110 Ecuadorian words and expressions (with their meaning)
Ecuador is a country with a unique charm due to its culture, gastronomy, landscapes and above all for the quality of its people, who stand out for being hard-working and reliable people. Like other Hispanic nations, there are a large number of Spanish speakers of different nationalities who have contributed to further enrich the way of speaking of Ecuadorians, which increases the charm of this beautiful territory.
In this sense, throughout this article we will explore various Ecuadorian words and expressions that reflect the characteristics of Ecuadorian society.
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Popular words and expressions from Ecuador
To learn a little more about the lexicon and idioms of the people of this country, we leave below a list of traditional words and expressions of Ecuador, with their meanings.
1. don't be mean
It is a typical expression of the Ecuadorian highlands and means "please".
2. Fluke
It is a word used to tell someone good luck.
3. go back
It is a very nice phrase to say I'll be right back.
4. Give me doing, give me passing or give me bringing
It is another very common expression in the mountains and it is a more friendly way of asking for things.
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5. Trolley
It refers to the urban transport system of the capital.
6. norio
Said of a very studious person or someone very shy.
7. Baby that doesn't cry no mama
It is a very popular expression in Ecuador where guagua means baby or child and means that if you don't ask for what you want, you won't get it.
8. Simon!
It is a way of reaffirming something and it means effectively.

9. chulla life
It means that life is short and that is why you have to take advantage of every opportunity.
10. China
Term that can mean a town girl or a service girl.
11. Until then no more
It is an expression used to indicate that I want more of something.
12. Yapa
It refers to an extra that they give for free when making a purchase.
13. wig or wig
It refers to a person with a lot of money.
14. Bring pineapples to Milagro
It is used to indicate that someone wants to take something where it is not needed.
15. go suck
Statement that is widely used by Ecuadorians to say go for a drink.
16. Puchica!
Exclamation that means that something very big is admired.
17. cucayo
It is said of the food that you take when you go on a trip.
18. of whores
This is what Ecuadorians say to indicate that something is great.
19. The chicha
It is used when a person steps on someone's new shoes with the intention of baptizing them.
20. lumped
It is said of the one who has fallen in love or who is believed to have done so.
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21. quedito
It is a term that derives from quiet and quiet.
22. spoon mom
Indicates a dead end street.
23. tuco
It refers to a strong person.
24. on patrol
Expression that means to move on foot to a place.
25. Lawrence
Very unique way of telling a person that he is crazy.
26. pull stop
It is when a person is very believed both in their physical appearance and in their abilities.
27. go back
It indicates that he is going to return soon and that it is not a long absence.
28. as in apothecary
It means that a place has many varieties of things.
29. make the house
It indicates that someone feels cheated or has failed at something.
30. Chuchaqui
Way as it is said in Ecuador to hangover.
31. a ruca sticks
It means someone is taking a nap.
32. go to kick
Indicates that you are going to go to a place on foot or walking.
33. changar
It refers to the act of crossing legs with a person./
34. Fresh no more!
It is widely used to tell someone to relax, that everything is fine and that they do not have to worry.
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35. Chub
It is synonymous with joke.
36. Afternoon snack
Term used to refer to dinner.
37. pippon
Word that denotes a person with a very noticeable belly.
38. nice guy
It means that a person is good people.
39. Percheron
It refers to a woman over 30 years old.
40. Like a pig in a pool
It is used when you want to express happiness.
41. like a dog in mass
It is used to refer to having had a bad experience.
42. Of law
Indicates that something is very safe.
43. tripping
It means to spend the moment or enjoy something.
44. Lamp
Said of the person who draws attention or scolds.
45. put on eleven
It refers to someone who is very attentive.
46. Feint
It is when you want to confuse a person.
47. Blown
Indicates that a person runs away.
48. I went sucks
Indicates that someone has gone drinking with their friends.
49. Shoot
Word used when something has failed or when you are angry.
50. do you catch me?
Expression used to ask someone if they have understood what has been said.
51. just around the corner
Expression used to say that something is close.
52. Cool
That's how you say something is cool.
53. What do I shoot with you?
Expression typical of young people that is used to greet.
54. Corduroy
It refers to a friend.
55. What
It is a way of responding to a call.
56. long or long
It is a derogatory name to refer to people who live in the Ecuadorian highlands.
57. Blow naño!
Expression used to warn someone that a situation has gotten complicated and they have to leave.
58. Lock
It's a way of telling the cops.
59. Atatay
Indicates that something is disgusting.
60. I no longer pull
Expression used when a person is very tired.
61. Array!
Expression used when someone has been burned.
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62. be full
It's having a lot of work.
63. To mark
It means to carry someone in your arms.
64. I don't understand dad
It means that nothing is understood.
65. catch
It means to understand something.
66. For pleasure
When something is done unnecessarily.
67. By hand
Indicates that a couple lives together without being married.
68. Patucho
Short person.
69. Flute
It is the Ecuadorian way of calling the male penis.
70. there i fall
Expression that means that a person must meet another in a place.
71. Shimi
This is how a person who is very weepy is called.
72. go on a spree
Indicates leaving or partying.
73. monkey or monkey
It is a derogatory name with which people who live on the coast are known.
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74. of one!
Expression used when someone signs up for a plan.
75. Toad
It is an accusation for a person who is corrupt or who does bad deeds for his convenience.
76. woolly
Word that means thief.
77. squat
When you go to eat at a street stall.
78. you group
It means you are in love.
79. Sheath
This is how plastic bags are known in Ecuador.
80. Shunshō
Said of an unintelligent person.
81. millet or mija
It means my son or daughter.
82. oh no more
Expression that means: 'no, thank you'.
83. lying down
It refers to the roof of the house.
84. Chendo
Indicates that something is false.
85. be tied up
It is having a formal love relationship.
86. Mute
It is said of one who is or behaves like an idiot.
87. Ñaño or Ñana
It means brother and sister, respectively.
88. cholos
Way as it is said to a mestizo.
89. Guacho
It is said of the one who did not get to know his parents.
90. hollow
It is a place that is not very well cared for aesthetically but where you can eat great.
91. Ceviche
It is one of the most popular dishes consisting of a delicious cold seafood soup.
92. Bare
It is a synonym for boyfriend.
93. slimy
It is said of something that is dirty.
94. Sheath
It is used when the exact name of something is not remembered.
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95. veci
It refers to a friend or friend.
96. sing
Very peculiar name to say nose.
97. jumar
It is synonymous with getting drunk.
98. Jewel
It is a way to say that something is beautiful or pleasant.
99. Let's go to the cove
It is a way of saying: 'let's go home'.
100. that's a jumo
It refers to a drunk person.
101. Strength
It is synonymous with strength.
102. left over
Said of a proud and conceited person.
103. my daddy is upset
It is to warn that a parent is upset.
104. Did you bite already?
He wonders to see if the other person has understood what he said.
105. That suca is very beautiful
It refers to a blonde woman.
106. Baccan
It is an adjective to refer to someone or something that is very good.
107. Tutuma
Term that is said to the head.
108. put lip
It means to conquer someone.
109. chumar
Action of drinking or taking liquor more than necessary.
110. I'm going to the chamba
It means someone is going to work.
The way of speaking of Ecuador, as well as its very unique expressions, words and phrases, demonstrates the cultural diversity that it possesses.