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Deusa Artemis: mythology and meaning

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Artemis in Greek mythology deusa da caça, dos animais, da Lua e dos nacimentos. She is also the protector of children and women.

In Roman mythology she ganhou or name of Diana and continued to be revered.

Her symbology is related to independence and chastity, because she never needed a partner to exercise her completeness and integrity.

Myth of Artemis

Filha do deus Zeus com a titânide Leto, Ártemis é irmã gêmea of ​​Apollo, or deus do Sol. She was born before her birth and witnessed the two births of her mother. Skilled and independent, Ártemis helped her mother to give birth to Apollo, becoming her tutor.

Greek painting representing Apollo and Artemis
Greek painting representing Artemis and Apollo

When young, Deusa met her father, Zeus, and made some requests. Or more importantly, it was the promise that she would remain a virgin forever. It is worth noting that the idea of virginity and chastity she appears here as a symbol of purity and autonomy, and not of naivety or shyness.

She also asked for freedom to live in the forest with a group of nymphs that she could have various names.

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Sometimes she is represented wearing a tunic and wielding a bow and arrow, besides always being in the company of animals.

Despite being loving and protective of children and women, especially since she is ready to marry, Ártemis has a rather intolerant and vindictive side.

Mythology tells that she cruelly punished those who tried to abuse her. One of them is Actaeon, a distinguished hunter who saw and was attacked, and for this reason he was turned into a deer and hunted by his companions.

Meaning of Artemis

Artemis (ou Diana) tem as meaning to valorization of individuality, gives autonomy and the ability to "be enough" to be complete and satisfied in life.

This archetype is closely related to freedom, courage and independence. Deusa is also linked to the idea of ​​fulfillment and unity among women (which can currently be called sorority).

Sculpture representing deusa Artemis (ou Diana)
Sculpture representing deusa Artemis (ou Diana)

Reverence to Artemis

Quite cultured in antiquity, it used to be a sacred place in its homage to her, called temple of artemis. The building was erected in Ephesus, an ancient Greek city located in Jônia.

Built I know VI a. C, or temple was two major and is between as 7 wonders of the ancient world.

Many celebrations and festivities are held to honor the divinity, as well as other figures of Greek mythology.

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