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The 10 best Psychologists for Companies in Spain

The Psychologist and Consultant Thomas Saint Cecilia He directs the CECOPS Psychological Consulting Center, one of the most prestigious centers in the field of consulting and psychology aimed at companies.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, a therapy with proven efficacy with which he treats cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders, stress, marital crises and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, has a Master's degree in Psychology Advanced Cognitive-behavioral and also has a Postgraduate in the Treatment and Intervention of Anxiety and Stress.

The platform mindgram of psychology for companies is a comprehensive solution offered 24 hours a day for all types of organizations that want to improve the emotional well-being, mental health and performance of their employees.

The center's team of professionals is at the complete disposal of each of its clients 365 days a year and between its services The most outstanding is the psychological support through a direct chat and the offering of workshops for the improvement of mental health or emotional.

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Some of the main intervention specialties of the center are cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress, family conflicts, deficits in coping skills and deficits in managing Of anger.

The psychologist Francesc Porta Nunez He has specialized throughout his extensive career in serving companies and professionals who may need support to improve some aspect of their performance at work.

His intervention is based on the application of sports, business and psychological methodologies, with which he treats cases of anxiety, depression, personal and professional performance deficits, stress, lack of leadership, emotional management deficits, mindfulness and development of skills.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and a Master's degree in Executive-Sports Coaching and High Performance Psychology from Unisport Management School.

The psychologist enhamed enhamed He graduated in Psychology from the European University of Madrid, has a Master's degree in Internet Business, a Specialist Master in Coaching and Personal Development and is trained in Mindfulness and Meditation Therapy.

This professional has specialized throughout his career in offering a psychological training service oriented towards to depression, anxiety, resilience deficits, marital crises, low self-esteem and conflicts relatives.

Her work is largely based on her personal experience and in addition to offering a psychology and coaching is also an expert in providing various courses and conferences specialized in resilience and growth staff.

The General Health Psychologist Marisa Parcerisa Carenas She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy, a Master's Degree in Intervention in Learning Disabilities and a Diploma in EMDR Therapist level Clinical.

This professional offers her services to people of all ages and also companies that request it, applying proven highly effective therapies at all times such as EMDR Therapy or Cycle Integration vital.

Some of her main intervention specialties are cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, emotional dependence, depression, eating disorders, codependency and the traumas.

The General Health Psychologist Marian Garcia Ariguel She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Master's degree in General Health Psychology and a Doctorate in Research from the UNED.

This professional has a great career as a consultant specializing in Leadership and Change Management executives and organizations, and currently provides a Clinical Psychology service to all types of Business.

The Psychologist and Coach Ruben Camacho He is the director of the Empoderamiento Humano platform, an online personal development school that serves managers, management teams, professionals and companies.

His intervention integrates coaching together with other effective orientations, with which he attends to the difficulties emotional problems, low self-esteem, codependency, relational difficulties and deficits in managing emotional.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, has a Master's degree in Coaching and Talent and is a specialist in applying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Therapy Cognitive-behavioral.

The Psychologist and Coach Jorge Juan Garcia Insua She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and a Master's degree in Coaching from EAE Business School.

This professional has a career spanning more than 20 years and currently offers an online and face-to-face intervention aimed at people who may present cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, development of social skills, codependency, family conflicts or divorce.

The Psychologist and Coach Esther Fernandez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master's degree in Human Resources, a Training Course in Anxiety Disorders and another in Coach Psychology.

His intervention is based on the joint application of coaching together with other effective guidelines with which he attends the cases of anxiety, depression, couple crises, divorce processes, low self-esteem, stress and conflicts relatives.

The Health Psychologist James Esteve Perez He is the coordinator of the Mental Area Psychology and Neuroscience Center and in his sessions he applies the most advanced therapies and techniques. Advanced treatments for anxiety, stress, depression, chronic pain, emotional difficulties, and crises of couple

This professional has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the UNED, is an expert in Neuroleadership and has with Training Courses in Creativity and Lateral Thinking, in Neurorehabilitation and in the treatment of gonna.

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