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Hardy-Weinberg's law

In this BIOLOGY video we will talk about "Hardy-Weinberg's law".

Hardy was an English mathematician, Weinberg a German physician and together they established a basis that is used today to understand how gene frequencies (also called allele frequencies) and the frequenciesgenotypic of a population over the generations. The Hardy-Weinberg law tells us about the following: a population that is said to be in equilibrium, which is saying this word or concept is that it keeps its gene and genotype frequencies stable from one generation to the next. following. Now... for this to happen, quite a few conditions have to be met.

In fact, it is very rare to find a population that is in equilibrium. As it happens many times, it is very useful for scientists to establish ideals and from there, understand how behavior that happens in real life deviates. So... what conditions allow the population to be in equilibrium? The first is that the population is infinite (that it has an infinite number of members) with which, it is not realistic. But populations that have a very high number of individuals come close to this and are therefore good for

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study this type of equilibrium. Another condition would be that the matings occur randomly. That is, that there is no sexual preference for reproducing with a type of male or with a type of female, This is almost a miracle because if there are sexual preferences but again... in order to address the population in balance, this is a condition that should be met. Not only that, in addition, the condition must be given that individuals reproduce only with other individuals of the same generation. That there is no individual of a generation that reproduces with that of another. Third condition; that there are no migrations. That there is no gene flow so that the genetic pull of the population is always the same. In other words, neither individuals leave by migration nor enter by immigration because then the allelic frequencies would change and the balance would be broken.

If you want to know more about the Hardy-Weinberg law and know the other conditions for said law, do not miss this video and practice with the exercises that we have on our website.

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