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The 100 best phrases of J. R. R. Tolkien

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J. R. R. Tolkien, whose full name is John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, was an acclaimed South African writer, poet, and university professor. whose masterpieces of 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' led him to worldwide fame in the field of medieval fantasy literary.

In this article we will review the best phrases of J. R. R. Tolkien, a sample of the way of thinking of this author.

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J's phrases R. R. Tolkien's most memorable

His books were so loved that they were even brought to the big screen, making the love for this genre grow. To learn more about his life and his works, we bring a compilation with the best quotes from J. R. R. Tolkien.

1. Fantasy is, like many other things, a legitimate right of every human being, because through it there is complete freedom and satisfaction.

Speaking of the fantasy genre in literature.

2. He must not promise to walk in the dark who has not seen the nightfall.

Only people who know something firsthand are capable of mastering it.

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3. Disloyal is one who disappears when the path is dark.

True friends are those who stay at your worst.

4. He who is unable to part with a treasure in a time of need is like a chained slave.

Money offers a viable solution, but it must not be a prison.

5. If many of us valued food, joy and songs more than treasured gold, this would be a happier world.

We value the wrong things.

6. Do you wish me a good day, or do you want to say that it is a good day, whether I like it or not; or that today you feel good; Or what is a day to be good?

What does it mean to wish a good day?

7. I believe that what they call fairy tales is one of the greatest forms that literature has taken, wrongly associated with childhood.

A fairy tale is a story without age.

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8. A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities.

Thousands of new things are built from dreams.

9. There is something good in this world and it is worth fighting for.

Always try to find the positive in everything.

10. Not even the wisest knows the end of all roads.

No one can know what lies ahead for us beyond.

tolkien quotes

11. The job that is never started is the one that takes the longest to finish.

The hardest part is the beginning, but it is the most necessary step.

12. Men's hearts are not as bad as their deeds, and hardly ever as bad as their words.

Nobody is entirely bad.

13. Dawn is always a hope for man.

It is a way of knowing that there is a new opportunity.

14. The world is full of danger, and there are many dark places in it; but there are still many things that are fair.

Good things may be small, but when put together they have great power.

15. There was no other choice but to go on and on, even after feeling that they couldn't take another step.

We have no choice but to move on.

16. The greatest adventure is the one that awaits us. Today and tomorrow have not yet been said.

We cannot know what the future holds for us.

17. My advice to all those who have the time and the predisposition to deal with the international language would be: “support Esperanto loyally”.

Showing your support for this language that seeks to be universal.

18. A philologist talks about Esperanto.

A language that tries to bring all languages ​​together.

19. I don't know half of you, not half as much as I would like, and what I would want is less than half of what half of you deserve.

Each person has personal aspirations for him.

20. Fairyland contains many things, apart from elves and tricksters, and apart from dwarves, witches, trolls, giants or dragons.

It is a world where imagination is the mainstay of everything.

21. I will not tell you: do not cry; Because not all tears are bitter.

There are cries that are of joy or relief.

22. It is not good to talk about certain things when shadows rule the world.

It is always better not to attract negative things into our lives.

23. However, around the corner you can expect a new path or a secret door.

What awaits us may be closer than we think.

24. I've been told that I can speak in shorthand and then blur it out.

About his power when writing.

25. And he who breaks something to find out what it is, has abandoned the path of wisdom.

Easy things never lead to good places.

26. Sooner or later the crime always comes to light.

Justice may take time, but it comes.

27. Beautiful words sometimes hide an infamous heart.

There are kind people who hide a nefarious soul.

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28. Despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.

Despair arises when you stop trying.

29. There is always more in you than one expects!

We tend to think very little of our potential.

30. Now, it seems strange, but the things that are good to have and the good days to enjoy are counted very soon and not given much attention.

Do we really enjoy the good times?

31. I really try to read a lot of books, especially science fiction or fantasy.

The books Tolkien loved to read.

32. Shortcuts cause long delays.

When you cheat things stop working at some point.

33. The world is not in your books and maps; it's out there.

Go outside and live as long as you can.

34. The moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.

The stars shine in the dark.

35. It is useless to satisfy revenge with revenge; it won't cure anything.

Revenge only consumes us inside until we are empty.

36. Claiming that communists are orcs is almost as stupid as claiming that orcs are communists.

Defending the communist position.

37. A man running from what he fears often finds that he has only taken a short cut to meet it.

You can't run away forever, your problems will find you and explode on you.

38. In fact, I am a Hobbit (in everything but size)

How Tolkien perceived himself.

39. My doubts went to sleep, but with a restless sleep.

Doubts do not let us rest until we solve them.

40. How do you move? You move on when your heart finally understands that there is no going back.

First you must overcome that which afflicts you in order to move towards where you want.

41. May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.

Find a person who can be that light.

42. Is there anything more enjoyable than flying?

Can you think of anything else?

43. Do not go to the elves to ask for advice, because they both say yes and no.

Elves can be very impulsive or indecisive.

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44. A box without hinges, keys, or a lid can still hide a treasure of gold inside of it.

You can't judge someone or something by their appearance without getting to know them first.

45. There is nothing like searching if you want to find something.

The only way we can achieve anything is by trying.

46. I sincerely believe that no half-hearted enthusiasm and no worldly fear should divert us from following the light unblinkingly.

Although we are not always in the best mood, it is necessary to find that which leads us to continue.

47. When things are in danger, someone has to give them up, lose them, so that others can keep them.

It is better to let something go so that it does not wither in our hands.

48. The canons of narrative in any medium are not completely different.

Sometimes we need to reinvent ourselves.

