Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best child psychologists in Ciudad Juárez

the psychologist elizabeth zapine She has a degree in Psychology, she has a Master's degree in Psychotherapy and throughout her career she has been trained in different specialized centers both nationally and internationally.

Currently she runs her own therapeutic center in Ciudad Juárez, where she attends both online as well as in person to children and adolescents who request her services, as well as couples and families.

Her intervention is integrative in nature and is based on the joint application of various therapies of proven efficacy, such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, with the her which she attends to cases of anxiety, depression, deficits in anger management, school difficulties, low self-esteem, stress and processes of divorce.

the psychologist Maria de Jesus Gutierrez She has more than 11 years of experience behind her and currently offers a Clinical and Forensic Psychology service aimed at children of all ages.

Her intervention is offered online based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and some of the alterations that she successfully treats are: cases of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, codependency, divorce proceedings, ADHD and autism spectrum disorders.

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This professional has a Higher Degree in Clinical Psychology, she has a specialty in Psychology Legal and Forensic and she also has Diplomas in Medical Sexology, Developmental Disorders and in Rupture of Partner.

the psychologist Regina Wohlmut She has a degree in Psychology from UAM Xochimilco, she has a Doctorate in Psychology from the Centro of Higher Studies ELEIA and also has a Postgraduate degree from the Psychoanalytic Association Mexican.

His intervention integrates the best therapies with proven efficacy and in his consultation he mainly attends to children and adolescents who may present family conflicts, stress, suicidal thoughts, emotional difficulties, divorce proceedings or difficulties with relationship.

The Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist Oscar Villicana is CEO of Center for Psychological Attention and Learning Mák Psap, where she offers her services online to children over 2 and a half years old up to 17-year-olds.

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach and some of her main specialties are anxiety cases, depression, eating disorders, marital crises, low self-esteem, sexual abuse and disorders food.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the UABC, has a Master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Assessment, She has a Diploma in Cognitive-behavioral Psychotherapy and also has a Higher Course in Psychological Evaluation Childish.

the psychologist Adriana Serrano-Robles She has a degree in Psychology from UNAM, has a Diploma in Neurolinguistic Programming, a Degree Superior in Sexual Education, a Diploma in Emotion Management and another in Gestalt Psychotherapy and Humanist.

This professional has more than 25 years of experience and currently offers a psychological care service online totally individualized and aimed at boys and girls who may be going through a period of difficulty.

His intervention integrates Cognitive-behavioral Therapy along with other effective orientations, with which he attends the cases of anxiety, school difficulties, low self-esteem, family conflicts and addiction to drugs. video game.

The psychologist David de la Hoya Garcia He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, has a Master's degree in Special Education from the same university and also has a Doctorate in Psychology.

This therapist has more than 11 years of experience behind her and currently attends both online and in person to children of all ages who may present cases of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, bullying, codependency or processes of duel.

the psychologist Juana Alamillo Avalos She is a specialist in attending both online and in person to children over 6 years of age who may present cases of anxiety, grieving processes, depression, behavioral disorders, stress, bullying or disorder obsessive compulsive.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez and is a specialist in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy from the Superior School of Psychology of Ciudad Juárez.

The psychologist Fernando Quinones Rodriguez He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, he has a Diploma in Logotherapy, he is an expert in Psychopathology of Couple Relations and also in Psychotraumatology.

His intervention is offered in person to children who may present grieving processes, cases of anxiety, depression, dependence, cases of sexual abuse, post-traumatic stress or eating disorders.

the psychologist Jasmine Perez Hernandez She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez and throughout her career she has specialized in providing a Clinical Psychology service to children of all ages, as well as to families.

Her intervention is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and in her sessions she attends to grieving processes, cases of anxiety, depression, codependency, aggressive behavior, ADHD and stress post-traumatic

the psychologist Carla Pamela Saldana Alva She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad de la Salle, she is an Expert Specialist in Forensic Psychology and also has a Specialty in Family Orientation.

This professional is an expert in dealing with cases of violence in children over 12 years of age, as well as psychological abuse, dependency, stress, depression and anxiety.

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