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The psychological profile of the murderer, in 6 typical traits

Murder is one of the most serious crimes that human beings can commit, and yet one of the oldest. From prehistory to the present, there have been cases of people who have decided to premeditatedly end the lives of other people. In fact, remains of massacres from more than 9,000 years ago have been found.

What characteristics does a murderer have? Although there are a large number of causes or aspects that can lead to a person deciding to take another's life, and it is not likely to establish a clear and universal for all murderers (there is a great variety of possible profiles and types of murderer), in this article we try to outline a generic psychological profile regarding to the topic.

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murder and manslaughter

We call murder the act by which a person takes the life of another in a intentional, existing in the act treachery, cruelty or compensation for the performance of the act. If none of the above three circumstances appear

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we would be talking about a homicide. Murder implies premeditation and the existence of some type of motivation on the part of the causative agent to cause death. This agent causing death through murder is called murderer.

Murder is a blood crime sanctioned by law and can carry penalties ranging from prison to capital punishment, depending on the legislation of the territory in which the accused is tried.

The motives that lead a person to kill another They can be very varied, from revenge to obtaining resources. There are many types of murderers and murders depending on the motive for the crime, the way of carry it out, the number of people killed or even the type of relationship established between the victim and executioner. All this means that a specific profile must be made for each case, being able to find different characteristics in each type of crime.

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Psychological profile of the murderer: common characteristics

It is extremely difficult to establish a general psychological profile of the figure of the murderer, especially considering the great variety in what refers to the possible causes of the murderous behavior.

Despite this, here are some traits and characteristics that tend to be fulfilled in a large proportion of cases.

1. Vision of the other as the cause of harm, threat or obstacle

Although the specific causes can be many, as a general rule the person who commits a murder sees his victim as someone who has caused him harm, poses a threat to her integrity or status or that of a loved one or represents an obstacle to achieving a certain goal.

It can also be a premeditated act of violence against someone who resembles a person who has caused the murderer harm, or even to satisfy a need with which the subject has nothing in principle what to see

2. High score in psychopathy

There are cases of murders that are committed against people who have no relationship with the murderer, as in many cases of serial killers or in cases where the murderer is a hitman hired to end the life of a person.

However, the vast majority of murders that can be observed are carried out between people who know each other or whose environment is linked, even if their contact has been circumstantial. That means the killer has the ability to emotionally distance himself from the victim, which fits with a psychological profile with a high degree of psychopathy.

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3. Discretion

Apparently, the personality of most murderers does not usually have great particularities that make them stand out from the rest of the population. The act of murder is not limited to a psychic structure that makes the person stand out for the type of social skills he has.

4. In many cases, low level of assertiveness

Although they generally have normal behavior, in many cases the murder occurs as a consequence of the birth of aggressiveness towards a specific person due to circumstances variables. The murderer is not capable of managing the situation in any other way than with murder, or despite conceiving the gives priority to causing the death of the future victim.

5. There is not necessarily a mental disorder

There is socially the idea of ​​identifying murder with the presence of psychopathology. However, in general this is not the case. Normally the majority of murders are provoked by people considered mentally healthy, being some of the most frequent hate crimes, crimes of passion or those linked to economic or resource aspects.

An exception can be found in serial killers, who tend to suffer from extreme psychopathy, sociopathy or different disorders that alter the perception of reality.

6. gender and age

killers in general are usually young or middle-aged males, although numerous cases of murderers and even child murderers can also be found. Traditionally, men tend to use more aggressive methods such as knives or guns, while women tend to use less visible methods such as poisoning, although these tendencies appear to be less pronounced over time. weather.

Serial killers: profile and common characteristics

There are many types of assassins and murders, but one of the ones that has traditionally attracted the most attention due to its crudeness and the high number of victims it leaves in its wake is the serial killer or serial killer.

A serial killer is considered to be any individual who takes the lives of at least three people intentionally and usually with premeditation in a specific period of time, said murders being separated from each other.

This typology of murderers can also show a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of their characteristics, but they tend to share common elements. Among them, the following stand out, which are mostly shared with people with psychopathy.

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1. Lack of empathy

The serial killer usually uses murder as an instrument in order to obtain a profit, for ideological reasons, or with the intention of unloading a specific frustration or fantasy. As a general rule does not tend to know how to put himself in the place of his victim, mostly lacking empathy. A large part of them are classifiable as psychopaths and among their motivations there is a strange vision of reality, away from hegemonic ideologies.

2. They usually give the appearance of normality

With a few exceptions, the serial killer does not usually display strange elements in their behavior that lead to the possibility that they are.

3. Choice of vulnerable victims

In general, the serial killer chooses victims who may be vulnerable to his actions because he considers them weaker. or that can be manipulated somehow to leave them in a situation of submission. This is done to feel that you are in control at all times.

4. They can be manipulative and even seductive

Many serial killers have a high capacity for manipulation and seduction, using these skills to get approach their victims with ease and without excessive resistance. It is common for them to establish relationships with some ease, although in general these relationships are superficial.

5. aversive home environment

A lot of serial killers come from unstructured families or backgroundswith a high level of violence. Many of them have suffered various types of abuse throughout their lives that make it difficult to acquire empathy and concern for the environment.

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