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The 100 best phrases of Charles Chaplin (Charlot)

If it exists an eternal symbol of comedyThat is, in short, Charles Spencer Chaplin, or better known to all as Charles Chaplin, the genius of black and white film humor. During the 20th century, the world of entertainment took a very interesting turn with the arrival of this character who managed to steal the most raucous laughter.

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Great quotes from Charles Chaplin

In this article, we bring a compilation with the best phrases of Charles Chaplin, the creator of Charlot that will make us reflect and see life in a different way.

1. After all, it's all a joke.

Life has to be lived with a touch of madness.

2. By simple common sense I do not believe in God, in none.

It refers to Chaplin's atheism.

3. You have to laugh in the face of our helplessness in the face of the forces of nature, or go crazy.

The best alternative to face the problems is to put a touch of humor.

4. Think of yourself at least once in your life, otherwise you may miss out on the best comedy in this world.

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It is important to put ourselves first.

5. A day without laughing is a day lost.

Laughing is life.

6. Life is a play that does not allow rehearsals. So sing, laugh, dance, cry and live every moment of your life intensely before the curtain goes down and the play ends without applause.

Life is very short and that is why you should make the most of it.

7. Looked at closely, life is a tragedy, but seen from afar, it looks like a comedy.

On the way we find happy moments and others not so much.

8. Learn as if you were to live your whole life, and live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Every day you have to live it as if it were your last.

9. I am for the people. I can't help it.

Being empathetic is an attitude that not only benefits those in need, but ourselves.

10. Beauty is the spirit of all things, an exaltation, a psalm of life and death, of good and evil, of vileness and purity, joy and pain, hate and love, all embodied in the object that we see u we hear.

The real beauty is the inside.

11. You will never find a rainbow if you are looking down.

You always have to look ahead and move forward.

12. My pain may be the reason for someone's laughter. But my laugh should never be the reason for someone's pain.

Our attitudes must not harm others.

13. Never forget to smile, because the day you don't smile, it will be a wasted day.

You always have to smile, even when you don't feel like it.

14. A wanderer, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a loner, always hoping for romance and adventure.

Everyone has the right to dream.

15. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people.

The dictatorship will never be a beneficial system of government.

16. They would rather call me a successful thief than a deposed monarch.

It is better to live calmly than to look for something that will take away our sleep.

17. Why does poetry have to make sense?

It refers to the complex world of poetry.

18. The true creator disdains the technique understood as an end and not as a means.

Creativity has to be focused on achieving something.

19. There is something as inevitable as death and it is life.

Death is a destination that we are all going to reach.

20. Be you, and try to be happy, but above all, be you.

We should not aspire to be an image of another, we must focus on being oneself.

21. My sin was, and still is, being a nonconformist.

You never have to be conformist in life, you have to aspire to the best.

22. In light of our egos, we are all dethroned monarchs.

The ego, if it cannot be controlled, can become a monster that we cannot control.

23. When I truly loved myself, I freed myself from everything that was not good for me: people, things, situations and everything that pushed me down and away from myself. At first I called it healthy selfishness, but today I know it is self-love.

Loving yourself is the key to success.

24. Life is no longer a joke to me; I do not see grace.

There are times when life is seen in a different light.

25. Time is the best author: it always finds a perfect ending.

Time is very wise, everything heals.

26. Perfect love is the most beautiful of all frustrations, because it is more than can be expressed.

True love is perfect.

27. We think too much, we feel very little.

We put feelings aside and pay more attention to thoughts.

28. The deeper the truth of a creative work, the longer it will live.

When you do something, do it in a way that everyone will remember it fondly.

29. Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it.

Life must be lived with joy.

30. The bad thing about being old is that you have no way of defending yourself.

Old age is something that is on our way, but that we always turn around.

31. I had no idea of ​​the character. But the moment I got dressed, the clothes and makeup made me feel the person that he was. I started to get to know him, and when I got to the stage he was fully born.

