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The 9 types of affection (and their characteristics)

Affect is defined as the subjective expression of mood, emotions. We understand, then, that affect is variable and changes according to the emotions that the individual presents and how he interprets them.

Thus, everyone expresses affection, although it is shown in a more or less appropriate way, more or less adjusted to the situation that is happening. In this article we will learn about the different types of affection that exist and how they are expressed through behavioral patterns.

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What is affection?

Affect is defined as the subjective expression of mood, that is, it is how to express emotions. For this reason, affect can be positive, linked to a show of liking towards an object or person, but it can also be negative. Likewise, there are alterations of affection or inappropriate affection.

In this way, affection allows us to observe and know what the emotional state of a person is. So we see how it is a changing condition, we can express more than one emotional state throughout the day.

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Thus, we will also understand it as the response that individuals give to the different situations that happen to them, depending on the affection that generates them. Therefore, when we value whether the expression is adequate or pathological we will take into account the circumstances and if the conduct performed by the subject adapts to them.

When we evaluate or value affect, we must look at: the way it appears (whether or not there is a triggering stimulus, intensity, duration and whether expression variations occur); the degree of adequacy (we look at whether the patient's condition is consistent with the context or whether the mode of expression is appropriate to the message or content being communicated); and the degree of proportionality (we take into account the relationship between the stimulus and the intensity of the reaction to said stimulus).

We will also assess reactivity, or how the affective response is carried out, and affective irradiation, which It consists of the ability that the subject has so that her environment understands and becomes infected with her affective state.

what is affection
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The main types of affection

As we have already seen, there is both positive and negative affect, since the subject will not always feel or express positive emotions. Even so, negative affect does not have to be pathological or a problem; it is a way of expressing our state, and it is sometimes more functional to externalize it than to inhibit it, since the result of not making it explicit can be more damaging.

The problem can happen when this negative affect is maintained over time and begins to affect the individual or his or her environment, generating discomfort. So let us know what types of affection exist.

1. The broad affection

We understand as broad affection the one expressed by mentally healthy subjects. They are able to externalize and show how they feel in an appropriate and healthy way a wide variety of emotions, both positive (such as joy or happiness) and negative (fear, anger...).

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2. neutral affection

Neutral affect is what we observe when we receive a surprise. It is not classified as positive or negative, the subject is disconcerted by the situation that he did not expect, being able to express himself in different ways. Both positive ways (and showing appreciation, such as hugging or kissing), as well as simply through standing still without reacting to the shock.

3. restricted affection

Restricted or constrained affect displayed in subjects with a range and intensity of expression, limited affective externalization.

They are individuals that we perceive as not very expressive, that is, it is difficult to know how they feel, what their emotional state is by contemplating their reactions. We observe this limited expression in positive situations but also in negative events.

4. The flattened affection

Flat affect is characterized by the absence or near absence of any kind of emotional expression.. We observe how subjects with this type of affect do not externalize any state, do not react to any event, they do not show any type of gesture, they keep their faces motionless, expressionless, with a tone of voice monotonous.

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5. the blunted affection

Blunted affect is expressed as a severe reduction in the intensity of affect; In other words, is similar to restricted affect but more severe. We see how individuals who are in this state suffer from emotional anesthesia, they are inexpressive in the face of events that generate reactions in the general population.

A mental disorder where we observe this type of affect is post-traumatic stress disorder, after After the traumatic event, the individual is indifferent, without expressing emotion before any stimulus.

6. inappropriate affection

As the name indicates, inappropriate affection It is defined as a discrepancy between the content, the message that it communicates to us and the way of doing it.. Another way of calling this type of affect is parathymia or affective inadequacy, where we observe a lack of relationship, adequacy, between the affection shown by the individual and the situation or context in which it occurs. find.

For example, a person with inappropriate affection might be telling us about the recent death of her dog, expressing how bad he feels but with a smile on his face. They are subjects that can create distrust or disbelief in us, since their body expression does not accompany or is consistent with their speech.

7. The labile affection

Labile affect or affective lability is characterized by a constantly changing emotional state linked or not to external stimuli. The subject shows sudden and sudden variations of affect, it seems as if the individual forgets the current emotional state to go on to feel a completely different one.

Related to lability, there is a phenomenon known as emotional or affective incontinence, where a severe lack of control is observed in the way of expressing affection. Emotions happen impulsively, very quickly and with great intensity and without being able to control or regulate them.

In this way, labile subjects can be happy when we talk about the weekend and instantly angry when we change the subject. As we have already said, it is not necessary for the change to be linked to an external stimulus, this ease of affective variation is observed in different situations and before different events.

8. affective rigidity

Affective rigidity is defined as the impossibility of varying the emotional state. The subject is able to express how he feels, but he cannot really feel it. Thus, we will observe an impossibility of modulating emotions independently of external changes or events. Knowing the definition, we see that it shows a certain relationship with blunting and affective flattening, varying in severity.

For example, the subject with affective rigidity will refer to wanting to be happy, but her sensation and expression will be of anger and she will not be able to vary them despite modifying the context.

9. affective ambivalence

Ambivalence or ambithymia consists of present or have positive and negative feelings towards the same stimulus, be it an object, a person or an event. As we can see, this state is not only shown in the clinical population, with pathology, but we can also identify it in the population without affectations.

For example, we may like a horror movie, but at the same time it generates fear or anguish. Or we can love a person, but also show envy towards him.

  • Related article: "Affective ambivalence: what it is, characteristics, and how it affects us"

Relationship of affect with psychopathologies

After learning more about the different types of affection that exist, there are some that we can observe more frequently in subjects with a specific type of pathology.

Dullness and affective flattening can be recognized in schizophrenic patients, especially when negative symptomatology predominates.

On the other hand, inappropriate affection can be shown in subjects with defective schizophrenia and in individuals with organic-brain syndromes, who may often show difficulty expressing their emotions.

Affective lability is common in patients with pseudobulbar conditions, who show difficulties in inhibiting emotional expression or in individuals with dementia or subjects with a degenerative affectation.

Affective rigidity can be developed in people who are in state of mania, that is, in a state of euphoria of pathological joy; or individuals depressive, which contrary to the previous ones will not be able to modify their state of apathy and low mood, they show a sadness pathological or patients with organic-cerebral pathology, also expressing the same state of mind with difficulties to change.

Finally, ambivalence can be observed, as we have already said, in the population without pathology, although it is also common in subjects with personality disorder such as borderline personality disorder.

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