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The 100 best phrases (and reflections) of Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan was one of the most important scientific figures of the last century, standing out for his work on outer space and for being one of the first to propose the search for extraterrestrial life. His theories and findings gave rise to explore the universe beyond what was thought possible, in addition to being a pioneer of scientific dissemination.

  • We recommend you read: "The 80 best phrases (and reflections) about the Universe"

Great Reflections and Quotes from Carl Sagan

To remember his work and his impact on astrophysics and astronomy, we bring a compilation with the best phrases of Carl Sagan.

1. Sometimes I think there is life on other planets, and sometimes I think there isn't. In either case the conclusion is amazing.

About his beliefs of life on other planets.

52. We live in a society deeply dependent on science and technology and in which hardly anyone knows anything about these issues. That constructs a secure formule for the disaster.

Everything is within our reach, but at the same time we do not know how to use it.

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3. How is it that almost no major religion has looked at science and concluded… This is better than we think!

Speaking of the unnecessary rivalry between religion and science.

4. The brain is like a muscle. When in use, we feel very good. Understanding is joyful.

Learning new things and skills is important for our brain health.

5. Each one of us is precious, in a cosmic perspective.

We are all special, unique beings that develop in the universe.

6. Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be discovered.

There is still much more to know.

7. The cosmos is all that is, all that was, and all that will be.

An unparalleled representation of the past, present and future.

8. Every effort to clarify what science is and generate popular enthusiasm about it is a benefit to our global civilization.

We walk away from science because we don't understand anything about it.

9. Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a deep source of spirituality.

There is no need for science and religion to be at odds.

10. Science is more than just a body of knowledge: it is a way of thinking.

It is the favorite way in which we can obtain and create new knowledge.

11. A millennium from now our time will be remembered as the time we first walked away from earth and we gaze from beyond the last of the planets, like a pale blue dot almost lost in an immense sea of stars.

About future star travel.

12. Books are like seeds. They can lie dormant for centuries, then suddenly bloom on the barrenest ground.

Books are a treasure that is not always appreciated in all its splendor.

13. I try not to think with my instincts.

Build on practical knowledge.

14. We are made of the stuff of stars.

This is because we derived from the great collision of the universe.

15. We are like butterflies that fly for a day thinking that they will fly forever.

Always being alert to what the future holds.

16. For small creatures like us, immensity is only bearable through love.

Love is a tool that unites people regardless of their differences.

17. If we long for our planet to matter, there is something we can do about it.

For it to be important, it must be preserved.

18. As far as the brain is concerned, I start from the premise that its activity, what we sometimes call 'thought', is a mere and exclusive consequence of its anatomy and physiology.

Thinking is an innate function of the brain.

19. If someone disagrees with your opinions, let them live. In a trillion galaxies, you wouldn't find another like it.

An interesting advice about not giving importance to the gossip of others.

20. Extraordinary claims always require extraordinary evidence.

You can't claim something without having a basis to prove it.

21. How can the ancestry of Mars at the time of my birth influence me, neither then nor now. I was born in a closed room, the light from Mars could not enter.

Referring to the nonsense that is astrology and its influence on people's lives.

22. What an amazing thing a book is.

Books are full of wonders.

23. Writing is perhaps the greatest of all human inventions, uniting people, citizens of distant times, who have never met.

One of the greatest advances society made.

24. In my opinion, it is much better to understand the universe as it is than to persist in deception, even when it is comfortable.

It is better to see something from a realistic perspective than to idealize it as it is not.

25. We can judge progress by the courage of the questions and the depth of the answers; for the daring to find the truth rather than rejoice in what makes us feel good.

Questions lead us to discover new things.

26. Our allegiance is to the species and the planet.

This is a planet that needs the care of its inhabitants.

27. Knowing a lot is not the same as being smart.

Many people who think they know a lot are actually ignorant with a facade.

28. Personally, I would be delighted if there was life after death, especially if it allowed me to continue learning about this world and about others, if it would give me the chance to find out how the story ends.

One of his wishes about what is after death.

29. We have done such a lousy job of managing our planet that we should be very careful before trying to manage others.

In order to aspire to live on another planet, we must first solve the problems of Earth.

30. An atheist has to know a lot more than I do. An atheist is someone who knows that there is no god. By some definitions, atheism is very stupid.

Talking about atheism.

31. The price we pay for anticipating the future is the unease that it engenders.

Emphasizing not to despair in the face of the future that has not yet arrived.

