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What to do when you get burned in the kitchen? 10 remedies and tips

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Although mishaps in the kitchen can be avoided, burns are common. When this happens, you have to act quickly and efficiently so that the wound does not suffer complications and on the contrary, let's help it heal quickly.

There are many myths and home remedies about what to do when you get burned in the kitchen. However, many of them are even counterproductive. That is why here we give you 10 effective remedies and tips to act in case of burns when cooking.

10 remedies and tips to act in case of minor burns in the kitchen

Burns can be very painful. In the kitchen you work closely with fire and highly flammable ingredients. For this reason, precautions must always be taken to avoid accidents that can become very serious.

In case the accident has occurred, you have to act immediately but remain calm to carry out efficient actions that do not complicate the burn. These 10 remedies and tips to act in case of burns in the kitchen, will be useful.

1. Remove adjusted objects

Burns in the kitchen are often on the hands or arms. If this is the case,

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the first thing to do is remove rings and bracelets or any tight object. If the burn is 2nd or 3rd degree, the hand will swell and these objects can cause pain.

For this reason, it is recommended that when cooking, we do it free of heavy or tight objects, so that in the event of an accident, we can act quickly. On the other hand, if the wound is slight, although there will surely be no inflammation, it is better to remove the objects.

2. Cold water

The first action before a burn in the kitchen is to immerse it in cold water. Either it is placed directly in the jet of water, or that in a container the cold water is put and the area that suffered the burn is submerged.

About 20 minutes will suffice. The water may need to be changed to make it cool enough. If the burn is mild, you will likely feel relief after 20 minutes. If the burn is more severe, it can be kept that way pending professional care.

3. Apply ointments

If the skin has lifted, an antiseptic and antibiotic ointment should be applied. When a burn is more serious, the skin rises and is "raw" this is highly susceptible to infection, and severe complications could be generated.

Regardless of whether the area is very large or small, when the burn has caused the skin to lift and the meat to remain exposed, you must apply an antiseptic and antibiotic ointment, in this way you will be protecting yourself from bacteria that generate infection.

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4. Blisters care

Burns sometimes blister. If this is the case, it is important to know that the myth of busting them to heal is false and can lead to infection. When we pop the blister, there is relief, but in reality we are leaving the meat unprotected.

For this reason, the ampoule should not be handled.. Instead, an antiseptic ointment must be applied after washing the area with cold water. A light layer will be enough and over the hours, it will deflate and you will feel relief.

What to do when you burn

5. To protect

If you get burned in the kitchen, after washing and applying ointment, you have to protect the burn. Especially if you are going to continue cooking. For this sterile gauze is required that can be easily removed and donned as air is also required to accelerate healing.

Be careful not to use adhesives or materials that shed lint, especially if the burn is second or third degree, as the lint can adhere to the skin and cause a infection.

6. Do not expose to the sun

Burns should not be exposed to the sun although they do require ventilation. For this reason it is necessary to cover them, in case we must continue cooking and in case we need to be outside and the wound can be exposed to the sun.

While it is possible to be in a shaded place to expose the wound to ventilation, it is recommended to do so to promote healing. But while the sun can hit it directly, it is best to protect it with gauze.

7. Cream or aloe vera

If the skin did not blister and the skin did not lift, an aloe vera gel will suffice. A cream that refreshes the area will give great relief, but if you can apply aloe vera gel, it will be much better because it will also help to heal quickly.

Although it is possible that any cooling cream will help you feel relief. The recommendation is that it be applied with perfectly clean handsAlthough there was no skin exposure, an infection could occur if proper hygiene is not observed.

8. Pain reliever

Burns can be very painful. Especially those of second and third degree, that is to say the most severe. So one option to end the discomfort is to take a light over-the-counter pain reliever..

It is not recommended to take it immediately after the incident as it is likely that after a few minutes, the pain will diminish until it disappears. But if the pain persists and prevents you from continuing your activities, a pain reliever may be a good idea.

9. What should not be done

There are many myths and advice that are not only unhelpful but can be counterproductive. For this reason, it is better not to do them so as not to increase the chances of infection. Apply toothpaste, ice the area, pop blisters or raw potatoes ...

All these alternatives to act when you burn in the kitchen, can cause infections. In the case of ice, it is believed to help stop the burn, but it can actually burn even more, especially if there is raised skin.

10. When to see the doctor

Burns in the kitchen do not usually require medical attention, but you have to know how to act if necessary. Due to the typical characteristics of a burn at the time of work, they can be attended at home with only the emergency kit.

However, if the burn is in a very large area, if the pain does not subside or at the first signs of infection, it is best to go to a consultation for a check-up. Unusual swelling and drainage are enough signs to seek medical help.

  • Do you want to know more about remedies?: "Remedies for acne: 6 effective home tricks"

Bibliographic references

  • Hudspith, J., & Rayatt, S. (2004). First aid and treatment of minor burns. BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
  • Rowan, M. P. et al. (2015). Burn wound healing and treatment: review and advancements. Critical care (London, England)

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