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The 77 best phrases of Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra is one of the best known gurus among people interested in non-Western philosophies of life. He has inspired many people, especially those who are followers of Buddhist culture and meditation. He was born in New Delhi (India) in 1947, and is one of the people who has brought the spiritual culture of his country to the West.

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Best quotes of Deepak Chopra

Due to his charisma, the ideas and reflections of this author have aroused the interest of large crowds. In this article you will find a compilation of the best phrases of Deepak Chopra so you can enjoy them.

1. All of us are capable of going beyond our material bondage

Chopra has always been close to spirituality and the world of personal development from a perspective far removed from the Western one.

2. I teach people that whatever the situation, no matter how chaotic, no matter how much drama there is around you, it can be healed by your presence if you stay within your center.

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this thinker focuses on an integral vision of the human being, in which the body and mind are closely related and influence each other.

3. By nature, we are all interested in ourselves. If we use that interest to go to the bottom of ourselves, we will find the place where our authentic being resides, and then the secret of happiness will be revealed to us.

If we connect with our inner self with compassion, happiness will be a reality.

4. Most people think and act within the narrow limitations of what they have been given. taught from childhood, without questioning the basic assumptions on which they have structured their vision of the world

Reflection and critical thinking makes us grow as people.

5. Materialistic arguments against God are still strong because they are based on facts, but they fall away when you dive deeper than the material world.

A critique of the culture of materialism.

6. Your perceptions, interpretations and expectations influence all aspects of your mental and physical health. By changing your perspective and making new decisions, you gain powerful tools to change your life.

According to Chopra, the mind and body are interrelated in all aspects, including health.

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7. His body is both material and immaterial. You can choose to experience your body as physical or as a network of energy, transformation and intelligence.

There is more than just chemistry in our lives, as awareness is of great importance to our well-being.

8. God, instead of being an immense imaginary projection, has turned out to be the only real thing, and the whole universe, despite its immensity and solidity, is a projection of the nature of God.

A quote about God by Deepak Chopra, in which the imaginary projection of him stands out.

9. Life gives you plenty of time to do what you want if you stay in the present moment.

Chopra reminds us of the importance of live in the here and now.

10. Everything we experience as material reality is born in an invisible realm beyond the space and time, a realm consisting of energy and information, as revealed to us by the science

A critique of materialism and science.

11. The greatest mystery of existence is existence itself

One of the great existential questions is the existence of the human being on Earth and the Universe.

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12. Her body forms an inseparable whole with the universe. When you are perfectly healthy and whole, you feel in a state of expansion

In his spiritual theory, the body and the mind are immensely connected.

13. A mother can see her newborn as a wonderful and respectable person and, through her perception, this child will grow up to be a wonderful and respectable person, which is one of the mysteries of love

The influence of parents on the development of a child is undeniable.

14. You are not just a physical body that you identify with out of habit. Its essential state is a field of infinite possibilities

We control our life and, therefore, we can make it change.

15. Unhappy people are not successful, and there is no achievement or money that can change this equation

Think that happiness is in money it is a serious mistake.

16. God's most closely guarded secrets are hidden within the human skull: ecstasy, eternal love, grace and mystery.

Chopra describes some of the best virtues and characteristics of the human being, and relates them to religion.

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17. Until recently, few people questioned the assumption that aging is irreversible, and for this reason, human beings We humans have reinforced for generations the common idea that aging implies a deterioration of physical capacity and mental

We can stay young even though our body changes.

18. Your habits of attention and interpretation give rise to deeply held beliefs, which correspond to the interpretations that you believe to be true. Beliefs shape biology

We can change our thoughts if we have the will. Of course, you have to have will and. many times, make an effort.

19. In the comics, when someone has a brilliant idea, a light bulb is painted on their head, which is not the case in real life. The mind without a brain is as invisible and unprovable as God.

We cannot directly appreciate the mind, but it is there and it manifests itself with brilliant ideas.

20. All the outbursts of light that have blinded the saints throughout history took place in the dark

It is in the bad moments of life that the best learning takes place.

21. Yoga positions increase flexibility and strengthen muscles, plus they have positive effects on posture and circulation.

Hindu ancient culture has deeply inspired Chopra's theory.

22. When you identify your unique talents and commit to putting them to work for others, you strengthen your immune system.

The self-knowledge and the will are key in personal development and well-being.

23. Unhappy people have a brain mechanism that interprets situations as problems

The negative mindset and the anticipatory anxiety it makes us feel worse than things really are.