When you love what you do, everything flows.

32. I have reached the age when a platonic friendship can be sustained on the highest moral plane.

True friendship is strong and does not break easily.

33. The day that man realizes his profound mistakes, the progress of science will be over.

Many times, useful things come out of mistakes.

34. There is nothing permanent in this evil world. Not even our problems.

Nothing is forever.

35. You have to have faith in yourself. Therein lies the secret.

Believing in our abilities is the best way to success.

36. I already forgave almost unforgivable mistakes, I tried to replace irreplaceable people and forget unforgettable people.

Forgiveness leads to inner peace.

37. To really laugh, you must be able to take his pain, and play with it!

Despite the pain, he smiles.

38. Life is a beautiful and magnificent thing, even for a jellyfish.

For every living being, his world is the ideal.

39. Man as an individual is a genius. But the men in the crowd form the headless monster, a great brutal idiot who goes where he is spurred on.

Man very often lets himself be handled by others.

40. I am a citizen of the world.

Charles Chaplin did not believe he had a nationality.

41. Imagination does not mean anything without doing.

Take care to implement everything you imagine.

42. Failure is not important. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.

Do not be afraid of failure, you also learn from it.

43. The worst thing about you is that you refuse to fight, you give up, you just think about illness and death. But there is something as inevitable as death and it is life!

Never give up, fight with all your might.

44. I am only, I only remain one thing: a clown. That puts me on a higher plane than any politician.

Living life full of funny touches is better than living bitter and angry about everything.

45. A man is as big as his big dreams.

If your dreams are big, then you are too.

46. Laughter is a tonic, a relief, a respite that allows you to calm the pain.

Always laugh to get pain, anguish and disease out of your life.

47. I guess that's one of the ironies of life, doing the wrong thing at the right time.

It can bring good or bad results.

48. How do you get ideas? With sheer perseverance to the point of insanity.

Never shut up your ideas.

49. In the realm of the unknown, there is infinite power for good.

All discovery must be used for good.

50. As a man gets older, he wants to live deeply. A feeling of sad dignity invades his soul, and this is fatal for a comedian.

Over the years, nostalgia also comes.

51. Remember, you can always bend over and not pick anything up.

You can try hard and get little.

52. My only enemy is time.

Time is usually very short for everything we want to do.

53. Don't wait for your turn to speak; really listen and you will be different.

Listening is as important as speaking.

54. I am not a politician nor do I have political convictions. I am an individual and a believer in freedom. That's all the policy I have.

Freedom is something that is priceless.

55. Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is "elephant."

Watch your words, they can be double-edged weapons.

56. Wars, conflicts, everything is business. Numbers sanctify, if you kill a few you are a criminal, if you murder thousands, you are a hero.

Wars and conflicts do not leave anything good.

57. The really good thing is to fight with determination, embrace life and live it with passion ...

Live your life with passion and never stop fighting.

58. There is something as inevitable as death: life.

Drinking makes us feel uninhibited and act differently than usual.

59. I believe in the power of laughter and tears as an antidote to hatred and terror.

Both laughter and tears are part of our life.

60. Even when I was in the orphanage and I was walking the streets looking for something to eat to live, even then, I considered myself the greatest actor in the world.

Situations do not determine you, but your desire to succeed.

61. I believe that faith is a forerunner of all our ideas.

If we do not have faith in our abilities, we will achieve nothing.

62. Let us strive for the impossible. The great achievements throughout history have been the conquest of what seemed impossible.

If there is something that seems impossible to do, focus on doing it.

63. Laugh and the world will laugh with you; cry and the world, turning its back on you, will let you cry.

Only in moments of success will you find support.

64. We are all amateurs. Life is so short that it does not give for more.

The secret of life is to live every moment.

65. Hey, hey, smile! but do not hide behind that smile... Show what you are, without fear. There are people who dream of your smile, just like me.

Do not imitate anyone, you are more than enough.

