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8 characteristics of informative texts

Characteristics of informative texts

The informative texts They are that show a series of facts, concepts or findings with a language that is understandable for all types of readers. Its main intention is to make information of general interest known to a wide audience, readers who are not specialists in said subject.

For a text to be considered informative, it must meet certain common elements; and in this lesson from a Teacher we are going to tell you what the characteristics of informative texts and we will expose you different examples.

The characteristics of informative textsare those qualities that have this type of texts to be considered informative. In fact, they are what differentiate them from specialized texts or other types of expository articles.

Knowing them carefully, you can choose to correctly elaborate one of these texts, it also allows differentiate them from others similar and analyze them properly. Therefore, it is vitally important to identify these qualities that represent them.

Characteristics of informative texts - What are the characteristics of informative texts

These are the characteristics of the most outstanding informative texts.

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This type of text is characterized by being based on solid knowledge and proven factsConsequently, subjective positions have no place in the development of informative texts. In fact, as we will see later, they are often supported by graphic or statistical material to illustrate the issues addressed in them.


The authors of informative texts are always subject matter experts object of the piece, although not necessarily renowned eminences in a certain field. A common characteristic is to find informative articles signed by good professionals from a sector with wide trajectory, journalists specialized in the dissemination of a subject or people from an academic circle who dominate the subject with a lot of rigor.

The structures

The most common is that texts of this type are defined by presenting, among other aspects mentioned, a very clear structure. This begins with the introduction to the topic, goes on to develop the question to be addressed and finally leads to a conclusion as a summary. It is important that you know that there are different types of informative textss and therefore the structure may vary slightly.


Although the informative texts have a homogenization of criteria in the formal aspects, the sources and the structures, they are something more open in terms of formats. Informative texts can be found in various forms thanks to the variety of media we have today, so it is common to find them in magazine or newspaper articles, on specialized web pages, in paper books and ebooks or brochures.

The language

Throughout the text, a simple and very clear language although without losing sight of the formal tone. As far as possible, the paragraphs will run without an excess of technical words with which the general public to whom they are directed is not familiar or should know. They are used when it is necessary to name something that cannot be explained in any other way.

Images, statistics or graphs

The disclosure texts are supported in any case by visual content to expose with greater precision the matters or discoveries that are exposed. The use of images or graphics has the mission of clarifying certain topics, making them more visual or offering exact data.

the quotes

It is very common for informative texts to contribute verbatim quotes from authors, books or carefully identified theories to support certain arguments or expand on a topic that the aforementioned experts have previously addressed.

Characteristics of informative texts - 7 characteristics of informative texts

These are Some examples that point out the main characteristics of informative texts.

Objectivity and data in informative texts

“Vaccines from Sinopharm (BBIBP-CorV), Janssen (JNJ-78436735), Gamaleya Institute (Gam-COVID-Vac), Sinovac (CoronaVac), CanSino (Convidecia), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria), Moderna (mRNA-1273) and Pfizer (BNT162b2), depending on availability for each country. The perspective of the health system was adopted, so that only direct medical costs were included. The time horizon was adopted taking into account the implementation times of each vaccination plan, excluding children under 16 years of age and pregnant women.

Plain language in informative texts

“Although scientists can now point the finger at the North Pacific, the exact mechanism remains unclear. Several theories are proposed as to how the loss of ice from the Cordillera ultimately translated into massive ice calving along the eastern coast of North America. Fresh water deposited in the North Pacific may have traveled north through the Bering Strait, through the Arctic, and into the North Atlantic. There, the floating freshwater served as a "plug" in the ocean's denser saltwater, preventing it from capsizing."

Quotations in informative texts

“Cajal's drawings are still relevant today, says Abbott. “What surprises me the most is how completely timeless they are.” Even with powerful, high-resolution microscopes, scientists today see cells in a similar way. “It's almost depressing to think that even with all this sophisticated equipment, we're not that far ahead,” he says. "But I like that. I like that there's a direct connection to 100 years ago."

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Characteristics of informative texts - Examples of informative texts and their characteristics

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