Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Study Techniques Centers in Bilbao

Located in the residential district of Deusto Psychologists, Aldama is a center specialized in the correct practice of psychotherapy, an activity for which these specialists usually use the more than proven methodology of Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

In this place, a wide variety of possible complications can be treated very efficiently, some of which may be Examples of these are learning disorders, sleep-related problems, or bullying. (Bullying).

Inpsiko is a center made up of psychologists, speech therapists and pedagogues in which both adults and children or adolescents can receive treatment and, furthermore, it is very It is important to point out that if we need it, we can also go to this center without any problem in the company of our family nucleus. full.

Together with this group of professionals we will be able to find a feasible solution to some personal difficulties such as video game addiction, internet addiction, depression, or very poor performance academic.

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She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto and has a Master's degree specialized in field of Clinical Neuropsychology, which was also issued by this same institution university.

Where this mental health professional undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as poor management of the emotion of anger, very low self-esteem or very complicated situations of codependency.

At Psychology Cabinet Recovery Center we will have the opportunity to find a great multidisciplinary team of psychology professionals. In this place they are specialized in the integral recovery of the person, regardless of whether they are suffering from a psychological or physical difficulty.

These specialists are great experts in the treatment of some difficulties such as very low self-esteem, sleep-related problems, or lack of skills communicative.

Open Psychologists is a psychological center located in the heart of the city of Bilbao in which they are specialized in the treatment of people of all ages, and it is precisely For this reason, this group of professionals can also help us greatly if, for example, we find ourselves going through a personal difficulty within the field academic.

In this center they will not hesitate to help us if, for example, we find ourselves going through an attention deficit problem (ADHD), a disorder of learning, a phobia or even if we have detected that someone in our care could have High Intellectual Capacities (ACCA).

The professionals of Bilbao Psychology Center are specialized both in the concrete practice of psychology and in the field of educational intervention, which is why today each More and more people (residents of Bilbao) decide to visit this place at some point in order to improve academically.

They can teach us new study techniques, how we can substantially improve our reading comprehension and They will also give us various tips, with which in practice we will be much more efficient in our day to day day.

Psychofer is a center located on Calle Ercilla in the city of Bilbao in which they offer all their patients a wide variety of specialized services, which range from psychology to school learning or the treatment of the different disorders that can affect the correct development of language during childhood oral.

These specialists manage to stand out for their great skill in treating some difficulties such as very low academic performance, dyslexia or depression during adolescence.

Study Techniques Bilbao is a center specialized in the concrete dissemination of different learning techniques directed by the Pedagogue Marta Olabe Iturbe, who is expert in the education of the little ones and in the guidance of parents who are going through a delicate moment in their lives family.

Together with this pedagogue we will be able to learn new study techniques, she will advise us in the event that we are going through an intra-family conflict and in addition, we can also receive various tips thanks to which we will be able to greatly improve our personal ability to memorization.

In the Edison Academy are highly specialized in the use of the latest study techniques aimed at high school students, ESO or even university level, and that is why today this academy has managed to become one of the most visited in the entire city of Bilbao.

In this place they will give us a large number of valuable advice, although it is very important to mention that as they themselves comment, their main method is to study well and thoroughly.

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