Education, study and knowledge

What is land pollution

Welcome to a teacher, in today's video we are going to continue with the ecology block, and we are going to explain what is land pollution.

In the previous videos you can find what pollutes the air Y what pollutes the water. In this video we are going to talk specifically about when the geosphere, the solid part of the earth, becomes contaminated.

The earth has the capacity to regenerate and clean the waste that goes to it, since before the human being existed, organisms such as animals and plants, already produced waste, and the earth can process it. The problem is when we exploit the land and its resources too much, and waste accumulates. Because those wastes need time to be degraded.

The main contaminants They are:

- Plastics

- Organic material

- Pesticides

- Seepage, sewage, manholes

- Radioactivity

- Oil and byproducts

- Heavy metals

If you have any questions or comments about what is land pollution, you can do it through our website. And if you want to practice more, you will find below this video, some printable exercises with solutions for you to do.

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