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The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises for Beginners

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For Mindfulness to cause benefits, it is enough to practice some exercises for 5, 10 or 15 minutes a day; although whoever wants it I can put it into practice longer.

The important thing in practice is not the exercise that is being exercised in itself, but the attitude and the fact of manage to maintain full awareness while practicing and, above all, maintain consistency in the weather.

In this article we will see some Mindfulness exercises for beginners, perfect to start including this kind of activities in our habits.

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Mindfulness exercises recommended for beginners (very easy)

Mindfulness could be considered as a way of life that consists, among other things, in maintaining mindfulness or mindfulness in the present; when we put it into practice we must be consciously and intentionally attentive to what we are doing at that precise moment, without judging and with full acceptance and openness.

There are a series of Mindfulness exercises for beginners that can be put into practice at any time and that

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they can start practicing without having experience, either with the help of a professional who can teach some basic guidelines and guide the process until the person has reached a certain level, as well as with the help of various mobile applications or web pages specialized. Next we will explain what these Mindfulness exercises for beginners consist of.

1. Mindfulness in the present moment

The first of the Mindfulness exercises for beginners that we want to recommend is a task as simple as maintain one's full attention in the present moment; In other words, the only thing the person has to do is focus fully on the tasks of daily life that they are performing (eg. g., showering, cooking, cleaning the house, etc.), so that by paying full attention to those experiences, they acquired a greater richness at an experiential level.

It is important that the person makes all her senses available to these experiences, paying attention to the smells, the textures or the different sensations that she experiences through touch, hearing, sight and taste, in case she performs the exercise while she is eating and, if her mind wanders, warmly and calmly invite herself back to the full experience of the moment Present.

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2. Static meditation mindfulness

One of the most recommended Mindfulness exercises for beginners is static meditation, a very useful tool that is often used when practicing it, in order to gain insight into one's own thoughts, as well as emotions and any type of sensation that could provoke us.

This exercise is usually done while sitting in a chair, although it can also be done sitting on the floor, usually on a mat, in a position where the person is comfortable (pg. g., lotus position).

Once the person has found a position in which they are comfortable, the goal is to focus on your breathing, having to take a slow and deep breath And, in case his attention is diverted to another stimulus, he should return the focus to his breathing.

Another variant of static meditation consists of the person, being in the same position, focusing on more complex elements such as thoughts and emotions; although we will talk about these variants in more detail below, a greater domain being necessary.

Easy mindfulness exercises
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3. Mindfulness of thoughts and emotions

This Easy Mindfulness Exercise Could Help You on those occasions when a person is immersed in negative ruminative thoughts or you are experiencing emotions that cause you discomfort, in order to make you aware of the way your mind wanders so you can understand that those thoughts are the product of your imagination.

In the case of emotions, the goal is for the person to let those emotions be present in their own awareness from a point of view of acceptance, without try to avoid them or force them to change, being a useful exercise in those moments in which that person is experiencing unpleasant emotions and tries to avoid them without success.

To perform these Mindfulness exercises on full attention to thoughts and emotions, after have carried out some exercise that allows inducing a state of full consciousness in breathing and relaxation, the person must allow a worrying thought to remain in their consciousness, so that you can locate the sensations that you experience as a result of said concern and then give a name to said state of concern (p. g., despair).

From the moment you have done the above, the person must allow the emotion experienced to remain present while concentrating on their breathing at the same time.

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4. body scan

The body scanner basically consists of going through each of the parts of the body itself, focusing at all times on the sensations perceived in them.

A good example for putting the body scan into practice would be to start by focusing on the sensations felt in one foot, work your way up the sensations perceived by each of the parts of our leg and then move to the other foot and, immediately afterwards, go up the leg until it has traveled completely.

Once we have finished with the lower extremities, we will continue focusing on the abdomen, the chest, with the upper extremities (hands and arms) and, finally, we will focus on the sensations perceived in the head; continuing to become aware of our whole body; We should do all of this preferably keeping our eyes closed, although if someone is worried about being at all times with your eyes closed while doing the body scan, you can perform the exercise with your eyes open..

Notably This exercise should be done in a comfortable position. (p. g., lying down or sitting in a chair), and it is also advisable to wear comfortable clothing.

  • Related article: "Body scan: what is it and how is this relaxation technique performed"

5. Mindfulness with simple yoga exercises

Other Mindfulness exercises for beginners would be a table that should include simple yoga postures with the objective that the person puts his full attention in the own corporal sanctions that experience while putting these exercises into practice, and can be combined with meditation static.

Therefore, this series of exercises, which together could be called "mindful yoga", is another way of practicing mindfulness or full awareness, which is precisely one of the fundamental objectives when putting Mindfulness into practice, so that when we put into practice practice yoga exercises we should not focus on anything other than the sensations of our body while we are performing a posture of yoga.

To do this, we can look for a specialized book, mobile application or with the help of a professional. In the case of choosing to do it without the help of a professional, it would be advisable to carry out simple poses, such as a transition from mountain pose to chair pose, being the most important thing that we maintain full attention in the present. Although with the help of a professional it will be more likely that we will achieve a more advanced level in this practice and live a more enriching experience.

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6. mindful walking

The last of the Mindfulness exercises for beginners that we want to recommend is mindful walking, in which the person simply You must walk while focusing your attention on the stimuli and sensations that are arising in the here and now, whether you are taking a walk or on the way to the job. Thus, you are not focused on worries or any issue that comes to mind, but on each step that occurs, in the sensations that are experienced and in what happens around us while We walk.

The primary goal of mindful walking, as well as informal meditation practice (eg, mindfulness in the present moment) is to take off autopilot while performing a series of tasks routine, in order to be fully aware in the present moment while performing a simple action.

In this way, it is possible to discover which are the key situations for ruminative thoughts that generate discomfort to appear and thus be trained to tolerate the experience of that precise moment and focus on what is happening around you, even with enough practice those ruminative thoughts will stop causing that discomfort.
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