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The 70 best phrases of Elvis Presley

Elvis Aaron Presley was a celebrated American singer and actor, born in the city of Tupelo, Mississippi, during the year 1935.

Known as The King of Rock, Presley helped change the music landscape forever, turning Rock and Roll into a mass phenomenon that lasted for nearly six decades. As many will know, this well-known vocalist is one of the most iconic people of all time, being comparable to big stars like Marilyn monroe or James dean, two other great figures of the time who unfortunately also died too soon.

Elvis Presley quotes, the King of Rock

We have all seen some of his movies or heard some of his songs, but you may not know what El Rey was like in privacy, that's why we have made a selection with the 70 best phrases of Elvis Presleand, some quotes with which you can discover a lot of curiosities about him.

1. The truth is like the sun. You can leave him out for a while, but he's not leaving.

Truthfully, there can only be one and we should all be clear that this one, sooner or later, always ends up coming to light.

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2. Adolescents are my life and my triumph. I wouldn't be anywhere without them.

He knew very well that his success was largely due to young people, a whole generation to which he was always very grateful.

3. Money, honey, if you want to get along with me.

Money was the tool he needed to be able to live as he wanted. Wealth seems to be a goal that the vast majority of people around the world share.

4. Every time I think that I am getting old and gradually going to the grave, something else happens.

In the end we will all have the same destiny, no matter how successful we are in life.

5. Whatever it becomes will be what God has chosen for me.

His future seemed totally unpredictable, but he was sure that with God's help he would undoubtedly go very far with his musical career.

6. Smarter than me. I've never had an idea for a song. Just once, maybe.

Surrounding ourselves with intelligent people can be very useful, because in this way we will always have someone by our side who can advise us.

7. Fame and fortune, how empty can they be.

Fame and fortune are not everything in life, our loved ones have always really been the most valuable thing we can possess.

8. What's the use of reaching 90 if you waste 89?

We must take advantage of every second of our life, because once it passes unfortunately it will never come back.

9. Some people stomp their feet, some people snap their fingers, and some people rock back and forth. I just do them all together I guess.

We have all tried to imitate it on occasion, although the vast majority of us surely we will not have done it with great success.

10. Rock and Roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but go to it. That's what happens to me. I can't help it.

Rock was a revelation, the media made it possible for this musical style to be one of the first to become totally international.

11. The image is one thing and the human being is another. It is very difficult to live up to an image, to put it that way.

An image will never define us in our totality, since human beings are undoubtedly much more complex than what the eye can see or a camera can portray.

12. Love had surely made us all and hate would surely bring us down.

Hatred can be seen as the great evil in the world, because many times it is because of him that the greatest atrocities are carried out.

13. When I saw you for the first time with your smile so tender, my heart was captured, my soul surrendered.

Presley believed in love at first sight, a very romantic idea that not everyone usually believes in.

14. It's not what you have that makes people admire you, it's who you are.

Material goods will never make you admired, but envied. Two very different things that, as we may discover, have nothing to do with each other.

15. A live concert for me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It's my favorite part of the business, live concerts.

Live concerts are certainly the best thing in the music industry, a certain way of thinking that many of us will surely agree with.

16. I'm not trying to be sexy. It's just my way of expressing myself when I move.

Although they used to tell him that he was very sexy he never felt that way, with his way of dancing he only wanted to be able to express everything he felt.

17. I am not a saint, but I have tried never to do anything that could harm my family or offend God... I imagine that all a child needs is hope and the feeling that he belongs. If I could do or say something that would give a child that feeling, I think I would have contributed something to the world.

He just wanted everyone to feel good around him, a very commendable way of thinking.

18. Ma'am, I'm not trying to be sexy. Ah, I had no clear idea of ​​trying to sell sex. It's just my way of expressing how I feel when I move. Everything is thrashing. I don't do anything with my body.

His dance undoubtedly revolutionized the world, the vast majority of young people of the time would learn to dance by copying his style.

19. Before abusing, criticizing and accusing to walk a mile in my shoes.

We must put ourselves in the shoes of others before criticizing them, a great advice that the king of rock gives us in this beautiful date.

20. Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind. Memories, sweetened through the centuries like wine.

Our experiences little by little form us as individuals, if it were for them today we simply would not be who we are.

21. My fans want my shirt. They can have my shirt. They put it on my back.

He always knew how to have a detail with his admirers, a great gesture for the part of him that they always knew how to value enormously.

