Education, study and knowledge

What is water pollution

Welcome to a teacher, in today's video we are going to continue with the ecology block, and we are going to discover What is water pollution.

Water is one of the most precious resources in our world because we need it, and because the world is what it is thanks to the amount of water there is.

Water moves on land and within organisms following a cycle, the water cycle. Therefore, we are interested that the water is in good condition, since we use water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, watering, and living. What happens then when the quality of the water gets worse and even toxic? It happens that life is seriously compromised.

The main water pollutants They are:

- Microorganisms

- Detergents and fertilizers rich in phosphates

- Pesticide (DDT)

- Inorganic products (nitrate, nitrite, fluoride, arsenic, mercury ...)

- Petroleum and derivatives (tar, fuel oils ...)

If you have any questions or comments about qwhat is the water pollution, you can do it through our website. And if you want to practice more, you will find below this video, some printable exercises with solutions for you to do.

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