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Characters of The Prodigious Shoemaker: main and secondary

Characters of The Prodigious Shoemaker

The prodigious shoemaker is a play by Federico Garcia Lorca, which was premiered in 1930 and became one of the most important works of the classic author. In the course of the narrative, the author speaks of the female spirit as an energetic and unbridled force, to later turn it into a reflection of what the human soul is like.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain to you how the characters of The prodigious shoemaker, so that you can understand a little better the psychology of the time in Spain.

The main characters of The prodigious shoemaker They are a cobblers marriage who live in the town where the story takes place. These characters are what make the work progress and their psychology and behavior was highly detailed by the author, to show what the main features of the work were. society of the time.

the zapatera

The shoemaker is one of the characters in The prodigious shoemaker protagonists. She has a characteristic feature of some of the works of Lorca in which the protagonists of the works

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they are women, something quite strange at the time the author was writing. The shoemaker is a 18 year old girl who owns a shoe store, together with her husband, a man much older than her.

looks like a character quite unfriendly and, despite his youth, he treats other people very bitterly. That's because of her unhappiness, which makes her fight against everything around her. Tpretty bad rat to her husband and she hints repeatedly that she doesn't know why she married him, with all the suitors after her.

At the end of the play, this character suffers one of the most amazing twistsher, since she realizes that she truly loves her husband and is shown to be in love and sad for the loss of her.

During the first act, the shoemaker is dressed in green and in the second she wears bright red clothes. Many critics assure that the protagonist of The prodigious shoemaker has many parallels with the character of Amelia on Bernarda Alba's house, another classic of the author.

The shoemaker

The cobbler is a man in his 50s that she didn't marry anyone before she met the shoemaker. He is very peaceful and always flees from scandals, whether caused by the neighbors or by his own wife. During the first act he treats his wife very well and he is patient with her, even if she is out of control.

At some points in the play he shows doubts as to whether he really loves the shoemaker, which the mayor takes advantage of to give him bad advice. Advised by these evil tongues, finally the shoemaker decides leave his wife although at the end of the play he realizes that he is truly in love with her wife and returns for her.

His lineage comes from a bandit family, although he managed to change the course of his life and even become rich. He did not decide to get married at any time, but they convinced him to do so, that's why during the play he looks so doubtful.

Characters of The Prodigious Shoemaker - Main characters of The Prodigious Shoemaker

The secondary characters they do not have a very strong weight in the work, but they do help the plot to advance and the events to happen. For example, without the neighbors we would not see the anger of the shoemaker or without the mayor, the shoemaker would not have abandoned his wife.

That is why it is very important to know the secondary characters of The prodigious shoemaker and how they are his personalities. Here we present the characters of The prodigious shoemaker secondary.


The town mayor he is a chauvinistic and rude man who always talks mocking and belittling the people he has around him. He has been married 4 times throughout his life and even now he throws compliments at the shoemaker, even though she doesn't pay any attention to him. He is dressed in a large dark blue cloak and carries a long staff of command, topped with silver ends.

The boy

Is about child who spends the afternoons at the shoemaker's house, especially in the second act, when her husband has already abandoned her. Girl she treats him like a son and gives him a snack, plays with him, gives him gifts, etc. It is with the only character, with whom we can see the most loving part of the shoemaker, since she is the only person she treats well throughout the play.

The neighbors

The neighbors are several female characters who live in the town and who are dedicated to criticize and whisper about everything that has happened. They even tell the shoemaker that her husband has left because of her character. The neighbors have no name and that is why they are characterized by the color with which they are dressed: the red neighbor, the purple neighbor, the black neighbor, the green neighbor and the yellow neighbor.

Other characters

These characters appear at certain times to do some contribution to history but they have no weight in the work: Beata 1, Beata 2, Sacristan, the author, Don Mirlo, Mozo de la Faja and Mozo del Sombrero.

We hope that this article has been able to help you and that you now know better the characters of The prodigious shoemaker. If you are interested in continuing to learn more about books, do not hesitate to consult our reading section.

Characters of The Prodigious Shoemaker - Secondary characters of The Prodigious Shoemaker
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