24. Biological age is a measure of the functioning status of your physiological systems. It is the most important component of the aging process.

No one can ignore that over time, our body ages and suffers the passage of age.

25. Free yourself from the burden of trials. By judging you impose good and evil on situations that simply are. Everything can be understood and forgiven, but when you judge you move away from understanding and annul the process of learning to love. In judging others, you reflect your lack of self-acceptance. Remember that each person you forgive increases your love for yourself.

The non-judgmental mindset is intimately related to well-being.

26. A risk-free life is far from being a healthy life

Away from comfort zone It is where we develop the most.

27. Reality is flexible and subject to change. Reality is the product of perception, which is a selective act of attention and interpretation

The reality that we think is the same for everyone is not. Actually, it is our subjective reality.

28. In uncertainty we will find the freedom to create anything we wish

Many people are afraid of uncertainty, but accepting it is good for our mental health.

29. Yoga holds the promise of keeping us centered in the midst of turmoil and confusion.

Yoga is also an essential part of his theory.

30. The fundamental purpose of yoga is to integrate all planes of life: environmental and physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual.

Yoga is not a training method, it is a philosophy of life.

31. The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers

Living closed to others makes us tremendously unhappy people.

32. The agitation of the body and mind breeds discomfort and accelerates aging. Deep rest of the body and mind reverses biological age

Stress is related to multiple pathologies on a physical and mental level.

33. Whether you like it or not, everything that is happening to you right now is a product of decisions you have made in the past.

Our decisions determine our future. Therefore, it is good to reflect without obsessing.

34. Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your happiness. Nothing is so rich. nothing is more

Happiness is one of the great motivations of people.

35. Reality originates from perceptions. By changing your perceptions, you change your reality. By changing your perception of your body, aging and time, you can reverse your true biological age

Discomfort is not created by events, but by how we relate to them.

36. God has managed to perform the amazing feat of being worshiped but invisible at the same time

A phrase by Deepak Chopra that invites reflection on the figure of God.

37. In the midst of movement and chaos, calm remains within you

When we find inner peaceno matter what happens around us.

38. Wherever we go in the midst of movement and activity, let us take stillness with us. In this way, the chaotic movement that surrounds us will never hide from us the access door to the source of creativity, to the field of pure potentiality.

Meditation is important in Chopra's theory, as it helps us to connect with ourselves.

39. The creative impulse of life is the most powerful force in the universe

We can have the motivation to change things. But we have to take action to do it.

40. Meditation makes the entire nervous system enter a field of coherence

Meditation has multiple benefits. Among them, improve our emotional health and make us happier.

41. The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness. Happiness is the goal of all other goals

There is no greater objective for people than to be happy, because for that we fight whatever the goal is.

42. Laughter is humanity's mechanism to escape suffering

You can't laugh and be in pain at the same time.

43. What we are transcends space, time and relationships of cause and effect. Our fundamental consciousness is immortal

We can think that human beings are chemical, but our consciousness is, many times, inexplicable only physical.

44. The mind may make us smart, but it is ill-equipped to give us happiness, fulfillment, and peace.

Many times we are the ones who fight against our own happiness.

45. You must learn to get in touch with the deepest and purest essence of your Being. This true essence goes beyond the ego, it knows no fear. It is free, it is immune to criticism. He is not afraid of any challenge, he is not inferior to anyone, nor superior to anyone. It is full of magic, mystery and enchantment

When we connect with ourselves, we enter state of flow in the life.

46. When the body functions with greater efficiency and energy, we experience that vitality by feeling more alive.

When we have a healthy body and mind, the world conspires in our favor.

47. You must find the place within you where nothing is impossible

Our beliefs are what often throw us back.

48. Live in the present, which is the only moment you have. Keep your attention on what exists here and now; seek wholeness at all times. Accept what comes to you fully and completely so that you can appreciate it and learn from it; then let it go. This is as it should be. It reflects infinite laws of Nature that have brought you to this exact thought, this precise physical reaction. This moment is as it is because the Universe is as it is. Do not fight against the infinite scheme of things; on the contrary, be one with him

The past and the future cannot be lived, only the present. Therefore, we must remain in the here and now, in connection with ourselves and what surrounds us.

49. You cannot make positive decisions for the rest of your life without an environment that makes those decisions easy, natural, and enjoyable.

Although connecting with ourselves is important, it is much more pleasant if the world around us is a pleasant place.

50. The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat can influence your life for 30 or 50 years.

Our habits influence our health and our behavior.

