Education, study and knowledge

The 6 best Emotional Intelligence Courses in Colombia

The D'Arte Human & Business School center offers this Expert course in Coaching with Emotional Intelligence and NLP, a training program that lasts 450 hours divided into 8 practical theoretical modules.

This course allows the completion of 20 practical coaching sessions with real clients and each student You will have a personal guide and mentor with whom to answer questions and carry out 3 coaching sessions personalized.

The course is aimed at any participant who wants to learn to regulate emotions and make use of the basic principles of emotional intelligence in the tasks of the course.

Gurumind's team of professionals, headed by coach Lidia Dols, has launched the "Emotional Mastery Course", one of the most recommended training programs today that is aimed at people who want to increase their mental and personal domain by using emotional intelligence.

The course lasts 8 hours of work, consists of theoretical-practical content and can be done in 4 modalities of participation according to the needs of each student (face-to-face, online, capsule or measure).

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In addition to that, the course allows the possibility of receiving constant and individualized monitoring through PWA, as well as obtain personalized feedback through the center's Telegram channel, where exercises and information of great utility.

The Deusto Salud training center offers this Coaching and Emotional Intelligence Course for all those professionals who want to specialize in areas of intervention that are increasingly in demand in the labor market.

The study plan of the course is elaborated by professionals of great prestige in the sector, it consists of 350 hours long and includes practical cases, videoconferences, role plays and workshops on various types.

By participating in this course you will learn to develop your emotional and social skills from emotional intelligence, to integrate into your professional practice various coaching tools such as NLP or Mindfulness and also to design an intelligence program emotional.

The Aprendum center offers this Online Course on the Development of Emotional Intelligence for anyone who wants to learn to manage their emotions and make use of emotional intelligence to improve their lives both personally and professionally.

The course lasts 40 hours and each student will have 3 months to complete it. Some of its main contents are emotional management, conflict management, problem solving and improving personal relationships.

"The awakening of Consciousness" is a course offered by Crearte Coaching, approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and accredited by the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá.

This course includes 90 hours of training, has a price of 1,290 euros and is especially suitable for all those people who want to become experts in Emotional Intelligence and wish to acquire the basic tools of emotional regulation. Upon completion of the course, each participant will acquire the necessary knowledge to develop their emotional intelligence, be aware of its mental and emotional content, identify own and other emotions, achieve a state of well-being and balance between mind, emotions and body.

The Fundares training center offers this Postgraduate course in Emotional Intelligence, of 7 months of work and offered online via streaming for all those people or professionals interested in becoming experts in Emotional Intelligence.

The course is taught and accredited by the FundAres-International Neuro Coaching and Business School, as well as by the Central University of Catalonia and the main contents that are addressed in it are emotional regulation, self-esteem, self-knowledge, conflict management and the development of teams emotionally smart.

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