Top 11 Myths About ADHD (And Why They're Not True)
Much has been said about ADHD in the media, social media, and word of mouth. As with all psychiatric disorders, this has not been free of hoaxes and myths. In fact, along with ASD, ADHD is one of the developmental disorders with the most misinformation.
Some blame the parents, others the pharmaceutical industry and still others underestimate the seriousness of the disorder. The list of myths about ADHD could be endless, but today we are going to focus on the most shared.
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Myths about ADHD
Of all the childhood disorders there are, surely ADHD, along with ASD, is one of the most myths and lies that revolve around it. There is a lot of misinformation about children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Either due to ignorance of its symptoms, attributing less seriousness to it, considering that childhood is pathologized or, directly, to say that it is an invention of the pharmaceutical industry, the truth is that there are hoaxes that have penetrated deeply into what is the ADHD.
Misinformation hurts families, but especially children with ADHD. Presenting this disorder and not diagnosing or treating it in time has a very negative effect on their school performance, social relationships, self-concept and self-esteem. Not knowing why they are doing poorly in school and not receiving help to improve academically will determine their future, believing that he is less intelligent than others and feeling deeply depressed and frustrated thus. That is why it is so important that, given the suspicion that our child could present this disorder, consult professional help.
Next, we are going to look at 11 myths about ADHD and explain them in depth.
1. ADHD is a discipline problem
ADHD has a biological origin, with a high heritability (75%). This psychiatric disorder manifests itself in several ways, having as main components the following:
- Hyperactivity: altered activity level.
- Impulsivity: poor behavioral self-control.
- Inattention: poor attention span and concentration.
Boys and girls with this psychiatric condition have serious attention and concentration problems, as well as impulsivity that is inappropriate for their age and developmental stage.
That a child has ADHD is not the fault of her parents. Many believe that it is a discipline problem, the result of the parents' failure to control the child effectively. Certainly, parents may have had this problem, but not because they are bad educators, but because that is precisely a symptom of ADHD. Their son's behavior overwhelms them.
The diagnosis of ADHD is very reliable and there are worldwide associations of parents with children with this disorder in which they can resort to their help.

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2. It's not ADHD, it's just that there are children who are difficult
It is true that most children are impulsive and tend to pay little attention at times, sometimes to the extreme. However, in the case of a child with ADHD, it is not that he is simply “difficult” for his parents or teachers, nor is it that his mind is on something else. His hyperactivity and inattention are severe enough to speak of a disability, a problem that prevents you from working normally on a daily basis.
His symptoms consistently and severely prevent him from succeeding in school, adjusting to family routines, following house rules, maintaining friendships, and avoiding injury. The clear functional disability in children with ADHD is what prompts pediatricians and child psychiatrists to diagnose the disorder and recommend treatment.
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3. The child will have ADHD if he concentrates on his video games for hours
In most cases, ADHD involves problems with tasks that require attention for long periods of time, not so much with activities that are interesting or stimulating. School is especially difficult for children with ADHD because the classes are not very stimulating in terms of sight, sound and physical activity, unlike video games.
Most children with ADHD are diagnosed in the school years precisely because the school, social, and behavioral demands during those years are so difficult for them. It may appear that his difficulties are caused by school, a possibility that should be considered, but it is more likely to be a result of the child's effort to manage that environment.
Other situations that can be difficult for children with ADHD and that occur at school are social interactions; sports where they have to concentrate (p. g., dodgeball, tennis, volleyball…) and extracurricular activities that require them to be still, listen or wait their shift for long periods of time.
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4. ADHD is a new disease or an invention
One of the most widespread myths about ADHD is that it is an invention, a new "disease" created with the purpose of pathologizing child behavior and medicalizing boys and girls from a very young age.
Yes, it is true that the name of ADHD is new and an invention, acronyms with which this attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity disorder has been known since 1994. However, the symptoms associated with this condition were already known in the 19th century and various diagnostic labels have been proposed over the last two centuries. That the name is new does not mean that the disorder did not exist before.
We have one of the first records of what we know today as ADHD from 1865, the date the one that appears in the story of "Der Struwwelpeter" (Peter the disheveled), whose author is Heinrich Hoffmann. Originally, it was called "Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction". Later, in 1950 it was baptized as "Hyperkinetic Syndrome" and a decade later Hyperactive Child Syndrome or Hyperkinetic Reaction of Childhood.
In the 1980s the name was changed again to the disorder, this time with one similar to the one we have today: Attention Deficit Disorder., with or without Hyperactivity (ADD with H and ADD without H). In the current classification of the DSM-5 there are three subtypes: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive and combined. The diagnosis frequency of it is quite constant around the world, ranging between 2 and 6%.
5. ADHD is a false disease, the result of the parents' lack of patience for the normal behavior of their son or daughter
ADHD must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible because it has a very negative impact on the child. Decreases academic performance and, consequently, can lead to school failure, failing subjects, repeating courses, abandoning studies. And even if there is no school failure, the fact that he has difficulties in class and does not receive an explanation from the because it will make the boy or girl think that he or she is less intelligent, having a very low self-esteem and selfconcept.
