that many of those with major depression do not describe their condition. as “sad”, since this emotion is too intense to fit their way of seeing what happens to them at the affective.

In other words, part of the problem of depression, especially in moderate and severe cases, is that the person does not feel motivated enough to change their situation. Hence the predominant the feeling that "nothing matters" and that, as a consequence, the going itself has no value (hence, on many occasions, suicidal ideation is a constant in the day-to-day life of people with depression).

So, when it comes to gaining sensitivity to this mental disorder and knowing how to detect its symptoms, stick with these ideas:

  • Not all people with depression cry frequently, but almost all are listless and "off" when they don't feel pressured to pretend they are okay.
  • Depression greatly diminishes or even disappears the desire to improve one's quality of life.
  • Depression can appear at almost any stage of life, but adults and seniors have more reason to hide it, especially if they have created a family.
  • Major depression develops over months and is not drug-induced.

Having seen these keys, let's take a closer look at the main symptoms of depression.

Recognize depression
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What are its main symptoms?

If you want to know in depth the main symptoms that characterize major depression, here you will find our specialized selection on the subject.

1. Sadness

One of the main symptoms of major depression is a generalized and permanent feeling of sadness that directly affects the mood of the person who suffers it. However, as we have seen, I do not always know about this symptom.

This sadness prevents the person from living as they did before, that is why they usually stop carry out some activities, mainly those related to leisure and encounters social.

2. Emptiness and hopelessness

Another common symptom in cases of major depression is a constant feeling of emptiness in which the person is unable to feel any emotion, positive or negative.

Although there is generally a vision of depression associated with sadness and the urge to cry, many people with this problem experience this feeling of emptiness, which can affect psychologically so much or more.

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3. Anxiety

Anxiety, agitation and constant restlessness are also classic symptoms of depression and one of the signals that psychology professionals use to detect these types of cases.

Anxiety has a very harmful effect on the life of the person and This anxiety-depressive combination often has a devastating psychological effect on your mental health..

  • Related article: "What is anxiety: how to recognize it and what to do"

4. Lack of energy

The lack of energy when carrying out any activity that interests us is another of the unequivocal signs that we are facing a mental health problem.

This can also be manifested as general tiredness throughout the day, such as being slow to speak or reason, such as incoordination or apathy.

In this regard, it is also worth noting the loss of appetite, which is often one of the most frequent symptoms in cases of depression.

5. Loss of interest

In the same way, this lack of energy also usually entails, as indicated, a sudden loss of interest in activities that we used to do during our leisure time.

These types of activities are often favorite hobbies, physical activity, sports, and even sexual encounters.

6. Impairment of cognitive functions

Some psychological disorders such as anxiety or depression can ostensibly alter the cognitive functions of the person, making them less fluid.

Some of these functions are attention, memory, reasoning, creativity, decision-making, and even the ability to communicate.

  • Related article: "Cognition: definition, main processes and operation"

7. Recurring disturbing thoughts

Usually, people who have cases of depression tend to have very negative recurring thoughts associated with issues such as death, illness or suicide.

These types of thoughts appear throughout the day and contribute to increasing psychological discomfort., the sadness and suffering of the person.

8. Sleep disturbances

Depression can also affect a person's sleep habits and this manifests itself in insomnia or also in an increase in the hours of sleep.

In any case, it is evident that in cases of depression the person is affected by all aspects of their daily life, even in sleep.

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9. Irritability

Irritability is another of the most common symptoms that people with depression present, especially those who are younger, that is, children and adolescents.

This manifests itself in outbursts of anger, bad mood, conflict and in a tendency to be easily angered by anything of little importance with friends and relatives.

10. Physical symptoms

The psychological discomfort associated with major depression is also usually accompanied by a series of very specific and common physical manifestations.

Some of these physical symptoms are back pain or headache., fatigue or muscle pain. Many are fueled by the passive and sedentary lifestyle that depression induces.

Looking for therapeutic support for depression?

If you want to start treatment for depression or another mood disorder, get in touch with our team of professionals.

In CITA Clinics We intervene both from psychological therapy and from psychiatry, attending to adults and adolescents. You will find us in Barcelona and in Dosrius (Mataró).

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