Codominance and intermediate inheritance problems
In this video we try codominance problems and intermediate inheritance, relationship between alleles, this is the opposite of one dominating over the other, in codominance the two alleles are equally strong and both are expressed at the same time.

The first exercise is to discover how the children of an AB woman and a 0 man are going to be, the answer is We solve with the Punnett square and the options are: A0 or B0, this means that half will be A and the other half will be B.
The second exercise is What is the probability of having an AB individual if the mother is AB and the father is B0? We do the table again and see that the probability of having an AB child is 25%.
The intermediate inheritance it gives us a phenotype in between, between one extreme and another, for example applied to human beings. In the video, two exercises are solved on how sickle cell anemia occurs in individuals who have genotypes where anemia occurs.
You will understand this much better in the video as I explain it in more detail. Also, if you want to check that you have understood you can do the
printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web. Happy studying!