22. When he was a child, ladies and gentlemen, he was a dreamer. He read comics and was the hero of the comics. I watched movies and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed of has come true hundreds of times... From very early on I learned that: 'Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man does not have a friend; without a song the road would never bend, without a song. So I keep singing a song. Good night. Thanks.

As we can see, music was always his faithful companion, a great romance that she lived with throughout his life.

23. The walls have ears, ears that listen to every little sound you make every time you stamp a lamp.

During his life, his excesses always accompanied him, and the media always seemed to be willing to invent whatever was necessary.

24. It's funny how things have a way of looking so much brighter during the day.

By dedicating himself to show business, this famous singer lived much more at night than during the day, something that most artists have to learn to live with.

25. Do the clam, do the clam, hold your barefoot baby by the hand.

Family is the most important thing that as human beings we have, without a doubt we should all value much more, the time that we luckily spend with our loved ones.

26. Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all.

The sense of rhythm is certainly something that not everyone possesses, a great gift with which this great singer certainly seemed to have been blessed.

27. You are just a natural hive, full of honey to the top. Well I'm not a greedy baby, all I want is all you have

Women were always very important in his life, something that we can see clearly reflected in all the lyrics of his songs.

28. Envy someone and they knock you down. Admire it and it builds you. What makes the most sense?

If others do well, we will probably end up benefiting too. Envy on the other hand is something that will never get us anywhere.

29. If you cry when you are in love, surely there is no shame.

We should never be ashamed of having to cry, like many one day we will learn intense emotions in the end they always end up coming out.

30. All the stars will tell the story of our love and all its glory. Let's make this night of magic, and make it a night of love.

Judging by his lyrics, this singer seemed to be a real Don Juan, something that most likely was also in his private life.

31. Too much television hurts movies.

In those days, television began to be a great mass phenomenon, on the contrary the cinema, on the other hand, took the worst part, seeing how its income was reduced more and more.

32. Gospel music is the purest thing on this earth.

Gospel music was very dear to him, something very logical if we consider that rock comes from other previous musical styles, among which of course gospel is included.

33. Happiness is knowing that you have done a good job, be it professional or for someone else.

A job well done will always make us feel satisfied, a feeling that can sometimes be much more rewarding than any money we receive.

34. Animals don't hate and we are supposed to be better than them.

Animals are undoubtedly much more honest than people, because as some of us know, an animal will never lie to you and it will not stop loving you.

35. Make me feel at home, if you really care, scratch my back and run your pretty fingers through my hair.

Throughout his life he always searched for true love, something that always seemed to escape him.

36. I like Brando's performance... and James Dean... and Richard Widmark. Many of them I like.

The cinema also interested him a lot, because not in vain from the mid-fifties to the end of the seventies, this famous vocalist recorded a large number of films.

37. Where could I go but to the Lord?

We are sure that Presley went to heaven, although sadly God claimed him too soon.

38. It's not just about self defense, it's about... self-control, body discipline and mental discipline... and breathing techniques. It involves yoga. It involves meditation. It is an art, not a sport.

Breath control is very important for singing, all great vocalists are often forced to perfect this technique before they can achieve success.

39. This is why I hate starting in these jam sessions. I am always the last to go.

To be able to achieve success, work and dedication will always be totally necessary, a reality that we all must face as Elvis Presley did at the time.

40. I am not the king. Jesus Christ is the king. I am just an artist.

His respect for Jesus as we can see in this quote was always maximum, something very expected from a devout believer like him.

41. I learned how important it is to entertain people and give them a reason to come see you play.

Presley knew very well that his concerts should be fun, so little by little these began to become more and more a show, something that the audience immediately thanked him.

42. In this day and hour you can't even get sick; You're hung up! Good for God, I'll tell you something, buddy: I've never been hung up in my life, except in music!

Music was what gave his life meaning, if it weren't for her we can be sure that Presley could never have felt totally complete.

43. Take care of the fans and they will surely take care of you.

His admirers were very dear to him, this singer knew very well that his way of life would not have been possible had it not been for them.

44. Until we meet again, may God bless you as he has blessed me.

God was always present in his thoughts, the figure of the Lord can also be very inspiring for us as it was for him.

45. I have no use for bodyguards, but I have a very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.

Presley was a very athletic man at the time, bodyguards just seemed unnecessary for someone with such an excellent complexion.

46. If you bring a friend to your love story, that's the end of your love, it's the end of your friend, that's when your pain in your heart begins.

