Types of informative texts

The informative or informative texts are those aimed at disseminating information, discoveries or findings relating to a matter of general interest. They are part of the so-called expository texts and are written in a correct language, but accessible to all types of readers, since their main mission is to reach a very wide audience.
In this one Teacher lesson we are going to focus on the types of informative texts, we will show different examples and we will differentiate them according to the topics they address or their formats.
The types of informative texts are the rankings that exist for this type of texts, which may vary in the matters of interest or the publication format. They are the general divisions that are made to catalog them and avoid confusion.
In fact, informative texts belong to the branch of the expository texts which are classified as follows according to the type of reader:
- informative texts. Those aimed at a wide audience to bring topics of general interest.
- specialized texts. Those aimed at a niche audience that is a specialist in a certain subject and understands technical language.

The main intention of informative texts is make certain objective conclusions knownabout a topic, knowledge of general interest or scientific discoveries.
These can address different disciplines and their main quality is the application of plain language to facilitate the understanding of all readers.
Furthermore, they are speeches neutrals that expose always objective data and shed personal opinions as much as possible. This differentiates them from journalistic articles, theories or other types of formats.

This is the classification of the different types of informative texts according to the subject dealing.
Scientific popularization
This modality is one of the most common and covers a very wide subject. In this type of informative texts, discoveries of physics, biology or mathematics enter, all stories related to science.
social outreach
Informative texts of a social nature cover anthropological, social science or history subjects, among others.
technological disclosure
These types of informative texts focus on technological advances in any field, it is common to find them focused on computer issues, the internet or mobile devices.
The humanistic disclosure
In the humanistic disclosure you can find texts of an artistic nature such as those based on literary pieces, music or photography.
To show it more clearly, we provide you with some examples of informative texts of different kinds:
Scientific dissemination
“Black holes are the cold remains of ancient stars, so dense that no material particle, not even light, is able to escape their powerful gravitational pull.
While many stars end up as white dwarfs or neutron stars, black holes they represent the last phase in the evolution of huge stars that were at least 10 to 15 times larger than our sun.”
Examples of social disclosure texts
“I will remember that a person is not only launched in search of knowledge for purposes of immediate utility. Knowledge is often thought of as the key to freedom, as a means of not being left out of its time, as a means of participating in the world and finding a place in it.
Technological disclosure
“Likewise, the development of teaching digital competence (CDD) has become the main objective of educational institutions in order to satisfy the new demands of the teaching-learning process and limit, in turn, the inequalities among students derived from the lack of a CDD effective. In this context, the Collaborative Digital Observation Notebook (CDCO) is presented, a proposal for an observation and training plan developed in OneNote with the aim of promoting peer observation and developing teaching digital competence in context."
Examples of humanistic popularization texts
“Despite the fact that there is an increasingly broad and enthusiastic public for contemporary art, contact with the works and artists of the present continues to be a minority. There are various reasons that could explain this distancing and this is not the time to address them. But it is convenient, for the matter that we are dealing with, that we refer to one of them: the perception by the citizen that it is an elitist sphere that excludes him by definition. Although museums, art centers and commercial galleries are public spaces that are easily accessible and affordable for all economies – that are not free usually offer free admission on certain days or times– in our daily environment, art shines for its absence."
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Popular science texts of the social sciencesJessica Jasso; Technology, science and education; Texts by Michele Petit, disseminator; Elcano Royal Institute, Royal Institute