What life experiences bring us closer to depression?
To address the subject of depression, I would like us to take into account the origin of the word; this helps us to know a little more about how it has been perceived over time.
When there was no information like today about mood swings, it was thought that everything revolved around magic and empirical therapies, such as diets, walks, music, art...
Depression, according to the origin of the Latin word "dejection", is one of the oldest known disorders in the history of mankind. Formerly, it was known as "melancholy" and that term was used until the Renaissance. By the year 1725 the word depression was already used, now in force. With the advent of modern medicine, it is considered a form of mood disorder that does not allow us to lead a life or perform in a usual way.
Currently It is estimated that 10% of the population will become depressed at some time in their lives.. Today, due to various phenomena such as over-information, problems with the use of social networks, the dynamics arising from movements social and even environmental factors and new diseases, we can feel much more vulnerable to this condition in any moment.
- Related article: "Major depression: symptoms, causes and treatment"
What experiences bring us closer to depression?
It is considered that for a person to reach a depressive state, they had to undergo at least one vital change perceived as unpleasant. In this sense, a series of classifications has been proposed that can help us structure them.
1. Vital Changes
These refer to a life change in which the individual is negatively affected; a failed relationship, an illness, job loss or inconsistency, etc.
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2. Accumulation of small losses
They are small moments over time they become more and more constant until a tolerance limit is reached.
3. behavioral change breakdown
They occur when there are environmental changes such as: change of house, place of residence, change of school, change of job, change of social or family circle...
4. Increase in quantity or quality of aversion
There is an increase in negative aspects in the environment, such as increased work, pressure for exams, stress, toxic relationships, health crises...

5. Loss of symbolic reinforcers
There are circumstances that make people stop believing in values such as justice, a religious belief or something important that was believed.
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Elements that keep us from depression
There are other factors that also affect the person and can contribute to overcoming depression, such as the following.
1. Lifestyle
The person must find emotional balance; when the negative factors weigh more, that is when symptoms of depression arise.
To counteract it is important that people do pleasant activities, and have interaction with people who somehow inspire and motivate rather than drag you down.
2. raise your self esteem
When we achieve this aspect in life, we know that we are valuable enough to aspire to exciting goals and we do not allow ourselves to focus our thoughts on the negative aspects that are presented to us. In this way we can solve the problems that surround us and not take the bad things that happen to us so seriously, to prevent them from affecting us so deeply. Be careful, I am not saying that these experiences do not matter to us, but that we see other perspectives to address the difficulties in a constructive way.
3. Eliminate the feeling of guilt
We are often immersed in guilt, and mitigating it is important to take control of the situation and not remain paralyzed by discomfort.
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4. Finding suitable social support
Perhaps many of us feel that we do not belong to a group, or even to our family, where at times we feel inadequate. But with the support of a professional we can greatly improve social skills or even eradicate that style of thinking that feeds pessimism and loneliness.
5. Avoid substance abuse
There has always been talk about the damage that drugs and/or alcoholic beverages can cause. Over the years we increasingly see its use as something everyday; it is common that if someone refuses a drink, they feel socially displaced.
But let me tell you that in addition to the physical damage that drugs generate in the body, the state of mind plummets to the bottom of the sea; it seems that they serve to lift our spirits, but at the end of its effect what it does is make us feel depressed.
If we add that to our emotional state of depression, a very harmful cocktail is created.
Faced with this kind of combination of problems, it is necessary to contact a professional to be able to attack the root problem in an adequate way.
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6. Avoid social media abuse
Maybe you follow people who arouse that feeling of depression and you had not realized it. It's good stop following certain accounts that arouse those negative feelings in you.
Do not compare yourself with anyone, what you see on social networks should not govern your mood. To achieve this I invite you to raise your self-esteem, and remember that it is very important to continue on your way without always looking to the sides.