We should never get in the middle of an alien relationship, a great advice that we can all extract from this beautiful date.

47. Wise men say that only fools rush. But I can't help but fall in love with you.

Making mistakes out of love is a very common thing, a not very pleasant experience that Presley also had to live.

48. I have spent my whole life waiting for the right moment, now that you are near, the time has finally come.

As we can see, this famous singer lived love with great intensity, or at least that is how he described it in his songs.

49. Nine and nine is fourteen, four and four are nine. The clock strikes thirteen, I think I've gone crazy.

A very busy life can end up taking its toll, so that this does not happen we must always rest when our body asks us to do so.

50. Love is something you can never share.

As we can see, polyamory simply did not enter Presley's life plans, which is very logical considering the time in which he lived.

51. After a hard day of basic training, you could eat a rattlesnake.

It is well known that exercise always whets the appetite, that is why all great athletes are also usually great eaters.

52. When you get to the heart of the matter, isn't it a shame that not even a little man in this big city admits that he could have been a little wrong?

Acknowledging our mistakes is the first step we must take to avoid committing them again, a step that unfortunately many are unwilling to take.

53. If you let your head grow too large, it will break your neck.

Wisdom does not have to make us happier, it may actually be in ignorance where true happiness is hidden.

54. All I want is to know the truth, to know and experience God. I'm a seeker, that's what it's all about.

The truth was always very important to him, throughout his life this great singer always sought to surround himself with totally honest people.

55. The army teaches boys to think like men.

Many young men reach maturity serving in the military, something that in Presley's day was even more common if possible.

56. Blacko-oxytonic phosphate, is the latest scoop. But okay girls, you can call it goop.

Drugs are one of the hardest evils that we all had to endure in the 20th century, a great misfortune for all of humanity that we are still fighting today.

57. I don't want to be a tiger, tigers play too hard. I don't want to be a lion, because lions are not the type you love.

Not all of us are born knowing what we want to be in our lives, instead this famous singer always had it very clear that he was simply born to transcend.

58. I'm with a crowd, but so lonely.

Presley was always surrounded by people, but he always felt that there were very few who really understood him.

59. From the beginning, it was the same. The only difference is that the crowds are bigger now.

Throughout his entire career, his audience grew larger and larger, in all his concerts thousands and thousands of people gathered.

60. The first time I appeared on stage, I was very scared. He really didn't know what all the screaming was about. I didn't realize that my body was moving. It comes naturally to me. So to the manager backstage I said, 'What did I do? What did I do? And he said "Whatever it is, go back and do it again."

Jumping on stage is always a very complicated step for anyone, you have to have a lot of confidence in yourself to be able to do it with a certain ease.

61. Complaining is human nature, but I go ahead and do my best.

Life will always necessarily bring us complicated situations, because even those who are more successful always have bad experiences at some point or another.

62. I will never feel comfortable having a strong drink, and I will never feel easy smoking a cigarette. I just don't think those things are right for me.

Alcohol and tobacco were never to his liking, although later this famous singer discovered other vices with which he unfortunately felt more comfortable.

63. I believe in the Bible. I believe that all good things come from God. I don't think I'd sing like I do if God hadn't wanted me to.

Presley, as we see, thought that he had been blessed by God, without a doubt it was a pity that he called him so soon to his side.

64. My philosophy of life is simple: I need someone to love, something to look forward to and do something.

If we propose it, we can all be happy with very little, because our happiness, contrary to what many think, is not in any material good or in any other person. The human being can only be happy if he himself allows it.

65. Do something worth remembering.

Only by standing out enormously will we make our memory last, a way of living life with which some men throughout history tried to pursue immortality.

66. Once I catch you and the kisses start, a team of wild horses couldn't tear us apart.

Love is one of the most powerful forces that can guide the human being, a fact about people's lives that Presley always had in mind.

67. I think I have something tonight that is not quite right for the night. Blue suede shoes.

The way he dressed was always one of his most distinctive features, a taste for fashion totally different from that of the rest of the men.

68. When we're dancing it almost feels the same, I have to stop whispering your name.

Thanks to dancing we can get very close to someone, a trick that all of us learn at a very young age.

69. He knew all the dialogue from the James Dean movies by heart; I could watch "Rebel Without a Cause" a hundred times more.

As we can see, James Dean was always one of his greatest heroes, something that we can see many times represented in his personal style.

70. Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine.

Ambition can drive us a lot in our professional lives, because as many people know only those who strongly want something, end up getting it.

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