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Rupi Kaur: 12 Annotated Poems of the Indian Writer

Rupi Kaur is a young Indian writer who has been highlighted in recent years through social networks. With a simple writing, more profoundly sincere and intimate, Rupi touches on important points, especially for women.

Or love, self-esteem, or feminism, solidarity and solitude are present in his poetry in a way direct and uncomplicated, contributing so that many young people understand situations and feelings complexes. The author is also included in her authorial illustrated books.

His poems do not have titles and are written only with lowercase letters, in the same way that they are written in gurmukhi, an Indian language. In our selection, we highlight the first words of each poetic text to trace 12 analyzed poems.

1. on top of all my love

on top of all my love
how to find the only thing that you know how to do
no end of the day isso tudo
it doesn't mean anything
this page
where are you
your diploma
I am employed
or money
nothing matters
success or love and connection between people
quem voê amou
and how deep you love
how you played as pessoas à sua volta
e quanto você se doou a las.

instagram story viewer

Nesse poetic text, the author traced us to valorização gives delivery in a relationship.

Be in friendships, loves carnais or relatives, a ligação and the bond that is established with the people and one of them most important things in life, because it really transforms reality, leaving a legacy of love everywhere we pass

2. I want to apologize to all the women

I want to apologize to all the women
that I thought were pretty
before saying intelligent or courageous
I am sad to be felled as I know
something as simple as here that was born with you
Fosse seu mayor pride when seu
espírito já despedaçou montanhas
from now em diante vou dizer things like
you are strong or you are incredible
not because he doesn't make you pretty
more because you are much more than that

Since childhood, one of the two most frequent compliments directed at women is related to appearance. Generally, being "pretty" is seen as a great "conquest" and a source of pride.

Rupi Kaur presents nesse poem uma another perspective on beauty, tracing other qualities that we can - and must - be pointed out before saying that a woman is simply beautiful, I tied it because the concept of "beautiful" is something quite questionable and impermanent.

3. we are all born so pretty

we are all born
so pretty

a great tragedy is that
we convince ourselves that we are not

This little poem is about feeling of low self-esteem to which we are all subject to long life. When born, the human being has a journey to go through and still has not been influenced by the opinions and julgamentos alheios.

More as time, we do not maintain clarity and pride in being who we are, we run or risk proving that we are less deserving and less "beautiful".

4. I don't want to have you

I don't want to have you
to preencher minhas empty parts
I want to be full sozinha
I want to be so complete
that could light up the city
and only there
I want to have you
why do you give us together
let's throw fire em tudo

When we feel scared, we run or risk believing that the presence of the loved one in our lives is or that it preenches and gives meaning to existence.

More here, Rupi warns us about the need for experience completeness without depending on ninguém, so that assim, complete, we can overflow in a healthy and vibrant relationship.

5. I was not pregnant

I didn't go here because
eu deixei to love you
I was embora because how much more
eu ficava
less you loved me

Many times, even loving a person, it is necessary to Courage to leave a relationship that has never been.

I need strength and lucidity to recognize when a union is worn out and face that our self-love is in the background.

In some cases, even if it is painful, it is preferable to continue alone, because in some way we must stop loving ourselves to meet the expectations of another person.

6. my pulse quickens

my pulse quickens before
gives idea of ​​giving birth poems
and that's why I'll never stop
to open myself to conceive them
or love
peel the words
it's so erotic
that you're overwhelmed
ou excited pela
or both

This is a beautiful homage to writing and writing declaration of love to poetry.

The writer viscerally presents her connection with her words and the desire to continue writing and showing her point of view on life.

7. why do you turn

why do you turn around he asks me
I'm ready for the yellow field
you tour adore the sun I say
when the sun rises they stand up
when the sun goes embora
eles abaixam to head of sadness
é o que o sol faz com as flores
what did you do with me
— or sun and its flowers

8. you partiu

you partiu
and I still loved you
but you wanted someone
what did you want to do

This poem is present in other ways to use the mouth, it also says about frustration and the end of a love relationship. Or sentiment exposed here is or desire that the loved one wants to relate.

It's a frustration for not having control over or wanting another. Meanwhile, there is also a certain conformism, it is better to continue alone than to be by the side of someone with an incompatible feeling.

9. when you start to love

when you start to love a new person
feel like laughing because love is indecisive
lembra de when you have certainty
the last time it was a certain person
and now you heard there
redefining people certa de novo
– a new love is a present

Rupi Kaur's poems are very successful because we deal with these questions in a direct way, tracing in a few reflective sentences about the complexities of love and relationships.

An example is the text in the questão, which places us in front of the contradictions and weapons that awaken emotions. Really, or apaixonamento we can do with proving that there is a "certain person", or that it is an illusion.

Therefore, with each new love, the certainties are reconfigured and again the people are perceived in an unexpected and surprising situation.

10. I get up

I get up
on or sacrifice
of a thousand women who saw me before
and I thought
what is it that you did
to return to this higher mountain
so that as mulheres que vierem depois de mim
possam see german
– legacy

The narratives of other women, their dorers and their lutas, are evoked by the writer in order to create an emotional and historical panorama that she gives forces for as new generations possam to get up and create a new reality.

It is interesting how Rupi manages to question or spend at the same time in which she values ​​and honors the women who live and sacrifice themselves in this harsh patriarchal system.

11. that idea of ​​beauty

that idea of ​​beauty
it is manufactured
I don't
– human

A "beauty" - especially feminine - is an aspect built over two centuries and is in constant transformation.

There is a myth around it and a charge so that women are always "impecable, beautiful and perfect", quase as we are not fossem human beings.

Assim, Rupi addresses this problem, claiming his place in the world as a person and not as a product, placing himself against the objectification of two bodies and the aesthetic pressures that fall on women.

12. you will part the world

you will part the world
in various pieces and
chamaram of countries
declare posse on
or that you never belonged to them
e deixaram os others without anything
– colonized

Rupi Kaur's poems and phrases deal in depth with relationships, mainly love between households, but some also trace social questions of great importance.

Here, an Indian writer exhibits her indignation about the historical problem of colonization and the corresponding consequences of it, such as invasion of territories, or domination of one over others and inequality.

Books by Rupi Kaur

Rupi began to publish his poems and illustrations on social networks independently at the age of 21. His success was enormous, making his first two books reach more than 8 million copies sold in about 20 languages.

  • Other jeitos to use to mouth (milk and honey) - 2014
  • O Que o Sol Faz Com as Flores (The Sun and Her Flowers) - 2017
  • My body minha casa (Home Body) - 2021
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