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The 6 types of vegans (and what each of them eats)

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We consider vegans those subjects who do not consume products that come from animal suffering, that is, its production causes the death or exploitation of animals. Despite the general definition, within the category of vegans there are some variations that will give give rise to the different types: raw vegans, who consume uncooked or low-cooked food temperature; flexitarians, who do not follow a strict diet; vegans on the diet, who do not eat food that comes from animals; ethical vegans, who reject both food and products created from animals; “junk food” vegans, who do not follow a healthy diet; and whole grain vegans, who eat unprocessed, whole foods.

Likewise, the reasons that motivate a vegan diet or lifestyle can be different, such as: ethical decision, for health or the environment. In this article you will learn how the vegan diet is defined, what types exist and what reasons lead people to become vegans.

  • We recommend you read: "The 3 differences between being vegan and being vegetarian"
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What does it mean to be vegan?

Currently we observe different types of diets adapted to the taste, beliefs or needs of the individual. For example, there is a gluten-free diet so that subjects with celiac disease can eat lactose-free foods for people intolerant to it, the vegetarian and vegan diet, linked more to the beliefs of each one.

Vegans is the name given, in general terms, to subjects who do not consume any type of product that comes from animals, either because I suppose to kill an animal to obtain it or because it derives from an animal process. This way you will not eat meat or fish and you will not consume dairy products, eggs, honey or even clothing made from animal skin or hair.

Now that we know the general definition of vegan, we will go on to know the different types of this diet, since that, despite considering everyone as vegan, not everyone consumes the same products or follows the same type of feeding. Leaving aside the ideology of each one and the purpose that leads them to carry out this type of diet, it is necessary to ensure that their diet complies with essential nutrients, that is, that we get from food the fundamental components to have a balanced diet and healthy. So let's see the different types of veganism and what foods each one can consume.

1. Vegans in the diet

As we have already mentioned in the first section, vegans are those who do not consume any food or product that comes from of the animal, that is, that an animal intervenes in the process of making the product or that the product is directly the animal.

In this way, do not consume any animal meat foods or any products that require animals to obtain them. We see how in this case the restriction focuses mainly on food without taking into account other products used on a daily basis, such as clothing.


2. raw vegan

The raw vegans are the subjects who carry out a diet similar to the vegans but stricter since they can only eat non-animal products that have not been boiled or cooked. That is, any type of fruit, vegetables, nuts or seeds but without cooking them in any way.

Thus, the raw vegan diet, also called Raw diet, can provide all the essential nutrients although it is necessary to do it well to avoid following a hypocaloric diet, not reaching the calories minimal; consume a high dose of fats, if we do not balance the diet and eat many seeds, dried fruits and nuts; or lack of protein, already observed in vegans and intensified in this case since they cannot cook legumes, foods that provide protein, they can stop consuming them. One way to eat legumes without cooking them is to sprout them.

3. flexitarian

As its name indicates, this type of vegans are characterized by having a more flexible, less restrictive diet. We see how their eating style will be classified within the category of vegans but at specific times this diet breaks and ceases to be fulfilled.

For example, people who follow a vegan diet during the week, but during the weekend week they do not comply, or the subjects who carry out a vegan diet at home but when they go out to eat consume products of origin animal. Moreover, individuals who without showing a conscious intention could be considered flexitarians eat little meat or animal products since they are not their preference.


4. ethical veganism

In ethical veganism we observe an extrapolation of the non-consumption of animals to other areas of life, such as clothing or cosmetic or hygiene products. In this specific case of veganism, we observe that they not only avoid eating animal meat or any food that comes from the animal, but also products that they test with them.

To avoid harm to humans, the cosmetics industry has experimented with animals with the intention of testing its products, thus causing the death of many of them. Currently many countries prohibit this practice. In 2013 the European Union completely banned the use of animals for cosmetic purposes.

Within the cosmetics that do not test on animals, we can differentiate between "Cruelty Free" products that do not experiment with live animals, that is, no animal has suffered a its approval process and vegan cosmetics in this case, apart from not testing on animals, does not contain any type of ingredient of animal origin for its creation.

5. Vegan junk food

Contrary to the belief that many people have, being vegan does not always mean eating healthy, since vegans are not limited to eating only boiled or raw vegetables. The growing number of subjects following this type of diet has increased the number of products of this type (vegan) generated by the food industry

For example, there are foods that are similar to others that are typically made with meat, such as nuggets or hamburgers. You can also coat food with bread or eat fried foods such as French fries. For this reason, being vegan is not synonymous with eating healthy, since there are also ultra-processed foods, which are products created industrially from substances derived from food or synthesized from other components organic.


6. Vegans who eat whole grain

These types of vegans reject ultra-processed foods, following a diet rich in whole foods and with a good nutritional intake. Some of these foods can be fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds or brown rice.

As we have said before, it will be important that we eat a balanced diet, taking into account the contribution nutritional value of each food and calculating how much we should eat of each one so that we do not lack any nutrient.

For a proper functioning of our body we will need carbohydrates, since they are a quick source of energy; protein, necessary for bones, skin, and muscles; fiber, necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine and a reduction in the risk of diseases and even lipids, that we find them in fat and oils, useful for the formation of the cell membrane and as an energy store.

Vegan diet reasons

Although the purpose may be the same, to avoid animal suffering or exploitation for human consumption, the cause or reason shown by each subject may be different.

1. Ethically Vegan

Subjects who are vegan for ethical reasons do not eat or consume animal products because defend equality between humans and animals and that as such, animals have the same right to life as we do. In this way, they will avoid any product that an animal may have suffered in its creation, has led to its death or the living conditions are not adequate. It will reject any practice that generates physical or psychological stress to the animals.


2. Vegans for health

There are people that choose this type of diet as they consider it healthier, although, in reality, not eating foods of animal origin opens the door to nutritional deficits. It has been observed that the excess of some types of meat, such as red meat, increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In contrast, diets rich in vegetables reduce physical as well as mental illnesses, for example Alzheimer's.

On the other hand, it can also help maintain a good body weight, although as we have already seen, it is not a sufficient reason to eat healthy or lose weight. It will be essential to plan the diet well if we want it to be really healthy.

3. Vegans for the environment

Another reason that can motivate people not to consume animal products is to reduce the environmental impact. It has been proven that animal production or breeding affects climate change much more and consumes many more resources on the planet than vegetable production.

It has been seen that animals generate gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect, that is, to climate change. The vegan diet reduces this gas production by 53%. On the other hand, raising animals takes up more land and therefore more land resources. Also requiring more water.

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