51. The highest levels of performance come to people who are focused, intuitive, creative and thoughtful people who know how to see a problem as an opportunity

The people who are happiest are those who best adapt to the environment.

52. If you want to do really important and great things in your life, you can't do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your brothers

The close people in your life influence your happiness and well-being.

53. Biological age is the fundamental component of the aging process, but that does not mean that we should grow old mentally

There are people who, despite the passing of the years, still feel young.

54. A person is a pattern of behavior, of a higher consciousness

A phrase by Chopra that invites deep reflection.

55. Always follow your passions. Never wonder if it's realistic or not

Personal development and happiness of oneself is in connect with someone's wishes and fight for them.

56. Each of our choices sends chemical signals through the brain, including the choice to be happy, and each signal shapes the brain year after year.

Our behavior influences how we feel, and how we feel influences our behavior.

57. Thinking is practicing brain chemistry

Although thought is abstract, the functioning of the brain can be explained by its chemical reactions.

58. Research has shown that the best way to be happy is to make every day happy

We have the option to be happy, even if things don't go our way.

59. Passivity is the same as defense of injustice

Passivity before an illegal act of others is the same as doing the illegal act.

60. Only the heart knows the correct answer. Most people think that the heart is soft and sentimental. But is not. The heart is intuitive; it is holistic, it knows the whole, it knows all the relationships that exist. Does not have a profit or loss orientation

A quote that speaks clearly about what is compassion and its benefits.

61. Human beings have a remarkable ability to adapt to external circumstances. As Darwin said, the most important factor for survival is not intelligence or strength but adaptability.

Adapting to the environment is what has allowed us to evolve as a species.

62. Success, wealth, good health, and nurturing relationships are consequences of happiness, not its cause.

When we are happy, we are more likely to act in the way that benefits us the most.

63. The real secret to good health throughout life is the opposite: let your body take care of you

The body speaks, so you have to take care of it.

64. In each individual life, the universe is recreated anew. Birth and death are only parentheses in the endless story of creation

Human beings follow a vital process, but life goes on when we are no longer there.

65. Karma, when properly understood, is just the mechanics through which consciousness manifests.

Chopra, due to his influences, deeply believes in Karma.

66. Replace behavior that motivates fear with behavior that motivates love. Fear is a product of memory, dwelling in the past. By remembering what made us suffer before, we dedicate our energies to making sure that the old suffering is not repeated.

We should only use the past to remember what we have learned.

67. There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and each piece must fit into the big puzzle.

Chopra philosophizing about the meaning of the Universe.

68. Acceptance of experience is the key to happiness

Compassion and acceptance are basic qualities that we must master to be happy.

69. We must go beyond the constant clamor of the ego, beyond the tools of logic and reason, to the still, quiet place within us: the realm of the soul.

Spirituality is very important in the life of human beings.

70. Emotional resilience, the ability to bounce back after an adverse experience, is one of the most reliable indicators of who will live a long time

Bad experiences make us grow, because we become more aware of our emotions.

71. According to research, the actions we take in favor of the happiness of others are a fast track to lasting happiness

Altruistic people are happier than those who do not give anything for others.

72. Give up your need for external approval. Only you are the judge of your worth; your goal is to discover the infinite value of yourself, without giving importance to what others think. By understanding this great freedom is achieved

Thinking about what others think of us and being a slave to what they want us to be, makes us tremendously unhappy.

73. Constant repetition of a negative belief develops neural pathways that reinforce the negativity by turning it into a habitual way of thinking

When we have a pessimistic mindset, we act according to the negative beliefs that are born from our brain.

74. Don't pollute your body with toxins, whether through food, drink, or toxic emotions. Your body is not just a life support system. It is the vehicle that will take you on the journey of your evolution. The health of each cell contributes directly to your state of well-being, because each cell is a point of consciousness within the field of consciousness that is you.

A phrase that refers to toxic emotions, and how they should not be part of our lives.

75. Remember that the world out there reflects your reality in here. The people to whom your reaction is strongest, be it love or hate, are projections of your inner world. What you hate most is what you deny most in yourself. What you love most is what you want most within you. Use the mirror of relationships to guide your evolution. The objective is a total knowledge of oneself. When you get it, what you want most will automatically be there; what you dislike most will disappear

When we are not well with ourselves, we project it outwards.

76. You have to risk to be happy

In times of difficulty, we develop tools that make us happier in the future.

77. Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen by itself

Teamwork helps us to add up and be more than we would be acting alone.

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