49. Wars are not favorable to delicate pleasures.

Wars do not benefit anyone.

50. Snow is fine on a good morning, but I like to be in bed when it falls.

There is nothing more satisfying than enjoying cold weather in the shelter of your home.

51. It is not bad to celebrate a simple life.

Many have this as a goal to accomplish.

52. The failure of weak films often lies in the exaggeration and the intrusion of unjustified matters little connected with the heart of the original matter.

The problem of movies in his era, according to Tolkien.

53. It gives me great pleasure, a good name. I always start with a name in writing. Give me a name and it produces a story, not the other way around normally.

His particular way of beginning a story.

54. Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for them it is subtle and quick to get angry.

Wizards seem to have a very changeable mood.

55. A man without faith is the one who says goodbye when the road darkens.

They are the ones who give up easily in the face of any obstacle.

56. Naughty children who play with fire get what they deserve.

A reflection to know what who does wrong, goes wrong.

57. It is true that you almost always find something, if you look, but it is not always what you are looking for.

There are times when we do not find what we want but what we need.

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58. There are many powers in the world, for good and for evil. Many of them are older than me.

It all depends on how people use it.

59. A traitor can betray himself and unwittingly do good.

That's why traitors can't even trust themselves.

60. An honest hand and a true heart can go wrong; and the damage received can be harder to bear than the work of an enemy.

When a good person makes a mistake, he carries it like a heavy load on his shoulders.

61. The pain, he will not forget it; but it will not darken your heart, and it will give you wisdom.

Pain is the worst of teachers.

62. Why should a man be despised if, being in prison, he tries to get out and return to his house? Or if he can't do it, does he think and talk about things other than jailers and prison walls?

There are prisoners who are in jail for unjust reasons.

63. As long as he was a cheerful Hobbit, he did not need hope as long as despair was postponed.

Part of happiness is driving away worries.

64. Only a friend has to censor the madness of the friend.

True friends are the ones who have the courage to face you.

65. Living by faith includes the call to something greater than cowardly self-preservation.

It is also about defending what is fair.

66. Little by little, one travels far.

Big things are achieved with small steps.

67. I almost never find a modern book that catches my attention.

Finding his literary pleasures in classic works.

68. Deeds are not less courageous because no one praises them.

The important thing is that you yourself can celebrate your triumphs.

69. Always after a defeat and a truce, the Shadow takes a new form and grows again.

Evil never rests, that's why you have to work with the light all the time.

70. Uncomfortable, shocking, and even horrible things can make a good story, and besides, they take time to tell.

We can draw inspiration from thousands of things.

71. You are just a single individual in a huge world!

For this you should not worry about what others think of you.

72. I like gardens, trees and non-mechanized farmland.

One of the activities that the writer used to enjoy.

73. Only you can decide what to do with the time you have been given.

No one can control the course of your life.

74. I don't complain if someone who has read the book finds it boring, absurd or contemptible, since I have a similar opinion about the comments on it.

Each person has doubts likes.

75. Few people are able to foresee where the road takes them until they reach its end.

It is perhaps in death where we understand what became of our life.

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76. The treacherous are always distrustful.

Because they do not know who can also betray them.

77. A live dragon doesn't have to come out of your calculations, if you live near it.

Find the courage within you, nurturing your own security.

78. Not all who wander are lost.

There are those who are simply exploring new paths.

79. The love of beautiful things made by hand with ingenuity and magic.

Love and its mysteries.

80. I smoke a pipe, and I like good simple food (unrefrigerated), but I hate French cuisine.

About his taste in food.

81. I go to bed late and wake up late (when possible). He doesn't travel much.

A very homely man.

82. Courage is found in unexpected places.

And it is the unexpected situations that wake him up.

83. The setting of my story is this earth, in which we currently live. But the historical period is imaginary.

On the inspiration of the world he has designed.

84. They contain the seas, the sun, the moon, the sky and the earth and all the things that are found in it: trees and birds, water and stone, wine and bread, and ourselves, mortal men.

What exist within the worlds of fantasies.

85. I like them, and I even dare to put on these boring days, ornamental vests.

Quite an interesting taste.

86. The visitor who escaped through the roof will think twice before re-entering through the door.

Better reflect on your actions before repeating them.

87. I have a very simple sense of humor (which even my critical critics find boring)

Speaking of his uncharacteristic sense of humor.

88. Every moment spent without you is a moment of wasted time.

Being away from someone you love is heavy.

89. The possibilities, the changes are all yours to make. The mold of your life in your hands is to be broken.

Only you have the reins of where you want to direct your life.

90. Although in all lands love is now mixed with pain, perhaps love is greater.

If you profess it and believe in it, love will be infinite.

91. Hope is often born when everything is desolate.

A moment where we can reconnect with our strength.

92. It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.

Because it is the spirit that lifts us up when we are on the ground.

93. You can only come in the morning through the shadows.

You have to go through problems to find strength.

94. Where there is no lack of will, there is always a way.

You want it then you get it.

95. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

Change depends on whether or not we want something better.

96. I'm glad you're here with me. Here at the end of all things.

People who accompany you to the end.

97. If you don't believe in God, the question what is the purpose of life? It is incontestable. What address will you send the question to?

A questioning towards those who do not believe in God.

98. If with my life or my death I can protect you, I will.

A sacrifice that shows loyalty.

99. There is much more to him than you imagine and much more than he himself imagines.

That is why it is important to give encouragement to those we see who are struggling.

100. Do not despise the traditions that come to us from long ago; It often happens that old women keep in memory things that the wise men of another time needed to know.

Traditions have their own stored wisdom.

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