Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Psychologists in Vejer de la Frontera

J. Carlos Sanchez Benitez is a really very experienced psychotherapist based in the well-known Andalusian city of Jerez de la Frontera, which is interesting to mention that has a remarkable ability in the use of some very effective methodologies such as Relational Therapy or Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

This specialist is an expert in the treatment of some difficulties such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), very high levels of work stress or conflicts arising within family.

Adelaide White Recioy She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and also has a Master's degree. specialized in the concise study of Sexology which was taught by the Society Sevillian Sexology.

In the consultation of this specialist, some personal difficulties are often treated, such as poor management of the emotion of anger, low self-esteem, or very high levels of stress labor.

Marisa Fernandez Martos She graduated in Psychology from the National Distance Education University (UNED) and later, she had the opportunity to complement her studies by specializing via a Master's degree in the specific area of ​​Psychology Criminal.

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Where this specialist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, cocaine dependence or very complicated processes of divorce.

The mental health professional Maria Rojas-Marcos can be of great help to us whether we are adults, children or adolescents and on the other hand, one thing that we should also know about this psychologist is that she has a remarkable ability in the specific use of some therapeutic procedures such as Third Generation Therapies or Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

Throughout her career as a psychotherapist, this psychologist has been able to treat on more than one occasion some difficulties such as smoking, work stress, depression or eating disorders anxiety.

Jose Miguel Martin Vazquez He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and has a Postgraduate degree focused on the correct application of Psychoanalytic Therapy, granted by the Elipsis specialized training center belonging to the Pontifical University of Quotation marks.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through a serious health problem. alcoholism, a very difficult situation of codependency or due to some type of difficulty related to our identity sexual.

Luis Rodriguez Centeno She graduated in Psychology at the University of Malaga and after spending some time, she was able to do a Master's degree. focused on the Forensic Psychology sector through the National University of Distance Education (UNED).

Among her specialties is the treatment of some difficulties such as internet addiction, very low self-esteem, anxiety disorders or excessive alcohol consumption.

the therapist Rosario Garcia She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and also, as her possible patients, we should also keep in mind that this professional has been acquiring over time a great experience in the correct practice of Mindfulness through the use of Reality Virtual.

Together with this specialist we will be able to treat in a very effective way some difficulties such as pain chronic, internet addiction, very low self-esteem or difficult situations of Bullying (Harassment School).

Mercedes Naranjo Acosta She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and has a specialized Master's degree in the field of Clinical Practice, issued by the Spanish Association of Clinical Cognitive Behavioral Psychology (AEPCCC).

Phobias, eating disorders, work stress and very low self-esteem are some of the personal difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

Maria Jesus Fernandez Alvarez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Granada and has a Master's degree from the University of Córdoba, specializing in the concise field of General Health Psychology.

We should not hesitate to contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through an alcoholism problem, a very serious depression or very high levels of work stress.

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