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The 10 best Psychologists for Companies in Seville

The center mindgram of psychology for companies is the integral solution of well-being and mental health for companies and employees who may be going through a period of difficulty, present conflicts at the organizational level or psychological alterations of all type.

The center is made up of a team of therapists specialized in providing a quality psychological care service 24 hours a day through the online modality and based on the application of the best efficacy therapies proven.

In this center you will find several workshops for the improvement of mental or emotional health and some of its main intervention therapy specialties individual are cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, deficits in anger management, family conflicts and work conflicts of all.

The Psychologist and Coach Ruben Camacho He has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, has a Master's degree in Coaching and Talent Management and is specialist in accompanying processes of change and self-knowledge in any person who requests their services.

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This professional directs the online personal development school Empoderamiento Humano, where he attends to people and companies that can present self-esteem deficits, relationship difficulties, emotional management deficits, lack of productivity or deficits in the management of the wrath.

The General Health Psychologist Maria Rojas-Marcos She is a specialist in applying the best scientifically supported therapies and in her sessions she integrates Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Third Generation Therapies.

Her intervention is offered both online and in person and in her sessions she attends to cases of anxiety, depression, obsessions, addictions, traumas, family conflicts, stress and illness Chronicles.

The General Health Psychologist and Coach Caroline Marin She is federated by the FEAP and throughout her more than 19-year career she has specialized in serving both online and in person to executives and companies that can request their services.

Her intervention is based on the joint application of highly effective therapies, with which she treats cases anxiety, emotional difficulties, family conflicts, mourning, stress and coping processes. divorce.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, she has a Master's degree in Relational Psychology and also has a Case Supervision Training Course.

The psychologist and psychotherapist Mariola Moreno She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, she has a Master's degree in Coaching and Conflict Resolution, a She has a master's degree in Applied Clinical Neuropsychology and also has a First Aid Training Course in Psychology.

This professional has specialized throughout her career in offering her services both online and in person to people of all ages who may have any type of marital crisis, social relationship difficulties or problems emotional.

His intervention is based on the application of the best current therapeutic techniques and in his sessions he also attends conflictive relationships, emotional dependence, breakups, low self-esteem, family conflicts and stress.

The Personal and Executive Coach Nieves Rodriguez Throughout his long career, he has specialized in providing a coaching service for companies, executives and employees through the application of the most effective therapies.

His intervention is adapted at all times to the needs of each of his clients and some of his main specialties are conflict or team management, change or time management, leadership, anxiety, low self-esteem and stress.

This professional has a Master's Degree in Personal-Executive and Business Coaching, a Master's Degree in NLP, another Master's Degree in Mindfulness and has Training Courses in Holistic Coaching and Mindfulness Coaching.

The Mentor & Coach Manuel Fernandez Jaria He graduated in Humanities from the UDL, has a Master's degree in Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare, a Postgraduate degree in Emotional Intelligence for Organizations and an Expert Training Course in Coaching, Emotional Intelligence and NLP.

For more than 25 years, this professional has specialized in serving managers and entrepreneurs who wish to improve their results both personally and professionally and currently their intervention is offered in a on-line.

Some of her main specialties are leadership deficits, low self-esteem, team management, emotional or relational difficulties, stress management and change.

The General Health Psychologist Maribel Del Rio Lopez run the center Psychologists Malaga PsicoAbreu, from where he attends through the online modality and together with several specialized therapists to companies that can present any type of specific query.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and in her sessions she deals with cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, marital crises and disorders food.

the psychologist lola garcia She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, she has an International Certification in Professional Coaching, another in She coaches Teams and is a specialist in E-Learning, negotiation, Project Management, professional and personal development, and leadership.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in helping companies get the most out of their employees and resolve any type of alteration they may present.

Her main intervention specialties include stress reduction, team management, training, goal setting, emotional management and the design of personalized programs for each business.

the psychologist Laura Nunez Serrano attends both online and in person to companies, executives and employees who may have self-esteem deficits, anxiety, emotional or relationship difficulties, labor conflicts or who request support in processes of personal growth or professional.

Laura has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, has more than 20 years of experience behind her and is a specialist in Psychoanalysis.

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