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The 70 best phrases (and reflections) of Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr. is known today as one of the most beloved and admired actors in Hollywood., thanks to his well-known roles such as Iron Man or Sherlock Holmes. But he was also a man who rose from the ashes, after having a serious addiction to substances and even going to jail for a brief period, thus becoming an example of the damage that causes us to face our demons and the reward of getting ahead.

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Great quotes from Robert Downey Jr.

Below we will see a list of the best Robert Downey Jr. quotes that remind us of the importance of getting up every time we fall.

1. Listen, smile, agree, so do whatever you were going to do anyway.

Things happen for a reason.

2. People never change because they are under threat or under duress. Never. They change because they see something that makes their life seem worthwhile enough to start moving toward a life worth living.

The real reason why people change.

3. I know very little about acting. I'm just an incredibly talented fraud.

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How do you perceive yourself as an actor?

4. Look, even the bad years are very good years, I think.

We can always find something positive in the midst of bad situations.

5. I'm not an example of good behavior and recovery in Hollywood, I'm just a guy who knows he has a lot to be thankful for.

Although it is not an example, many can take their situation as an inspiration to move forward.

6. I think you end up doing the things you're supposed to be doing at the time you're supposed to be doing it.

As the saying goes: 'things have their time'.

7. Do I want to be a hero for my son? No. I would like to be a real human being. That is quite difficult.

The best lesson we can give our children is to be better people.

8. I believe that power is the beginning. The principle of moving forward, as if you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you've done.

Take the power to move forward with your own means.

9. If you're making a drama that has some comedic elements you can't forget that it's first and foremost a very serious movie that has some light relief.

Making movies requires a huge commitment.

10. It's like having a loaded gun, in your mouth and your finger on the trigger, you know that at any moment it's going to fire but you like the taste of the metal of the gun.

The way he describes being into addictions.

11. For years I prided myself on being resilient.

When we have a positive attitude, things are easier to carry.

12. Sometimes you just have to be kicked out of the nest.

There are some people who need to hit rock bottom first in order to improve.

13. Mediocrity is my biggest fear.

Not being able to stand out in what we love is a very common fear.

14. I know who I am. I'm a guy who plays a guy disguised as another guy.

Acting is about pretending and being on someone else's feet.

15. It's hard not to feel overwhelmed from time to time by the enormity of the challenge we face in this pandemic, but nothing has stopped for the strong in spirit during this time.

Without a doubt, the pandemic has been a great challenge for humanity.

16. There are some parents who have really done well and said to their child: You know, we have this money, none of this is for you. You have to get your own.

Children must be taught to build a future by their own hands.

17. It doesn't matter whether or not you can act. If you can go into a room and make these sweaters want you, that's what will get you the job.

Having charisma is an important element for acting.

18. I guess the problem for me is keeping things dynamic.

Sometimes it is very tempting to get carried away by laziness.

19. I'm not afraid of total failure because I don't think it's going to happen.

Complete failure comes when we stop trying.

20. I think we all do heroic things, but hero is not a noun, it's a verb.

Being a hero means doing good deeds.

21. It's been a relentless, pride-swallowing siege for a while, but a productive one.

To advance you have to climb steep mountains.

22. Remember that just because you hit rock bottom doesn't mean you have to stay there.

One of the most important lessons that Robert has left us.

23. I always think that part of success is being able to replicate the results, taking what is interesting or viable on yourself as a professional person and seeing if you take it to different situations with results Similar.

Success is doing something that makes you a better version of yourself.

24. I am not afraid of success because it is much better than failure. It's being in the middle that scares me.

There is nothing worse than being in a place of personal stagnation.

25. Worrying is like praying about something you don't want to happen.

Worrying too much only makes us more miserable in our suffering.

26. The lesson is that you can still make mistakes and be forgiven.

As long as you do your best to make up for your mistake.

27. I think life changes every year. This is just a little more comfortable.

Life is not static, that's why we can all change.

28. I come from a place of total strength and humility now.

The worst situations make us appreciate the world with a renewed view.

29. Acting is always a challenge.

A career that is incredibly demanding.

30. Nothing is a break for me. Not even breaks are breaks.

We can always do something to nourish ourselves in our spare time.

31. I don't drink anymore. I am allergic to alcohol and drugs: I get handcuffs

A lesson he will carry with him forever.

32. I don't need an Iron Man suit, I'm already a weapon of mass seduction.

Without a doubt, Robert is considered one of the most handsome men in Hollywood.

33. People rise from the ashes because, at some point, they are invested with the belief in the possibility of triumphing over seemingly impossible odds.

That is why it is important to keep alive our spark of confidence in what we can do.

