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The 4 traits of people who are obsessed with pets

There is nothing wrong with loving animals, but sometimes pet obsession can reach pathological extremes.

The problems of hygiene, space and coexistence that this phenomenon can generate have a negative impact on the animals, the person who "adopts" them and their close social environment. That is why it is worth paying attention to the warning signs that reveal the presence of this mental alteration.

How are people obsessed with pets?

Next, we will review the traits that characterize those who are too obsessed with animals understood as pets.

1. They accumulate animals in their house

The noah syndrome is a variant of diogenes syndrome, which is characterized by the fact that the person who suffers accumulates a large number of animals in your home. Some of the causes of this disorder are situations of psychosocial stress and loneliness.

However, many of the subjects with Noah's syndrome also have a previous mental or medical disorder, and it is very common for it to appear together with dementia, major depression, psychotic features and even due to drug addiction.

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2. They have hygiene problems

People obsessed with pets to a pathological extreme often engage in behaviors of neglect of self care (self-care) and home, they also tend to accumulate useless objects and show isolation behavior. The disorder usually develops in older people.

3. They don't take enough care of the animals.

These individuals not only collect many animals (usually dogs or cats), but also do not give them the basic attention that they need and are unable to recognize what this can mean both for their own health and well-being and for that of the animals. It's not that they're cruel, it's just that are not aware of their own behavior, since they present a phenomenon known as anosognosia.

4. They are not animal lovers

It is important to distinguish between these people and animal lovers, who may have several pets in their home. When we talk about Noah's syndrome, we are talking about a disorder, and therefore the person have serious problems associated: dementia, adjustment problems, depression…

The animals that can accumulate in your home are: dogs, cats, chickens, exotic birds... It is also They may have horses, cows, goats, sheep, and other more typical animals in their own home. farm.

How do they get the animals?

Animals can be obtained in two ways: actively or passively. The first of the methods takes place when the person affected with this syndrome rescues them from the street or they are delivered by other people in good faith.

During active acquisition, a person with a pathological obsession with pets can look for abandoned animals on the street or through advertisements.

Both methods can also occur at the same time, that is, animals are taken home and there they reproduce without control.

In most cases, this strange behavior goes unnoticed, largely due to the image of an altruistic person that is projected. Also, it is difficult for these people to seek help because they are not aware of how they act. This also makes treatment difficult, since the will is an important part of psychological therapy.

Associated mental disorders

These individuals usually present psychological disorders along with this syndrome. In fact, between one-third and one-half of subjects with Noah's syndrome have dementia or some other type of mental disorderhe, among which are the schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder or depressive disorder. Alcoholism is also common.

Likewise, some studies have also found neurophysiological alterations associated with the disorder. For example, there is a decreased activity in the anterior dorsal cingulate gyrus, which affects decision-making and lack of attention and concentration. In addition, abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex have also been observed.

For this reason, it is very important to carry out a complete psychological evaluation to detect comorbidities. Family and neighbors can be valuable sources of medical and social information, and excellent support in therapeutic interventions. However, the isolation of these people makes this option unlikely.

Causes of Noah syndrome

One of the possible causes that cause this disorder to develop is loneliness. Accumulating pets would be a way to overcome this situation traumatic, in which pain and social abandonment predominate.

These animals, unlike objects (in Diogenes syndrome), are an ideal company for the patient. Let's say that these people have an altered pattern in relationships of affection and attachment and, therefore, have difficulty socializing. Animals are an ideal substitute, as they provide company and support in moments of loneliness.

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