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How to build healthy relationships: 10 keys to strengthen the bond

It is known that having healthy relationships and an active social life is favorable for mental health, since it has been shown that the lack of relationships is closely related to psychological distress and the development of some mental disorders, such as mood disorders. cheer up.

For this reason, it is convenient to keep in mind some tips on how to build healthy relationships, among which you can find the following: be kind, listen, empathize, show respect, provide support, share hobbies, ask for forgiveness, own up to your own actions, not be controlling with others and other tips that we will see more go ahead.

In this article we will see some tips for building healthy relationships, in order to promote good mental health.

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Tips for building healthy relationships

Building healthy relationships takes time, it is not something that is done from one day to the next, since for this First, it would be necessary to get to know each other carefully and for this it is necessary that both people put their part. Besides,

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no relationship is perfect, although a healthy relationship is not about everything being perfect, but about making both people feel good by maintaining that relationship most of the time.

To build healthy relationships, you need more than just attraction or having connected in the beginning, so below we are going to explain some of them. tips that can be useful when building a healthy relationship with another person or with a group of people when it comes to a group of friends. These tips can also be taken into account when it comes to having healthy relationships with family members.

1. Be kind, express gratitude and convey confidence

The first tip to keep in mind when trying to build healthy relationships is to behave kindly with others in a selfless manner. For this you have to be polite, cordial and attentive to others, without expecting anything in return, instead of trying to demand that others behave towards oneself as expected, since by being selflessly kind we will be able to feel good about ourselves and that attitude will be conducive to developing healthy and lasting relationships.

At the same time, a person who has poise, who shows a friendly but disinterested attitude, will be a person who tends to convey trust towards the people with whom you have any kind of relationship (partner, friendship or any other kind).

Another important aspect is expressing gratitude to others, since no one likes to feel unappreciated and sometimes it is enough to say a simple thank you! Likewise, it is just as important to ask for forgiveness when we have made a mistake and to know how to forgive, without rancor, when the other person has apologized to us.

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2. To listen

The second essential piece of advice is to practice active listening; It is not enough to simply listen passively to what others are trying to communicate to us, it must be done actively. This means that we must try to understand everything that they intend to transmit to us, paying attention to the details. and trying to understand their feelings and their state of mind at the moment in which they are expressing themselves with us.

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3. empathize

This third piece of advice to keep in mind when wanting to know how to build healthy relationships has a close relationship with the previous one, since we could say that they go hand in hand and it is none other than trying to empathize, so that we relate to others empathically and compassionately, putting ourselves in the place of others and understanding that each one has their own circumstances and that ours are not without more importance than those of others. Empathizing with others makes it easier for us to establish healthy, deep and also lasting bonds.

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4. Respect and act responsibly

Respecting the other and others in general would be the fourth piece of advice to keep in mind when wanting to know how to build healthy relationships, which consists of accept others as they are and treat them with dignity, being one of the bases to establish healthy and lasting relationships.

They should own their own actions and also admit mistakes (or being wrong). Likewise, acting responsibly also goes along the line that when someone gives their word to another person whom they appreciate, they must keep it.

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5. communicate well

When wondering how to build healthy relationships, keep in mind that it is advisable to communicate well with others. This is not equivalent to speaking in good manners, but rather it consists of going further and ensuring that when you are angry about something, take a deep breath and think twice about what you are going to say, before he says something that would later be repeated, potentially hurting other people's feelings.

This does not imply that we should remain silent, but it is advisable to think before speaking and thus assess what would be the best way to communicate things without trying to harm others. Communicate openly and honestly, trying to be assertive, definitely. Also, communicating well, talking about how you feel and your likes and dislikes, helps build trust in a relationship and can thus strengthen it.

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6. share hobbies

It is advisable to look for hobbies that are equally interesting for both members of a relationship., as it could be a great way to spend time together (p. g., doing mountain routes, visiting museums, going to the gym, playing paddle tennis, traveling, etc.).

Tips for creating healthy relationships

It doesn't matter what kind of hobby it is, as long as it's one that both members enjoy. To know which ones both or several members might like (in case we are talking about establishing healthy relationships within a group of friends or between the members of the family) it would be necessary to try different things until finding hobbies that everyone likes and can enjoy them in company.

As you come up with ideas about hobbies that could be shared, you can get to know the other people in the group better, that can be favorable to establish closer relationships while generating quality time in company.

  • Related article: "23 hobbies to do at home and have fun"

7. Give support

Being supportive is one of the most important pieces of advice to keep in mind when building healthy relationships, since it is essential that within a relationship you can count on the other person, in the good and in the bad. This involves listening without judgment, trying to understand each other, taking into account the other person's opinions, supporting the other person when they have made an important decision, etc.

On the other hand, supporting others also consists of motivating them, encouraging them, accompanying them and always being there in their worst moments to help them in whatever is in our power to get ahead or simply show them that we are there to listen to them and for what need.

8. Set limits

Setting limits would be another piece of advice to keep in mind when wanting to understand how to build healthy relationships, in the sense that it is important that each member of a relationship, group of friends or member of a family delimits the personal space of her, of way that excessive dependency does not develop between the different members. If the latter happens, it is likely that these people will isolate themselves from others and end up developing a toxic relationship.

9. trust the other party

Trusting the other party and that this is reciprocal is a very important advice to take into account when looking for how to build healthy relationships, since, otherwise, it is It is likely that insecurities, limiting beliefs and/or negative thoughts associated with emotional bonds will begin to emerge that will only harm the relationship. In case of detecting any distrust, it is essential to try to detect the origin in order to solve the problem and put an end to it.

10. Don't be controllers

Not being controllers is another very relevant piece of advice to keep in mind when wondering how to build healthy relationships, and for this it is important not fall into a fit of jealousy for the slightest uncertainty, since it would only lead us to be continually suspicious of the other person and in tension for things that are possibly only the fruit of our imagination. This excessive mistrust can lead to us wanting to control where the other person is at all times and with whom, carrying out toxic actions such as inspecting the mobile.

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