Education, study and knowledge

The 8 best Coaching Courses in San Francisco (California)

D'Arte Human & Business School offers its own Master's Degree in Professional Coaching with Emotional Intelligence and NLP, aimed at any professional who wants to become a professional or business coach, as well as an expert trainer or coach in Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most necessary skills in the field of coaching both personally and professionally, as well as in the field of organizations and the world of work, both to improve communication skills and other essential values ​​such as leadership or teamwork. equipment.

This Master consists of 1,500 hours of work with theoretical content and also 40 recorded practical sessions so that the student can access them at any time.

The Postgraduate course in family coaching of the Mediterranean School of Psychology It is aimed at all those professionals who want to learn the basic principles of family coaching and become true experts in this important area of ​​intervention.

Family coaching is undoubtedly one of the most requested fields today by families around the world. who find themselves in situations of discomfort and without guidance to overcome their conflicts or daily problems.

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The European School of Coaching has designed its Certification Program in Executive Coaching -ACTP-, accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

This course is aimed at anyone who wants to become an executive coaching professional and has two levels of learning that must be completed successfully.

The Higher Institute of Coaching makes the University Expert Coach Course available to its students, university specialization in 3 areas of intervention that are increasingly in demand in the world of work and personal or professional coaching.

The course is taught by various certified professionals with extensive experience in the field of coaching, in whose classes they will teach each student the main tools and the most effective strategies to become a professional in personal, business and professional coaching. professional.

This triple accreditation corresponds to 30 ECTS university credits, it is offered online, It consists of 330 hours of work and allows the possibility of accessing real coaching practices with customers.

This Professional Master in Transpersonal Coaching & Emotional Intelligence from Escuela Transpersonal de Coaching It is a double degree endorsed by the ICF, as well as by many other international institutions specialized in coaching.

It is one of the most recommended Masters for training in Coaching and Emotional Intelligence from the current of the Transpersonal Psychology, one of the most used today by psychologists around the world and that better results offers.

This Master allows flexible schedules and offers 3 hours per week of live classes in which any student will learn everything necessary to become an expert in Transpersonal Coaching and Intelligence Emotional.

This Carpe Diem online coaching course is accredited by the International Coaching and Mentoring Association, one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.

The duration of the course is 150 hours of work, it has a complete agenda of 14 topics that can be done online or on paper and its total price is 150 euros.

Once the course is finished, each participant will obtain a Title Homologated by the AICM, it will be included in the registration of professional coaches for one year and you will have access to the job market as an internal coach in Business.

This Advanced Course in Personal Coaching at Deusto Salud It is a double degree with which each student will obtain their own Diploma from Deusto Salud and another University Diploma from the prestigious Catholic University of Murcia.

The course is equivalent to 12 ECTS credits, consists of 300 hours of work and is aimed at all those professionals who want to acquire the key skills in the field of personal coaching, promote self-knowledge of each client and improve their quality of life and skills communicational.

The Fundares Identity Life Coach Postgraduate Course It lasts 7 months and is a university degree from Fundares and also from International Neuro Coaching and Business School and UVIC-Central University of Catalonia.

The course is taught online, it is aimed at professionals or people who want to specialize in Life Coach of Identity both to apply it in your professional practice and to use it in your daily life with the aim of improving your quality of lifetime.

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