34. I am a soldier who did not know how unpleasant the battle would be and now, I have a purple heart and I am back.

We all have battles to fight.

35. Discipline for me has to do with respect. It's not even about self-respect, it's about respect for life and all it offers.

Discipline helps us to have a healthy life.

36. For me, friendship means loving tolerance.

True friendships are the ones that are there for us in the worst of times.

37. I was always interested in the history of everything.

A very curious man.

38. Nothing will serve you better than a strong work ethic. Not a thing. And it is something that cannot be taught.

Ethics leads us to commit ourselves to something that matters to us.

39. I am in the ongoing process of transcending fear.

Fear is durable, but that doesn't mean it's invincible.

40. You have to let go of things that are dear to you.

There are things that, although we love, we must let them go, to have something better.

41. It's a very American thing to build and tear down and come back. It is in its own strange way the journey of heroes.

The way he sees American patriotism.

42. I was lucky that it predated the internet with much of my misbehavior.

Grateful to be able to keep his private life in the face of the addiction problems he had.

43. I have always felt like an outsider in this industry. Because I'm so crazy, I guess.

Showing that even an artist like him has his insecurities.

44. I'm a work in progress right now, it's crazy, and life wants me on edge, I swear. But as long as I don't forget the past, I'm fine.

We are all a constant work in progress. But keep in mind that today, you are better than yesterday.

45. The higher I am, the happier I am, the better off I am.

Seek to be at the point that suits you best and makes you happy.

46. You start with something pure, something exciting, and then come the mistakes and the compromises. We create our demons.

The only way to overcome our demons is to face ourselves.

47. I used to be so convinced that happiness was the goal, but all these years that I was chasing after it, I was unhappy in the pursuit.

Everyone has their ideal of happiness and even this can change over time.

48. The old saying is true, behind every good man is an amazing woman.

Find a person who connects with your future aspirations.

49. With a terrible script, you rush in and try to make it better. But with a good script it can be a problem because you rest on your laurels, so to speak, you think it's going to translate easily.

The scripts you most prefer to work with.

50. I always encourage people to be confident and, at some point, a little falsely, so that you can give yourself a chance.

Having a strong confidence makes us win 50% of any battle that lies ahead.

51. Growing up is something you do your whole life. I always want to feel that I can be a child if I want to.

Believing is a positive power if we know how to use it.

52. Every time I see someone doing something, even if it's not that great, I at least admire their intentions and stuff.

Even if you fail, never stop celebrating your attempts, because some of them will take you to the top.

53. There is raw gold in every soul you run, no matter the life of life.

We are all valuable, even if it takes us time to recognize it.

54. You always have to be careful... If you remember more than you fucking remember, you'll be fine.

Don't cling to your past, but remember the lessons it taught you.

55. I have the best fans in the world and my goal is to use my platform for good: share things I discover about the world, the weather and technology.

Grateful for his fans and trying to compensate for his loyalty.

56. I think I always had a little bit of moral psychology and always wanted to do the right thing, which doesn't count for much, and then a little bit took it on the chin.

Having will is not enough, otherwise you will do something to change your bad habits.

57. One must always be aware.

Yes, you can do whatever you want with your life, as long as you don't harm others in the process.

58. You have to take the focus off yourself and put it in the shape of the scene and the intention of what everyone else needs.

Acting also requires good teamwork.

59. I think it's good to be confident. If I'm not on my team, why should anyone be?

Having self-confidence makes us have better interpersonal relationships.

60. It's amazing how self-correcting and enlightening good, hard, hard work can be.

Work benefits us to build better self-discipline.

61. A little existential crisis always helps when you are looking for a radical change.

Existential crises can be a great way to motivate us to seek positive change.

62. You have to be thrown into it, where you will either sink or swim.

You only have two options that are entirely up to you.

63. If I know anything, it is that I never learned anything while speaking.

There are times when it is better to keep quiet and listen.

64. You need to know what to do when the sun isn't shining.

We must also have a contingency plan for when we are down.

65. All I want, and I think every parent with a semblance of moral psychology wants, is for my son to have his own experience of it, uninhibited.

A goal that all parents should share.

66. Perhaps the goal really is a life that values ​​honor, duty, good work, friends, and family.

A goal that must go hand in hand with your quest for success.

67. If we cannot accept limitations, we are as bad as the bad.

There are things that we simply cannot control and we must work around them.

68. If I were a lawyer, I would be my best client.

Talking about his long history of problems.

69. At the end of the day, whatever I think I'm sacrificing I'm giving up because it makes me feel better.

When we help others, we are repaid in a way that brings us peace.

70. I think it's miraculous that someone survives himself.

Sometimes we can be our worst enemies.

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