But there are not only problems in the studies. The social and emotional life of children with ADHD is also affected in the form of problems in relationships with peers, friends and family due to their impulsiveness. Children with this condition have few and short-lived friends, which indirectly contributes to repeated school failure and misbehavior. All this can cause episodes of depression.
If they do not receive the treatment that corresponds to them as children, when they reach adulthood it will be difficult for them to find work and the jobs they do get will be below their capacity. Added to this, adults with untreated ADHD can suffer multiple consequences associated with irresponsibility, such as having children at an early age, higher rate of substance abuse, lack of work organization and lower retention of jobs.
If these children are not treated correctly, their future jobs will be below their capacity.. Added to this are problems such as more pregnancies at an early age, a higher rate of substance abuse, less job progression and less job retention. Children with ADHD who are not treated are highly likely to develop oppositional behaviors: disobedience, defiance, addictions...
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6. Anyone can diagnose ADHD
To properly manage ADHD and avoid its complications, a correct and early diagnosis is highly necessary. The first to suspect that a child may have this psychiatric condition are parents and teachers.
As much experience as teachers may have with cases of ADHD in their class, they are not the most suitable people to diagnose the disorder, but rather a child psychologist, child psychiatrist, or pediatrician with expertise in the condition psychiatric
We emphasize that the definitive diagnosis is made by a psychiatrist specializing in childhood and adolescence, a pediatric neurologist or clinical psychologist. Once the diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is designed as a result of interdisciplinary collaboration between a clinical psychologist, pedagogue, support teacher and other professionals in the field of mental health and education childish.
7. Drugs should never be used as the first therapeutic option for ADHD
ADHD it is too complex a disorder to be treated with a single option. The treatment of this condition involves training parents about what ADHD is and how to manage their child's behavior, in addition to giving the child support and the appropriate school adaptation. Added to this, pharmacological treatment is necessary, since the medication for this condition affects the imbalanced brain chemistry behind the symptoms of this disorder.
Parents can help children with ADHD by defining clear rules of consequences and rewards for certain behaviors. They must also collaborate with the little one in the tasks and duties, dividing them if necessary, defining stable and predictable routines, increase the structure of your time and order in the house eliminate distractions and motivate the small.
We have several effective drugs to help children with ADHD. On the one hand, we have psychostimulants, such as methylphenidate (eg. eg, Rubifen®, Concerta® and Medikinet®), which acts mainly on dopamine. Other non-stimulant psychoactive drugs, such as atomoxetine (Strattera®), which affects norepinephrine levels, also help.
8. Psychotherapy should be used and ADHD medication avoided at all costs
Psychotherapy is essential, not only in ADHD but in all mental disorders. Psychological treatments serve as training for parents on the symptoms, control and management of the child's behavior.
However, we must understand that ADHD is a condition with a strong neurological basis and that treatments such as psychoanalysis, play therapy or cognitive training to improve concentration, memory and attention have not shown good results without combining them with drugs. The focus of attention should be on the school, applying school support, individualizing study techniques and reviewing the subjects that cost you the most..
Any treatment that is offered as magical, that promises immediate, rapid, effortless and permanent cure for ADHD should be questioned. In many cases, extremely expensive treatments can be found on the market that claim that ADHD can be easily cured.
The sad reality is that behind them there are people with very few scruples who are willing to take advantage of the suffering of fathers and mothers who, desperate for their child to be "normal", are willing to pay any price. ADHD is a chronic condition and, although its symptoms improve as the individual matures, requires professional pharmacological and psychological intervention, based on scientific evidence.
9. ADHD only affects during childhood
It is true that some of the symptoms of hyperactivity fade as you mature. But, on the contrary, the symptoms associated with inattention and, especially, those of impulsivity persist during adolescence and adulthood.
One-third of children with ADHD “grow out” of having it before adolescence. Why this is is a matter of debate, ranging from overdiagnosis (which is real) to sufficiently reducing Significant decrease in symptoms with treatment Significant enough to consider the disorder no longer this. Another third will stop having ADHD before adulthood. Ultimately, the remaining one-third will continue to have ADHD into adulthood.
Despite these statistics, it can be said that some who "recover" maintain symptoms that affect them, so it is considered that ADHD, even if it is no longer as intense as in childhood, it is a chronic problem that requires long-term management. Likewise, the remission of symptoms in adolescence and adulthood may be relevant enough for the individual to have a successful academic and social life.
- Related article: "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), also in adults"
10. ADHD only affects boys, not girls
Another myth is that ADHD only affects boys and not girls. This is the feeling it gives, since this disorder goes more unnoticed in girls. The reason for this is that have show less hyperactivity and opposition to adults, showing themselves as less negative in behavior and learning. Girls with ADHD do not usually have problems with school performance until they reach high school.
11. ADHD drugs are addictive
One of the most used arguments against the medication of boys and girls with ADHD is that the drugs produce addiction. The truth is that methylphenidate, the main pharmacological option for ADHD, does not produce addiction if therapeutic doses are respected. Although it is true that it is chemically similar to amphetamine, at normal doses for ADHD and taken orally, it does not produce a euphoric effect.
This does not mean that you should not be careful with these drugs because they are still medications and, as with all, precautions must be taken. At high doses, methylphenidate does cause euphoric effects and, if given to boys who have a history of drug or alcohol abuse, their administration should be closely monitored close.