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Characteristics of the HUMANISTIC text and examples

Characteristics of the humanistic text and examples

The humanistic texts they are characterized by referring to social relations, thought or even the language of people. In them, it is usual to find a combination between exposition and argumentation.

In this lesson from a Teacher we are going to delve into the main ccharacteristics of the humanistic text and examples so you can easily recognize them. Let's start!

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  1. What is a humanistic text
  2. What are the characteristics of the humanistic text
  3. Types of humanistic texts
  4. Types of humanistic texts according to the recipient
  5. Structure of the humanistic text
  6. Examples of humanistic texts

What is a humanistic text.

The humanistic text is defined as one in which the author exposes his reasoned opinion on a topic that may be of interest to the reader. For its development, specific formal languages ​​of each subject or technical definitions are not required. They drink from the philosophical current of Humanism in which the human being became the center of the debate, as well as issues related to people.

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In fact, in them it is common to perceive a certain degree of rambling or inaccuracy, since at all times they are exposed from the point of view of the one who exposes the subject. Usually they are addressed human-related issues, culture, social attitudes or artistic abilities.

Characteristics of the humanistic text and examples - What is a humanistic text

What are the characteristics of the humanistic text.

humanistic texts They have certain traits. Here we leave you a review of the characteristics of the humanistic text:

  • One of the most important is that they always address royal themes: they never go into fiction or fantasy.
  • They are quite subjective.
  • Scientific rigor is not required in them or similar, since they are usually based on the author's own arguments.
  • They are intended to persuade or convince the reader of their own opinions, substantiating them with well-armed arguments and reasoning.
  • They can be character speculative and even with some poetic inspiration in its development.
Characteristics of the humanistic text and examples - What are the characteristics of the humanistic text

Types of humanistic texts.

Now that we know the characteristics of the humanistic text, we are going to know the different types that exist. They are the following.


The argumentative text is a text in which the author offers a reasoned opinion about a topic. This type includes the essay, the informative text or the newspaper article, for example.


These humanistic texts explain rules or instructions to carry out a certain activity. They belong to this group, for example, style guides or manuals.


This type of text is written with the mission of being orally transmitted, either through dialogue or through a publicly exposed monologue. These are, for example, debates or interviews.


In this case, a text is exposed that is objective and specializing in one discipline. This is the case of dictionaries or manuals.

Characteristics of the humanistic text and examples - Types of humanistic texts

Types of humanistic texts according to the receiver.

The types of humanistic texts can also be classified according to the public to whom it is directed. They are the following.


The one focused on transmitting a topic of interest to a very wide audience and that he is not necessarily a specialist in the field.


Aimed at an audience that is highly educated in a concrete matter or who is a specialist in that field.


This is a type of text focused on people with some academic interest, such as university students or researchers.

Structure of the humanistic text.

The main purpose of humanistic texts is to give perpetuity to human knowledge, export culture and generate certain reflections around them. To achieve this, it uses a combination of an expository and argumentative model.

These can be mixed and arranged in different ways depending on the chosen structure:

  • analytical or deductive: It is generated from a general idea and reasonings are moved to support this thesis.
  • Synthesizing or inductive: Arises as a result of arguments based on concrete and objective data, from them the general idea is reached as a conclusion.
  • Framed: It is based on a thesis raised at the beginning that is confirmed with facts or data with which the reasoning is nuanced.
  • Parallel: In this case, a central thesis is lacking, therefore, variety of ideas without dominating any of them.
  • Chronological: shed data of a specific topic from the oldest to the most recent.
Characteristics of the humanistic text and examples - Structure of the humanistic text

Examples of humanistic texts.

We provide you with some examples of humanistic texts, of different types and various structures. This way you can get a more solid idea of ​​its main characteristics.


Poverty is Multidimensional: a Classification Essay. Javier Iguiñiz Echeverria

“In this work we are going to attempt a rough classification of the different ways of defining poverty and its causes in multidimensional terms. Searches for a multidimensional perspective of poverty seem to be mainly associated with five processes in a certain dialogue with each other, but also conceptually distant. ”


Publication style guide from the University of Alicante

“The following Style Manual contains the compilation of those rules of spelling, typography, style and edition that we have considered essential for the correct exposition of an investigation or text teacher. The rules set forth here are not the only ones. Many publishers and scientific journals have their particular style rules, and whoever wishes to publish in them must follow their rules faithfully. However, there are generally accepted standards, and those are the ones offered here.”

This concludes this lesson on humanistic text features and examples. We hope that it has been helpful to you and, in any case, you can leave us a comment.

If you want to read more articles similar to Characteristics of the humanistic text and examples, we recommend that you enter our category of literary concepts.


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