32. Life is just a momentary glimpse of the wonders of this amazing universe, and it's sad that so many are wasting it dreaming up spiritual fantasies.

A harsh criticism of the spiritual way of life that some people promote.

33. Whenever ethnic or national prejudices surface, in times of scarcity… familiar habits of thought from ancient times take over.

When prejudice breaks through, we go backwards in everything we have evolved.

34. The earth is a more beautiful place to our eyes than any we know, but that beauty has been sculpted by change: the smooth, almost imperceptible change, and the sudden and violent.

All change is necessary to evolve and improve.

35. A celibate clergy is an especially good idea because it tends to suppress any inherited propensity for fanaticism.

An interesting idea about ecclesiastical celibacy.

36. I am often amazed at how much capacity and enthusiasm there is for science among young people in primary schools than among university students.

Children have that determination and enthusiasm to discover new things, but unfortunately, it is lost over time.

37. I don't want to believe, I want to know.

Knowledge is power, after all.

38. Atoms are basically empty space. Matter is composed mainly of nothing.

We can say that we are actually composed of nothing.

39. We are stardust that thinks about the stars. We are the way the universe thinks of itself.

How we derive from the universe, we have the ability to find out.

40. Exploration is in our nature. We started out as bums and we're still bums.

Our instinct of curiosity is always resonating.

41. Today more than ever, when so many and so complex problems assail the human species, the presence of individuals with a high IQ and a wide field of interests is necessary.

Problems are solved with people trained to do so.

42. It is possible that the cosmos is populated with intelligent beings. But the Darwinian lesson is clear: there will be no humans elsewhere. Only here. Only on this little planet.

Could it be that we can never conquer other planets?

43. You can't convince a believer of anything because his beliefs are not based on evidence, they are based on a deep-seated need to believe.

For believers, faith is stronger than any evidence.

44. Human beings might not be the dreams of the gods, rather the gods are the dreams of human beings.

There are those who believe that we created the gods in our likeness so that we would have something to hold on to in difficult times.

45. The military career with nuclear weapons is like two enemies facing each other with drums of gasoline and fire.

On the uselessness of governments for continuing to invest in military weapons.

46. Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.

Life can always be reborn in any scenario.

47. There are naive questions, tedious questions, poorly formulated questions, questions formulated after inadequate self-criticism.

There are all kinds of questions that can take us high or very low.

48. There is the deep and attractive notion that the Universe is nothing more than a god's dream.

Referring to the belief that God is the creator of the universe.

49. In science the only sacred truth is that there are no sacred truths.

All knowledge can evolve and be modified as new evidence is discovered.

50. The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

The universe is just a place that exists and already.

51. Traversing the cosmos, stars look like other suns.

A way to see the stars.

52. The hiding of annoying ideas may be common in religion or politics, but it is not the path to wisdom and it makes no sense in the scientific task.

Any idea is welcome in the world of science.

53. We know who speaks on behalf of nations, but who speaks on behalf of the human species? Who defends the Earth?

A very interesting question that may not have an answer.

54. We have found out that we live on an insignificant planet, a sad lost star, in a galaxy stuck in a forgotten corner of a universe, in which there are many more galaxies than people.

Even so, in the face of a bleak scenario, it was possible to create life.

55. Each question is a cry to understand the world. There is no stupid question.

All questions are necessary and should be appreciated.

56. It is interesting to know that some dolphins have managed to learn English (up to 50 words used in the correct context), and yet no human being has managed to learn 'Dolphinian'.

A criticism of how human beings believe they are superior in everything, forcing other species to learn from them.

57. The beauty of life does not refer to the atoms that compose it, but to the way in which these atoms come together.

It is then a very good and complex teamwork.

58. Meanwhile, somewhere, there are an infinite number of other universes, each with its own god dreaming the cosmic dream.

The universe is too vast for no more life to exist.

59. A renewed interest in anecdotal doctrines such as astrology is observed. Their wide acceptance betrays a lack of intellectual rigor and a serious lack of skepticism. They are watermarks of reverie.

Talking about the growing acceptance of astrology as a great truth.

60. We are not only an endangered species but a rare species.

A unique species in the entire universe.

61. We have stayed long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are finally ready to set sail for the stars.

Talking about the possibility of exploring the cosmos in a deeper way.

62. You must know the past to understand the present.

After all, there is a saying that goes: ´whoever does not know his history, he is doomed to repeat it´.

