Education, study and knowledge

The key to living with purpose

And what happens when the light goes out?

You have no motivation, you do not find meaning in life, you do not find your reason for being and you see the glass directly without water.

Let me tell you that if this happens to you right now, it is a very good sign, and that you can use it to propel yourself towards what you have really come to do in this life.

This means that you have realized that the life you have led up to now no longer fulfills you, it does not make you vibrate and that is why you feel that great emptiness inside you.

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Living on autopilot

We live unconsciously programmed, in a materialistic society in which we must work at least eight hours a day, usually in a job that does not fulfill us and simply because we feel productive and be able to pay the bills.

And that makes us live on autopilot: you get up (you probably look at your notifications from WhatsApp, email, Facebook, Instagram), have breakfast, work, maybe you meet a friend, dinner, one, two or three glasses of wine and finally you go to sleep until the day following.

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But let me ask you: Does that job really make you happy? Do you consider work as a duty or something that is not difficult for you to do because it fills you completely? Do you live life your way or a life imposed by factors external to you?

Surely, either you have never thought about these questions, or if they have crossed your mind, you have put some kind of excuse for convince yourself that your job is not so bad, that gives you stability or that you will look for something better when you find what you are really passionate about.

But is this the truth? Or rather what stops you is the fear of letting go of that false security? Fear of change may be the fear of failing in the attempt.

Other people say that they do not know what they would like to do with their lives, and this is due to a lack of knowledge of the different options they have. They just don't know yet what they are good at or what abilities they naturally possess, that is, they think that only certain types of jobs or careers are available and with which they could perform professionally.

It is not your fault, this is the most normal thing that happens to us humans. Usually nobody guides us in this aspect and we think we have limited options. But it is your responsibility to do something about it if the life you currently lead is not the life you would like to lead.

  • You may be interested: "About happiness: what is it that we all seek?"

A tendency to make the same mistakes

It is not about leaving a job to get into another one that is more of the same; that's not going to solve the problem, because if you haven't thought about why that job wasn't right for you and what you really want, then chances are you keep repeating the same pattern over and over again and that you are still dissatisfied with the new job after a while.

And this can be extrapolated to any area of ​​your life; If the pattern of behavior keeps repeating itself and that makes you suffer, it is because you have not identified it and worked on it. Therefore, until you solve it, it will continue to repeat itself in the different situations of your life.

  • Related article: "Emotional management: 10 keys to dominate your emotions"

The purpose

But... Is there a purpose in life? And if so, how to focus to direct us towards it?

First I want to point out that we have all come into this world with a life purpose, it is only a matter of time for life to bring us closer to it. I think it is very positive to know that this exists and that, although we still do not know what it is, that at least we are certain that sooner or later life is going to expose it to us with situations, people, jobs... And that we simply have to pay attention to those signals that the Lord sends us. universe.

What would you effortlessly do every day of your life? ¿What topics are you interested in? and naturally you spend hours reading and researching about it? Is there something that makes you lose track of time? Do you remember what you used to play with as a child that you were very excited about?

Perhaps you think that you can't live on dreams, and I'm not telling you to leave your job for it (yet), I simply invite you to reflect on these questions and above all do not leave aside what makes you vibrate, what you would dedicate your 24 hours of the day. and from there think about how you could live from what you are passionate about.

Rome wasn't built in a day, but I'm sure the person who dreamed of building it had a plan and firmly believed that it was possible, no matter how long it took to do it reality.

Remember that the limits are the ones you set for yourself and that, if you believe in yourself, anything is possible. I send you a lot of strength and from here I encourage you to continue looking for that life purpose, but more than looking for it, to live a life full of purpose.

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