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The prodigious shoemaker of LORCA

The prodigious shoemaker: summary

The prodigious shoemaker or also called The Prodigious Shoemaker: Violent Farce in Two Acts is a play written by the playwright Federico Garcia Lorca which was released in 1930. The work is inspired by female characters and the strength of women, to make a parallel with the human soul.

In this lesson of a PROFESSOR we want to make you a summary of The prodigious shoemaker of the author from Granada, so that you know what is the plot that moves the characters. Take a good look at the main character, because surely you can find many parallels with Amelia from Bernarda Alba's house.

we start this summary of The prodigious shoemaker Speaking of Act I. The play begins by introducing us to the shoemaker, an 18-year-old girl who is attending to a boy who has entered her store to run an errand that has been entrusted to him. The boy, very gossipy, tells the shoemaker that her neighbors criticize her behind her back saying that she will surely she will not be able to have children.

She, very sure of herself, answers that she will have children and that it is very likely that they will be many.

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more beautiful than those of his neighbors.

The shoemaker's husband, a 53-year-old man, comes home complaining that everything hurts and she blames him that, with her beauty, she could have had many more suitors instead of marrying him. The shoemaker doesn't like it at all when his wife mounts these scandals in public, but she is a girl full of energy and she can't help but let her emotions get out of control at times.

Then another customer arrives at the shoe store and the man gives her a good discount on the pair of shoes she was thinking of buying. When the buyer leaves, the shoemaker she gets angry with her husband because he has lowered the price of that woman's shoes a lot and they both get into an argument that will end with personal criticism of each other.

On the other hand, there are several men from the town (two young men from the town and the mayor) who they try to woo the shoemaker, she even knowing that she is married, but the girl does not show even the slightest interest in these men.

The mayor, who finds out about the situation, goes to talk to the shoemaker and advises him that the only way to keep his wife at bay It is based on blows and screams. He replies that he doesn't think he's capable, but the problem he's dealing with is that he really doesn't know if he loves the shoemaker or if he's married to her out of commitment. Therefore the shoemaker decides to leave home.

The Prodigious Shoemaker: Summary - Summary of The Prodigious Shoemaker, Act I

The second act begins when the shoemaker has already left home for some time and the shoemaker has had to look for life by herself, because the shoe store did not give her enough money to support herself. He has had to open a tavern her in the neighbourhood, where she has to be serving drinks and food all day long and put up with being constantly complimented by drunks.

Everything the people gossip blaming the shoemaker for her husband's flight, while she blames the town saying that it was they who did not treat the shoemaker well. The shoemaker had welcomed the boy from the first scene to keep her company mutually, while she acted as her mother, he offered her the affection that the girl yearned so much because of living alone.

The boy used to go to the shoemaker's house every day and this she gave him a snack, she played with him and took care of him as if it were his own child. The boy, in turn, was also very fond of the shoemaker and even she defended her in front of the talkative neighbors of the town.

A good day a troubadour arrives to the town to tell one of her stories. The narration tells exactly the story of the shoemaker, from the point of view of the shoemaker. Upon hearing the story, the young woman feels very identified and as a consequence she saddens deeplyrealizing, at last, that she has lost her husband.

Then the shoemaker decides go talk to the troubadour, since the story has touched his soul a lot. As they talk they realize that they have a very similar story and find many Points in common: They are both madly in love with their husbands, but they don't know how to show it properly.

Then the troubadour asks the girl, if her husband came back to town, if she would be to forgive him. The girl, without thinking twice, says that she would be the happiest woman in the world if her husband came home. It is at that moment when the troubadour takes off his mask and reveals his true identity: the shoemaker. He had come to town disguised as a troubadour to try and win his wife back and it had apparently worked.

The shoemaker jumps for joy and both main characters they give each other a loving hug and full of love, until the stage turns completely dark, signaling the end of the play.

We hope that this article has been helpful to you and that you now know the summary of The prodigious shoemaker for acts. If you are interested in continuing to delve into this book or any other work of Spanish literature, do not hesitate to consult our writing section.

The Prodigious Shoemaker: Summary - Summary of the second act of The Prodigious Shoemaker
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