Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Ana Sáncer (Arenys de Munt)

Essential Therapy offers you a space of trust and accompaniment in your own process, free of judgement, in which to attend to any psychic, emotional, relational and/or bodily discomfort or suffering and in which to release the obstacles that impede our development. In this way we favor an improvement in the quality of life, we acquire new ways of feeling and thinking, and we promote the recovery of vital energy, returning to the essential, to the inner potential and to one's own essence. Free first visit.

Anxiety treatment. Psychotherapy of toxic relationships or abuse. dependency relationships. Relations. emotional instability Body psychotherapy. Psychotherapy of trauma and traumatic attachment. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, grieving processes, self-esteem, personal growth, loneliness, guilt, emotional instability, phobias, fears. Pattern repetition. life crises. Duels. Conflict management. Extensive training in psychoanalysis, NeuroLinguistic Programming and extensive experience with yoga-meditation-mindfulness.

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15 years of continuous training in psychoanalysis accompanied by 14 years of individual analysis and 10 years of therapeutic group. Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP at Institut Gestalt. In a constant process of training and learning, during the last years I have been specially trained in Treatment of Interpersonal Dependence and Attachment Trauma, Narcissistic and Moral Abuse Relationships, Trauma, Grief and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as well as in Techniques of Neuroprocessing. Comprehensive training and experience to work from a psychic, emotional and bodily point of view.

Psychologist Marian Alvarez Fernandez (El Viso del Alcor)

I started my professional career in 2003, within the area of ​​Physical Activity and Sports Psych...

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Psychologist Esther Ponce Blázquez (Tomelloso)

I am an Educational Psychologist from UNED and Gestalt Humanist Arteterpeta. My commitment to the...

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Psychologist Alejandra Polo (Salamanca)

I am Alejandra Polo, general health psychologist. I decided to embark on this path of psychology ...

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