66. Numbers sanctify, if you kill a few you are a criminal, if you murder thousands, you are a hero.

Having a positive attitude to face problems is what we should all have.

67. I always like to walk in the rain so no one can see me cry.

There is nothing wrong with crying, don't hide your feelings.

68. The value of someone is not measured by his clothes or by the goods that he owns. Your true worth is your character, your ideas, and the nobility of his ideals.

Material things do not determine people, only their ideas and thoughts.

69. Without having known misery it is impossible to value luxury.

When we go through a situation, we learn to value what life provides us.

70. Fight to live life, to suffer it and to enjoy it. Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it.

You have to live life with its positives and negatives.

71. Without faith, hypothesis, theory, science, or mathematics could never have evolved.

In everything you do, be confident.

72. The true meaning of things is found by trying to say the same things in different words.

It is not what is said, but how it is done.

73. We all want to help each other. Human beings are like that. We want to live from the happiness of the other, not from the misery of each one.

Helping others has its charm.

74. There is nothing permanent in this evil world, not even our problems.

Nothing is eternal in life.

75. I am at peace with God, my conflict is with man.

Man has negative feelings and attitudes that shape evil.

76. You need Power, only when you want to do something harmful, otherwise, Love is enough to get everything done.

Power has its consequences.

77. Life is not meaning; life is desire.

The desire to live has to be very great.

78. I'm just, I'm just still one thing: a clown. That puts me on a higher plane than any politician.

There are always people who think badly of you.

79. I believe that faith is an extension of the mind. It is the key that denies the impossible.

You are the only one who has the decision whether or not you want to have faith.

80. Happiness... does it exist? where? When I was a child I complained to my father because he did not have toys and he responded by pointing his forehead with his index finger: This is the best toy ever created. Everything is here. There is the secret of our happiness.

Happiness has several points of view.

81. More than intelligence, we need kindness and gentleness.

Being intellectual is not everything in life. Kindness and generosity are vital.

82. To err is human, but blaming others is even more human.

It is very common that we look for guilt in other people and not in ourselves.

83. When I started loving myself it seemed to me that the anguish and emotional distress are just warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, it's all about "authenticity."

Being unique and authentic is what brings us happiness.

84. Without absolute self-confidence, one is destined for failure.

To be successful, it is vitally important to trust ourselves.

85. To deny the faith is to refute oneself and the spirit that generates all our creative forces.

Never deny your abilities.

86. Smile even if your heart hurts. Smile even if you have it broken.

Despite the difficulties, he continues to smile.

87. Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.

Fall in love with that person who loves your soul first than your body.

88. To work is to live and I love to live.

If you want to be really happy, then love your job.

89. Despair is a narcotic. Calm the mind in indifference.

Desperate in the face of a situation only brings anguish.

90. I don't need drugs to be a genius; I'm not looking for a genius to be human, but I need your smile to be happy.

The important thing in life is happiness.

91. Even if there are clouds in the sky you will succeed, if you smile despite the fear and pain. Smile and maybe tomorrow you will see the sun shining for you.

In tough situations, just smile and you will see great results.

92. That is the problem with the world. We all despise ourselves.

We do not make the brother as he really is him.

93. The true creator disdains the technique understood as an end and not as a means.

Man has enormous potential that he does not know how to use.

94. The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost our way.

We can lose our way very easily.

95. From those trivia, I think my soul was born.

There are things of little importance to which we put a lot of interest.

96. My faith is in the unknown, in everything that reason does not understand.

The unknown is also very tempting.

97. The saddest thing I can imagine is getting used to luxury.

We should not get used to luxury, it can be counterproductive.

98. Simplicity is not an easy thing.

The simplicity and naturalness have been lost.

99. I don't think the public knows what they want; This is the conclusion that I have drawn from my career.

Unfortunately, there are many people who do not know what they want.

100. If you don't dream, you will never find what is beyond your dreams.

If you don't have dreams, then life is meaningless.

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