63. If something can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed.

Things can be destroyed in order to be built again.

64. The first great virtue of man was doubt, and the first great defect was faith.

Virtues and defects of people.

65. The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all those who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers but they also laughed at Clown Bozo.

People make fun of what they don't know, ignoring the potential of those who dare.

66. Curiosity and the desire to solve dilemmas are the hallmark of our species.

We always try to seek to be better.

67. In the cosmos there is no place that is safe from change.

Nothing in the universe is static, it is always in motion.

68. The candle flame flickers. Its little light source trembles. Darkness increases. The demons begin to stir.

The negative changes that occur when humans give in to their greed.

69. If we're alone in the universe, it sure would be a terrible waste of space.

In such a vast universe, it is impossible that there is no more life.

70. The fear of falling is clearly related to our arboreal origins and, without a doubt, it is a fear that we share with that felt by other primates.

A primitive fear.

71. The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, it is simply indifferent.

A place where things happen according to their nature.

72. Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be plucked out of deep nonsense.

The truth comes out at any moment.

73. Intelligence is not only information, but also judgement, the way information is collected and handled.

It is being able to imagine something, investigate and do something practical with that knowledge.

74. To make an apple pie you first have to create a universe.

A universe made up of ingredients and steps to follow to put together a new product.

75. Our obligation to survive is not only for ourselves but also for that cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we derive.

We are meant to live.

76. Reading allows us to travel through time, touching the wisdom of our ancestors with our fingertips.

Reading is a wide door to discover new things.

77. We live in an infinite Cosmos so that human curiosity always has its food.

The cosmos gives us much to investigate.

78. Through time and millennia, the voice of whoever wrote it is speaking to us, clearly and silently, inside our heads, directly to you.

On how the knowledge of ancient civilizations endures through writing.

79. Books break the chains of time and are proof that human beings really can do magic.

It is a fact reflected on the importance of the human imagination.

80. In science it often happens that a scientist says: "that's a good argument, I was wrong", changes his opinion and from that moment the old position is never mentioned again. It really happens.

We can all change our minds, even if we resist at first.

81. We feel like a tingling fills our nerves, a mute voice, a slight sensation like a distant memory or as if we were falling from a great height. We know that we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.

A shared feeling about how we experience the universe.

82. He preferred the harsh truth... to his dearest illusions. That is the heart of science.

On Kepler's bravery in the face of his mistakes.

83. A solitary speck in the vast cosmic darkness.

Comparing things with the universe.

84. The study of the universe is a journey to self-discovery.

To know the universe is to know our origins.

85. We make our world meaningful by the value of our questions and the depth of our answers.

Every question leads us to find a satisfactory answer.

86. Imagination takes us to worlds in which we have never been.

Imagination is the main point to do great things.

87. Kepler, discovering that his belief did not coincide with the observations, accepted the unpleasant facts.

Although it hurts, we must know how to recognize our mistakes when we make them.

88. If I am serious about understanding the world, thinking with something other than my brain as tempting as it may be, I am likely to get into trouble.

We cannot understand everything.

89. This combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to end up exploding in our faces sooner or later.

A sad prophecy that is coming true.

90. Characters from books from distant times break the chain of time.

Books are ethereal.

91. Science is not perfect, it is often misused, it is just a tool, but it is the best tool we have: it is self-correcting, always evolving, and can be applied to everything. With this tool we conquer the impossible.

Science is full of errors because it is guided by humans and therefore has the ability to improve.

92. After all, when you're in love, you want to tell everyone. For this reason, the idea that scientists do not speak to the public about science seems absurd to me.

Rejecting the fact that some scientists keep their discoveries to themselves.

93. Demonstrating the superficiality of superstition, pseudoscience, new age thinking and religious fundamentalism is a service to civilization.

Trying to dismantle false beliefs.

94. Our slightest contemplations of the cosmos make us shudder.

Both positive and negative.

95. A book unites people who do not know each other.

Any form of art can bring people together.

96. God is emotionally unsatisfying… there is little point in praying to the law of gravity.

His anti-religious stance.

97. Popular belief did not just accumulate old thought, it supported scientific research and spawned a new line of thought.

In their evolutionary process, humans were inclined towards the search for knowledge.

98. The universe is much bigger than our prophets said, much larger, more subtle and more elegant.

The universe is much more than we imagine.

99. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, and the carbon in our apple pies were all made inside stars.

Explaining why we come from the stars.

100. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Even if we can't prove something, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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