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The 10 best Psychologists in Port Orange (Florida)

The psychologist Alan Jalleins Rodriguez Martinez He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Havana and throughout his career he has specialized in provide a service of Psychology, Coaching, Guidance and Mindfulness in fully online sessions individualized.

His intervention integrates Mindfulness together with the cognitive-behavioral approach and other orientations equally effective, with which it attends adolescents, adults and older people who can request it.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with addictions, cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, couple crises, family conflicts, domestic violence, divorce and difficulties schoolchildren.

the psychologist Alexandra Ruffa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, she has a Training Course in She is a psychodramatist by the CAPP and she also has an International Certification in Psychology Digital Positive.

This professional has more than 25 years of experience and currently attends online to adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families that may present a couple crisis, traumas, addictions, stress, relational difficulties or processes of divorce.

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The psychologist Diego Red Sebastian has specialized for more than 10 years in serving people of all ages online and also families who request it.

His intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with other effective orientations with which he attends the cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, trauma, emotional difficulties and conflicts relatives.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has taken Training Courses in Cognitive Neuropsychology, in Third Generation Contextual Therapies and in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy.

the psychologist Gabriela Sotomayor She has more than 25 years of experience behind her and currently attends children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and families via video call.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, the orientation with which she deals with cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, codependency, relational difficulties, and deficits emotional.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous Metropolitan University, has a Higher Degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy, a Diploma in Psychological Evaluation and a Training Course in First Aid psychological.

the psychologist Bethlehem Humenczuk He has specialized throughout his career in serving adolescents, adults and also couples who may present cases of anxiety, infidelity, depression, low self-esteem, stress or processes of divorce.

Her intervention is integrative in nature and is based on the joint application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy together with other effective orientations such as Mindfulness or Brief Therapy.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, has a Postgraduate degree in Psychotherapies Breves and has Training Courses in Couples Therapy, in Emotional Dysregulation and in Family Therapy and Couples.

The psychologist Javier Ares Arranz He has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has a Master's degree in Psychology General Sanitary, a Master's Degree in Cognitive-behavioral Psychotherapy and a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Health.

His intervention is offered online with all possible comforts and in his sessions he applies therapies of proven efficacy such as cognitive-behavioral approach or Third Generation Therapy, orientations with which it attends adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples.

His main intervention specialties include cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, addictions, sexual dysfunctions, low self-esteem, stress and alzheimer's

the psychologist Jasmine Wior She is a specialist in applying Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy together with Third Generation Therapies with the aim of successfully serving adults and families.

Her intervention is offered online and some of her main specialties are conflicts family, stress, codependency, stress, anxiety, depression and difficulties emotional.

The Health Psychologist Sonia Galarza Valles She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia, she has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Health, a Master's degree in Clinical Sexology, another in Integrative Gestalt Psychotherapy and a Master in Cognitive Neuroscience and Educational Needs Specific.

This professional offers her services online with all possible comforts to people from all ages, as well as couples and families requesting a psychological care service or sexology

Among her main intervention specialties are cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, family conflicts, couple crises, school difficulties and difficulties sexual.

The Mental Health Counselor Doris Benrey Boguslavsky She has more than 30 years of experience behind her and currently she attends people of all ages, families and groups through video calls.

This professional has a Master's degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy, she is licensed by the state of Florida and She is a specialist in dealing with school difficulties, relational deficits, anxiety, family conflicts and low self-esteem.

The Family and Couple Therapist josie rippey He has more than 25 years of career, graduated from St. Thomas University and has a license from the state of Florida.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach and in his sessions he serves people of all ages, couples and families that may present relationship difficulties, family conflicts, addictions, grief, anxiety or low self-esteem.

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