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What are cerebral cortices

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "What are cerebral cortices".

The cerebral cortices. Crust... that tells us that it is something, a region that is on the surface. Indeed, we are going to refer to the outermost part of the brain. So let's talk as if the brain were an orange and I was picking up the outer part, the skin of the orange. All that region is the crust and will be divided according to "What is the function of that specific part of the cortex?". Specifically of what sense (of the 5 senses) is the one you are receiving. Sight, smell, taste, touch, or auditory stimuli? In that sense... we would like to talk about the motor cortex, which is also a cortex itself, it is the cortex in charge of initiating movement, although at a sensitive level, we usually talk more about the others. We say it to make it clear that it also exists; motor cortex.

Let's locate these cortices in the brain. Where are these crusts? These crusts are found; the somatosensory, the one in charge of receiving the stimuli referred to the touch, to the position of my body, to the degree of tension of my muscles... all this is integrated into a region that is "parietal". This cortex is in the parietal lobe. It is stuck, just in a more posterior part, of what is the motor cortex. It is interesting that this is so, since we know that touch, the perceptions that we have at the tactile, are essential to learn to make a movement and refine the execution of a movement. The situations of these two cortices will be easy to memorize because we have the somatosensory in the parietal lobe and just in front, when we move to the frontal lobe, we find the cortex motorboat.

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